Chapter 47.1

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Continuation of Sasuke's flashback

"Where are you?" I phone called Yahiko as he made me wait down to the streets telling he would be here on time. Yahiko says in his cheerful voice,"I was buying cigarettes. I will be there in minutes." My patience is running thin.

Gaara who is in a leather jacket is leaning against his motorbike, standing patiently unlike me. Gaara is suited to come to that club accompanying me. I thought of Shikamaru too but he lacks physical strength.

After some minutes Yahiko shows up. He has that annoying smile on his face. I tell him smirking weirdly,"Seems like you are enjoying seeing me all worked up." Yahoo says chuckling,"When will I get another chance to see the mighty Sasuke Uchiha being so restless?"

Yahiko says checking Gaara out who is behind me,"He took his motorbike?" I tell him,"Yes." Seeing the car he parked right there, I tell him,"I'll take your car." Yahiko says looking amused,"Don't you need permission from me for that?" I tell him as I hear toward his car,"I'll be the one to pay you later."

Yahiko is the one driving his car while Gaara is the one following us from behind. I'm undercover as people can recognise my face and it will cause great trouble if this gets to father's ears. The music Yahiko is playing is causing me headache.

I snapped at him even though I wanted to keep my temper in check,"Will you stop your noisy music?" Yahiko says almost not paying attention,"You are the one who lost your lover, my life is okay here." Is he trying to rub salt on my newly made wounds?

Yahiko says as he was close to reach the destination,"You have to unmask yourself now otherwise they won't let you in thinking you as someone suspicious." I was planning to do that even if Yahiko didn't say me to do so.

After some minutes we reached the entering path which is an alley. Yahiko says after parking his car at a little distance and seemed like he handed the key to some guy who was standing over there,"Follow me carefully."

Gaara who also parked his bike at the parking lot at a little distance as the bike is supposed to be his life that he is afraid to loose. Gaara and I both were quiet obediently following Yahiko who is walking ahead of us.

After walking a few more seconds we see the usual sight of a club. But this is anything but a normal club. Yahiko says,"Will you wait here for me?" I ask him,"Where are you going?" Yahiko says,"I have to talk to the bouncer at first."

I see him leaving us in the dark narrow alley. Gaara asks me,"Are you sure that you won't be getting into trouble?" I tell him,"I'm risking it, ain't I?" Gaara mutters that is pretty much hearable,"This is crazy."

After few minutes keeping us in the dark, Yahiko comes back. He seems to be giggling. So much just to enter a club. Yahiko says cheerfully,"I'm surprised that Sasuke Uchiha is being patient. However, you don't have to wait anymore."Yahiko motions for me to follow him once again.

Right after reaching the huge door that is closed and one huge guy standing in front of it like some stone tries to cause some troubles. Yahiko says to him,"But I had a talk with the bouncer." The guy says stubbornly,"I don't care. I was ordered to check everyone."

He says coming forward,"Lift your arms." Yahiko brings his face close to my ears whispering,"He wants to check if we are armed." Suddenly I did something which made both of them surprised.

I yelled,"How dare he try to search my body. Does he know who I am!" The guard says,"Sir, I said I don't care." I kept yelling,"I'm the young master of the Uchiha family, son of Fugaku Uchiha. Do you know what I can do to you!"

Gaara starts to restrain me as I was acting violent. He says whispering,"Stop it, Sasuke. You are embarrassing us." The guard is on his toes now. Seems like I let out some interesting information.

While Gaara was worrying about how I'm embarrassing ourselves, Yahiko was busy observing my activities. He knows this isn't like me. He knows that very well.

The security guard eventually let us in. Gaara was walking ahead of us and Yahiko is beside me walking matching my pace. He asks me as his shoulder brushes my mine,"What was that there?" I tell him,"Nothing."

Yahiko shrugs his shoulders not going deeper. He says,"Well, drinks here are on another level. Why don't we drown ourselves into it?" I tell him gritting my teeth,"We can't do that now."

Yahiko says smirking,"There's no way I'll let you go off without buying me drinks. I'll make your pocket empty tonight, Sasuke." Saying that he sends a wink that sent goosebumps to my body, not in a good way.

Yahiko surely drank to his heart's content. But he's a heavy drinker and still can walk as if he's sober. I can't let him get drunk until he takes me to the fight arena. I ask him,"Where is it Yahiko? Take me to the arena." Yahiko says,"Don't be eager. The arena is still not full yet I'm sure."

The rest are in the next chapter

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