Chapter 54

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Naruto's POV

"What are you doing!" Ino yells. Sai says,"Let go!" It's been minutes they are engaged in some kind of silly fight. The staff members from the shop are staring at them acting childish that doesn't really go with their ages. It's a good thing that Sasuke isn't here who would whoop their asses in an instant.

I smile nervously at the manager of the shop as she's also doing the same. Kiba is beside me with his head low and in his mind he's dying out of embarrassment, I'm very much sure of that. The manager says pointing to the custom made suit,"This is the best we have." Kiba says,"Yes, please don't consider anything about money. I want the best in here." As he's smirking, I was thinking how proud he's to show his wealth off. Such a sly bastard.

The manager says,"We have another one." Kiba says loudly,"No! This one will do for me. I think I'll look cool in black. Let's choose for the groomsmen." The manager says smilingly,"Sure. Let's go over there."

Kiba says sighing,"I know I'm taking too much time but you'll have to accompany me to the bakery I know. Their cakes are the best." Sai says rolling his eyes,"Dumbass, we all took our days off for you." Kiba says,"Yeah, I was expecting that from you anyway."

I never knew Kiba could be this much picky. He would go from store to store to buy one thing. Except for me and Neji all of them are proud to be loud. One our way, I got a call from Sasuke. The name 'Fiance' with a heart beside it floats on the screen. As I picked up the phone, I hear his soft cold voice,"Naruto..."

"Yes, I'm here." I responded. Sasuke asks,"Are you still with them?" I reply,"Yeah, Kiba is taking all his time. Have you eaten your lunch by the way?" Sasuke says,"No, I don't really have much time in my hand. I'll have to deal with the presentation before his wedding." I tell him chuckling softly,"I'm sorry that for me you have to work this hard. But please don't skip your meals or I'll get real angry."

Sasuke says letting out a small cute chuckle,"I won't. How about you come here to feed me?" I grin sheepishly. I ask him,"Will you be happy then?" Sasuke says as if he's really surprised,"What? You'll really stop by?" I ask him,"Why? Didn't you want me to?" Sasuke says,"Yes! I'll be waiting in my office." After that conversation, he hung up the phone. Shopping with them is over anyway.

Sai dropped me by the building of Uchiha company. On my way, I bought something suitable for him to eat. He said he didn't like the food from the canteen. As I make my way to the elevator, people start to recognise me just by seeing my face. They always bow their heads or say nice things whenever they see me in the building. They treat me as if I'm Sasuke's wife.

I reached the floor where Sasuke's office room is. The room which is for the CEO. I knock on the door softly. I hear his voice from inside,"Come in." When I opened the door, I see him tapping something on the laptop with such speed. When he noticed me, he immediately stopped working. A warm smile spreads on his face.

He speaks,"You are here." I make my way near his table. As I put the package over the table, he asks me,"Did you have fun?" I reply to him,"I did." Sasuke says as his possessive and jealous side takes over him,"How can you have fun when I miss you the whole day?" I tell him as I take his lap as my seat,"I miss you as much as you miss me." Sasuke smirks as I bring my face close to his soft lips to plant a kiss on them.

I tell him,"I bought sushi for you. Later I'll bring you homemade food. Should I feed you?" Sasuke says nodding,"Yes I'm hungry." But what he did made gasp. He lifts my shirt up exposing my chest and licks my exposed nipples. I ask him,"What are you doing? You said you are hungry." He says shamelessly,"Yes, time to eat you now."

He unbuttoned my shirt with his skillful hands and nibble on my chest. I speak,"What if someone comes in?" Sasuke replies giving his full attention to my already hard nipples,"Nobody will do that." After sucking and licking them as if those are something he was craving for, he says,"Sex in the office room, isn't bad." I slap his hand away as those were trying to go into my pants.

I tell him,"No more." He says,"Why not? We did it before." I tell him,"Last time, your secretary was standing outside as you kept her waiting like that." Sasuke says,"So what? This place is mine. I can have sex anywhere. How about a quickie?" I sigh.

