Chapter 15

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"Amilia? Is that really you?"

"I, uh, yes, Oglm it is."

"How are you, I thought you were dead."

"I was."

"Mom?" They looked to Lavina.

"Oh Lavina, my sweet little child." Amilia knelt down to her level. Lavina slowly walked up to her but then gave her a hug.

"Is it really you?"

"It is."

"Are you alright now? Can you stay?"

"Yes honey I can." Amilia took her out of the hug and put her hand on her cheek. "Oh you're so beautiful." Lavina put her hands on top of Amilia's. "Oh don't cry sweetheart, it's alright."

"I'm just so happy to meet you." Lavina hugged her again. After a few minutes Lavina let go of her and whipped her tears away.

"How did this happen?" Oglm asked.

"I don't know Oglm."

"I stepped in some kind of spell circle when the gargoyle was chasing me."

"Gar- gargoyle!? What did you do Lavina?!"

"Nothing, mom said it was drugged."

"His veins were popping out of his face."

"We're they colored Amilia?"

"Yes, dad, they were."

"Oh my god." Oglm said.


"This is going to get very confusing." Amilia and Lavina looked at each other. "You both call me dad."


"Oh yeah."

"Dad? Where's Jasvinder?"

"He- uh, he never came for Lavina Amilia. I haven't seen him in fifteen years."

"Did, did he at least call? Do you know your fathers voice?" Lavina shook her head at her.

"I've never spoken to him or seen him before."

"No, no, no Jasvinder isn't that type of man, he has to be around here somewhere."

"Afraid not Amilia. He's gone, he's been gone."

Amilia sighed. "What about Jacob, hm? Lavina where's your brother?"

"My... brother?"

"I didn't know you had a son, Amilia."

"Oh no."


"I gotta find him."

"What are we going to do Amilia?"

"I- I don't know, Oglm. I have to figure things out about my job and getting a house, and-"

"Don't tell me you're going to leave again." Amilia looked to Lavina.

"No, no of course not. I kind of need money to do anything and my account, if it's still there, will only last so long."

"Well one things for sure is you can stay here as long as you want, you know that. As for your job, I might know a guy."

Amilia laughed, "When don't you?"

"Well I will have to get in contact with him, so I suppose I can leave you two alone to spend some time together."

"Don't tell anyone I'm back, I don't need everyone to rush up here and smother me all at once." Amilia looked at Lavina. "Look at you! You're so tall."


"And you have such a beautiful voice." Amilia knelt down on the ground. "Are you alright, honey?"

"I, uh, yeah, yeah." She paused . "This is all just overwhelming. My brain is kind of screaming on the inside."

"Oh! I'm sorry."

"No, no! I- I'm really happy. Now I can get to know you and stuff like that."

"Well, Lavina, you want to pick out my room?" Amilia extended her hand to her. Lavina grabbed her hand and then led her up the stairs. She opened the door to one of the rooms (the one next to hers).

"How about this one?"

"Oh it's just perfect, Lavina." Amilia went over and sat down on the bed. Lavina looked at Amilia. "You can come over if you want to Lavina."

"Ok." Lavina went over and sat next to her mother. Then she put her head onto her shoulder. Amilia touched Lavina's head and stroked her hair.

"Oh your hair is so soft."

"Yeah, I use shampoo and conditioner." Lavina grabbed onto her mothers arm and then looked up at her.

"I suppose this is a dream come true, hm?"

"The best dream I could ever wish for."

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