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Prologue- Long Lasting Love



Gentle and beautiful flowers that delicately sway with the wind. With their golden flowers in the early spring, dandelions represent the return of life, the rebirth of growth and green after a harsh winter, and a display of abundant strength and power. It starts as a lovely yellow flower that looks like gold and then it turns into a fluffy puffball to fly away with the gentle breeze.

Those flowers were very special as kids and adults enjoy blowing it, letting it carry their wishes and dreams. However, that's not the reason why they are special.

A field filled with dandelions was the place for two love birds to meet.

Now, we shall start our main story.


Once upon a time, there was a small village known as the Yukama village. This village was very peaceful, it was knowing for its generous and polite civilians. What made this village very famous was the big dandelion field behind it. It was one of best places where people can relax and forget about their life problems. Anyone would relax once they see the never ending field, but that wasn't for our main protagonist... You.

You sat under a tree as you observed the puffballs in front of you. It was this time of year when the yellow flowers turn into white cotton-like balls. You didn't understand why people find it relaxing, you couldn't feel that.

"It's useless."

Let's start from the start...

You were born in the Okkotsu family that was known for the humbleness of its members. The Okkotsu family was one of the biggest families in the Yukama village, but wasn't considered as a clan since it wasn't THAT big. Your mother died along with your little sister when she was giving brith to her when you were seven. Your father got really depressed that he refused to eat or even leave his room. He wasn't like those men who drink until they pass out, but still, his condition wasn't reassuring at all. Three years later, your father died from a deadly disease.

You ended up being alone and from that you got insomnia. When you heard about the relaxing flower field, you went to it everyday to see if it was really as people say or not. However, it never worked. You still lacked sleep and it wasn't good for a ten years old to suffer from insomnia. The villagers were kind enough to look after you, but to when are you going to count on them? You need to fix yourself and become strong. Then one day...


You picked your head up, seeing a boy in your age approaching you with a smile on his face, "You're Okkotsu Y/N, right?" He asked as he looked at your features with gentle dark brow eyes. He had a brown hair that wasn't too long nor short for a male and beautiful brown eyes. He had a beauty mark under the right corner of his lips, making him look rather pretty. He was wearing a black yukata with white obi and flat shose.

You nodded your head and looked away in shyness with blush on your face which made the boy smile and set beside you, "My name is Orimoto Rika, it's nice to meet you." You could feel that his feelings were quite genuine through his smile and eyes, he was sure happy to see you. Since that day on, he continued to come to the same tree to see you again.

You both became closer and closer everyday and your feelings turned to love toward him within a year of friendship. He was kind and funny and for once after a long time, you felt happy again. You decided to give Rika something special today which was your parents engagement rings. He deserved it since he was shamelessly telling you that he was going to marry you once you both get older and you wanted to give the ring to seal the promise.

You both sat in your usual spot, chatting happily about random things. To say the truth, you were pretty nervous. What if he refused this? What if he was joking? You took a deep breath and turned fully to face him, "Rika... I-I want to give you something and I hope you would accept it." You shyly spoke up, not looking at him at all. Rika blinked a few times as he got curious about what you have in store for him, "What is it, Y/N?" As he asked, you pulled out a small wooden box and opened it. Pulling out what's inside, you held out your father's ring to him, "It's a ring. You said you would marry me when we became adults and I wanted to give you this special ring as a seal for our marriage. It's my parents' rings and I want to give you one because you're special to me." You explained, carefully examining his expressions.

He was stunned to say the least which made you scared that he might get mad at you. Rika laughed and then smiled at you his sweet smile that you love, "That's a good idea, Y/N! Like this, no one will ever think of marrying you other than me!" He smiled and took the ring in his small hands.

You smiled, "I love you, Rika."

"I love you too, Y/N."

You both continued to talk until Rika brought up a very concerning topic, "Have you heard about Ryuka san?" He asked with fear on his face. You shook your head since you weren't that deep into the village's gossip, "She suddenly disappeared and the people found only a blood outside her house." You gasped when you heard what he said. There was no serial killer in your village since it was very peaceful for long time, who could've done that?

Rika placed his hands on your shoulders as he looked at you with seriousness, "I want you to be careful, Y/N. The village is becoming a dangerous place." All you did was nodding your head, but both of you didn't know that he was the one who should be careful.



Dark blue eyes were as wide as dinner plates as you stared at the horrifying scene in front of you. Your eyes filled with tears as you saw Rika and his parents on the ground with huge blood pools beneath them. You couldn't react, you felt frozen in place. You just found yourself crying while hugging his cold corpse. It wasn't the doing of a human, no! It's super natural for sure, no wild animal can do that either.

You held his against your chest and cried more,"Rika! Why did you left me? We had a promise!"

Since that day, you return to what used to be. The only sunshine in your life was taken from you and you still could accept that. You couldn't believe that you lost the very person you love so much.

You stood under the tree you and Rika used to sit under with your head down, "I want you back... Rika." You whispered and closed your eyes tightly to hold back the tears. Suddenly, your felt something cold holding on your ankles. You looked down and saw a scary creature looking at you as it emerged from the ground.

"Y/N, we will get married once we get adults, right?"

You froze in place, unable to believe your eyes. This creature was Rika?! Impossible! But you can feel that connection and no creature will emerge like this and tell you those words for sure. You didn't know what to do as the creature kept on looking at you while holding into your legs.


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