I can't help but give in. His sexy face is what I'm so weak for. Even after going this far with him, I'm still the same Naruto who is head over heels for him. The same Naruto who can't help but be jealous to see Sasuke being so popular. Wherever he goes, he's the center of attention. If only he was just mine to see. But I also know that in that heart of his, there is only me. Nobody else.

As I was told to head back, I did as he said. He still has loads of work to finish so that he can join us in the wedding. It's not like he's eager to go, it's just for me to be happy. They can think Sasuke as their friends but I'm not quite sure if Sasuke thinks the same way as them. I don't mind it. Sasuke has always been someone who is out of everyone's reach. I'll let him be that way. That's why he's unique. It's fine as long as he's mine.

As I was parking the car at the garage, I couldn't really notice a man sitting on the porch with his head low. After so many ears, my eyes are quite damaged. As I got closer, I found the man to be Neji. He looks down. He has never come in this house. I speak,"What are you doing here like this? You could have called."

Neji looks up. He doesn't really look all good. The gloominess is covering him from head to toe. Neji has always been a dull person. But today he looks even more dull. I tell him,"Let me open the door. Come inside." This Neji isn't the same as before. This Neji is a man of a few words and polite. This Neji only knows to follow Sai around.

I gave him a glass of orange juice to drink. He was sitting on the couch with his head low. I take the seat facing him. I ask him,"What happened? You don't look good." I wonder what happened in this short time. I saw him just a few hours ago. He was okay then but now he looks sick.

I see his lips shaking but seems like he's unable to utter anymore word. I sigh. I tell him,"Look, I know we are not really comfortable or close with each other. But I count you as my friend after all these years. You can count on me." Neji sighs in response as well. He speaks in his cold voice,"Well... You know about me liking Sai. Don't you?"

I tell him as if it's a fact,"We all do."
He says,"Do I act like some asshole around him or do anything that can make me look bad?" I shake my head. Neji has changed the most among us that is hard to deny. Once who was a very violent person in now a ambitious office worker. He says,"Then why does he push me away whenever I try to take a step to build a relationship?"

He continues,"I know I'm not the best person. But I'm trying to fix everything wrong in me. So why..." I feel bad to see him so down, so low. He speaks,"Is it really true that he likes you till now?" I gasp. I tell him,"Bullshit. He's just a bit fond of me. Nothing more than that." Why does everyone think that way? Sai can never like me in that way, I believe.

Neji says,"Naruto, I'm not trying to put pressure on you. I thought you are the only one who could understand me." I was silent yet my full attention was on him. He asks,"Do I look bad?" I tell him even though it's uncomfortable to answer,"No... You are a fine man indeed." Neji says,"Then there should be no reason left."

I don't know what to say to him. I don't know the reason for Sai to push Neji away. I don't think that Sai is capable of holding grudges. He even treats Neji nicely as he treats Kiba. And about them assuming that Sai likes me, this assumption has become something normal to me as I've heard this too much from too many people. I've never heard a direct confession from him. I believe there is something else.

I speak,"I don't know if you can wait for him more. But I will suggest you to not to rush. Sai has a carefree soul. He wouldn't want to be in someone's hold. You and Sasuke are very similar in this. You want to possess the thing you want. Don't do this. Because this is suffocating to the other person."

He was listening to my instructions like a little boy in front his teacher. I keep saying,"Approach him smoothly and nicely. Treat him good. If he wants you, he'll lean on you a bit more. I know him. He's a goofball but he's a sucker for affection."

I managed to cheer Neji up a little, that's what I believe. I asked him to have dinner with us but he's afraid that Sasuke will get angry. The relationship between them is still sour. As I bid him goodbye, I turned my back intending to head to my room.

After taking a shower, I slumped on my bed. My eyelids were heavy causing me to drift into sleep quickly. But I woke up after a few hours with the touch of someone's soft lips all over my face. When I opened my eyes, his angel like face was over me. This is heavenly. How could I capture the heart of a man who is this beautiful? How could I have heaven, being in this world?

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