Chapter 12

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A few days went by, Adam came back to "S" and declared a tournament. I decided to put my name in and Kojiro did too. Reki had stopped coming to the "S" nights and stayed home. I knew something was off about him. He didn't have his spark anymore too. I wanted to talk to him but decided not to. Even I didn't know how to fix my lost spark. Well, I was getting close. I had an idea about what to do but I'm not sure to go through with it. 

Tonight was the first night and no one knew who was going to go against who yet. We had to find that out at the skateboarding scene location. I got ready in the normal order: putting my white hakamashita kimono over my chest and my hakama pants over my legs. I wrapped the yellow belt around my pants to secure it there. I continued to get dressed for the tournament. I bent over, gathering my hair into a tight ponytail, a few pieces of hair left out to frame my face. I switched out my glasses with contacts and put my shoes on. I grabbed Carla and drove to the destination. 

Once I was there, there were many skaters and bystanders already there. Some practiced on the ramps, warming up, some stood around and conversed with their friends. More skaters started coming in after fifteen minutes. Adam showed up after another ten minutes, he popped out of a stage that was put into the skating scene. He announced the first competitors, Shadow and Harry. 

The two went ahead and started up the beginning of the tournament. It went on for a bit before Shadow made it clear he wanted to win by using his laser into the eyes of his competitor. Everyone cheered for him. Once the two got back, the skaters went back over to the stage that Adam stood on. He picked the next card, tapping his feet to show his excitement. It was Snow. The Matador of Love picked the next card, showing his disappointment on his face of the competitor for Langa. The name that the card had was Joe's. Joe was going against Langa. I stepped back from the stage. I found Joe a few feet away and grabbed his wrist. 

" What are you doing, idiot? I'm about to-" Joe tried to resist but I wouldn't let go.

" Just shut up!" I ordered, walking to an isolated area, close to the exit.

" Where are we going?" He asked, looking back and forth between me and the crowd of people waiting for him.  

" Somewhere quiet, I need to tell you something," I told him, dragging his body behind me (a/n that could be taken out of context i-). " So just be patient, you miserable oaf." We finally stopped close to the gates. We both took a moment to catch our breath. 

" Jeez, what could be so important that you had to dra-" My hands went up to his neck, I kissed him. My eyes were closed, I couldn't see his reaction. I could hear people shouting to find out where we were. Our lips separated. Joe was speechless. It was a quick kiss.

" Good luck," I said and hurried back over to the crowd of people. I could hear Joe try to call after me but I kept moving forward. I made my way back over to where Shadow and Miya were standing. It took a few minutes for Joe to come over, his eyes searching for someone. I kept my eyes on the big screen, waiting for the competitors to start racing. The stoplight turned green and the skaters immediately started, not wanting any time to waste.

Everyone started cheering at the two excellent skaters competing. They started out fast and at each other's tails. Under my mask, I bite my lip nervously. My composure was calm on the outside but I was anxious. I didn't want anyone to get hurt. And I knew Joe wouldn't pull nasty tricks like Adam. I just watched, making comments and notes in my head as the two raced against each other. I watched as Joe and Langa got closer to a turn. I knew what he would do and I was correct. Everyone cheered as Joe made his Power Break move and continued racing ahead of the teenager. 

" No matter how much I tell him, he always does some dumb move," I thought out loud. 

" You think?" Shadow asked. I nodded.

" The angle he enters is weak," I explained to them, adding more details and saying what could make him better. Although Miya and Shadow didn't care, I wanted to point it out.

You better win, Joe. If you don't you won't be able to compete against Adam. I know how much you want that. So win, you miserable gorilla!

 So win, you miserable gorilla!

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I'm sorry i just had the idea and wanted to do it

this is the only chapter that'll have the palm trees i swear

anyways enjoy lol


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