Chapter 39

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"Good morning, you two!"

"Mom's gone again?"


"How did she act when she saw you last night?"

"Oh, words were said." He paused. "And if she asks, you're sick Anghi. So you called me since you realized she wasn't home all that much and that you didn't want to bother her and all."

"And what sickness do I have, exactly?"

"Well, it's more of a condition than a sickness, I suppose. I told her that you started having these awful allergic reactions, with hives and everything like that."

"Oh- how, fun." Lavina took a bite of the omelet he made and then put her fork back down. When he looked at her she smiled.

"You two better be going now, you don't want to be late for school." Just then his phone rang.

Jasvinder groaned. "Ugh, Joshua." He grinned, clenching his teeth together. "Joshua, for Christ's sake, can't you leave me alone?" He sighed again. "No, Joshua," he started, grabbing the kids' bags. He helped put them on as much as he could, with him holding his phone and all. They laughed at him, but then started walking towards the door. Lavina opened it and let her brother out first.
"Wow," Anghi started, "He's not a good cook, is he?"

Lavina laughed, "No he is not."

"So what do you want to do tonight?"

"I don't know."

"What do you think is going to happen?"

"Happen? What are you talking about?"

"Well, with Ophelia."

"I don't think anything will." She shook her head. "I mean, why bother with something that's not causing you any trouble? I just want our mom back."

"Yeah, but won't that cause trouble?"

"It could, that's why we can't let her know we're doing it."

"Ah... smart." They finally reached their school house and said goodbye as they parted ways for the first period. The teacher started with attendance as always and started his lecture in Catonin. After her first period, Anghi and her were once again together.

"Good morning, class! Today we are going to move more in depth into Unora." She paused to look around. Lavina and Anghi didn't pay much attention in class, skipping over most of the lecture. As soon as the bell rang, though, they rushed out of the classroom and walked together in the hallway.

"You have a plan for the aftermath?"

"I'm working on it."

"Alright." He said, scratching the back of his head. "Let me know if I can help." Lavina smiled at him and then he ran off down the hall to his next class. At that point Lavina continued on down the hall, her smile disappearing from her face. She walked out of the school and through the Market, putting her hands into her pockets. She stopped at the schoolyard where Unora attended. She leaned on the fence, a rarity nowadays. You could say that she missed speaking with Unora, to have that younger sister in her life, one who isn't plotting the family's demise. The teacher saw her and Lavina waved. The teacher walked over to her.

"Hello there, Miss. Ozedk. How can I help you?"

"Oh, I was just wondering how Ophelia was doing, I remember her saying that she was having some trouble a few weeks ago."

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