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Chapter 15- Plan in Action


AFTER MAKING SURE that Rika was calm, you returned to the house where you went to check on Zenitsu. You were certain that the poor boy was really scared of meeting that upper moon. It took you the whole night to make Rika calm down, hopefully no one noticed your absence.

Once you sneakily arrived, you went to look for the yellow haired boy. However, you couldn't find him anywhere nearby, not even in his room, "Where could he be?" You thought, walking through the crowded hallways.

Just then, you noticed one of the little girls from last night walking with her head down. You jogged to her, maybe she knows where did Zenitsu go.

"Hey little girl please wait!" You called, making the girl turn to look at you. She stopped and waited for you, "Oh, Okkotsu san. How can I help you?" She asked, giving you a small smile. You smiled back at her, "I was wondering if you know where did Zenko go." You asked in hopes that she knows where did the boy go.

You noticed the frown on her face which worried you, "Zenko chan is missing and nobody knows where did she go since last night." Her words scared you, where did Zenitsu go? He can't just leave this mission behind and escape, right? You must inform Tengen about this immediately!

You thanked the girl and speed-walked to your room to prepare yourself to leave. This place is very dangerous to stay at. You pulled out your sword and uniform from their hiding place to put them on. Just then, obi sashes appeared from the ceiling to attack you. With a swift movement, you pulled your sword and sliced them off before they can get a hold of you.

"I have to leave." Thinking of this, you quickly put on your clothes and placed your sword in its case, throwing it on your back. You opened the window and jumped out to the next rooftop, running fast to look for Uzui.

You didn't care if anyone saw you, it doesn't matter anymore. Now you have only one purpose... to dispose of Rika's killer as soon as possible!

-T I M E   S K I P-

You managed to find Uzui's crow flying nearby, you used this opportunity to let him inform Tengen that you want to meet him immediately.

It didn't take long for him to arrive to your location, you could see a look of concern on his expression.

"Y/N, what's the matter?" He asked, trying to look if you were injured or anything. You gave him a serious look, "Zenitsu has disappeared, I couldn't find him anywhere." You told him which made him look at you with shock.

"Not only this, there is an upper moon in the house me and Zenitsu where in and everyone seemed to fear her, her name is Warabihime. We can't let Tanjiro and Inosuke continue this mission." You added, making the Sound Hashira to think of his next move. He seemed to agree since he nodded his head, "Alright then, I will order them to go, but you have to leave too." He said which actually surprised.

Leave? That's won't happen anytime soon, not when you're one step away to free Rika from your curse. How dare he tell you to leave? First he asked for your help and now he wants you to leave? Oh hell nah!



You clenched your fists tightly, "I'm not leaving, not after I discovered the truth." You muttered, looking down as you tried to hold your anger in. Uzui looked at you with confusion, "What are you talking about?" He asked, watching how your body slightly trembled.

"Rika told me that two demons had murdered him and his family. That woman, she is one of them! I have to kill her for him!" You exclaimed with a sharp glare which took the white haired man off guard. He could see the determination in your eyes and he knew you wouldn't listen to him, so he just sighed and nodded, "Alright then. I will talk to Tanjiro and Inosuke then I will have a word with house owner. Wait for me there." Saying that, he disappeared from your sight to look for the other two boys.

You didn't waste anytime and returned to Kyogoku house.


You waited outside for Uzui to leave the house, you couldn't get in since the owner knows your face.

It didn't take him long to return to you with a grimace on his face, "So, what did he tell you?" You spoke up, crossing your arms. He sighed and shook his head, "He is suspecting of the same woman as you, but I couldn't find her. She is probably outside to hunt." He stated which made you hum in thought.

"What about Hinatsuru?"

"She is sent to a low-end brothel, I'm going to look for her there first."

You nodded your head and decided to follow him. You both ran from rooftop to rooftop to reach there faster. Once you both arrived, you landed in an alleyway.

You proceeded to run again, but you felt something. You stopped in place and turned around to look, "H-Hinatsuru?" You muttered and turned to Uzui who was looking at you with confusion, "Uzui, I found Hinatsuru san!" Hearing this, Uzui's fuchsia eyes widen as he ran to where you were pointing.

Surely, Hinatsuru was there, tied with obi all around her body. Uzui didn't hesitate to free his wife carefully and held her in his arms, she looked so pale and sick. He gave her some medicine that would help her sickness, you felt really sorry for her thought.

"Forgive me, Tengen sama." She spoke up quietly, guilt was evident on her beautiful face. "Never mind. Stop talking." He assured.

Hinatsuru told him what happened, how Warabihime was planning on killing her and how she poisoned herself. She was so brave to do such a thing to keep quiet about her mission.

"Don't worry about me, the demon is on the rampage and you both must stop it." Hinatsuru said. Tengen then hugged his wife and whispering something that you didn't care about. The scene in front of you was rather nice, you wished someone could hold you like this and tell you that everything is fine. You felt sadness overwhelm you, but you quickly pushed it away. You didn't want to be weak right now, it's not a good timing.

After everything was settled and Hinatsuru was put in the futon in the room. Uzui left first and you were about to follow, but...

"Y/N san..."

You heard Hinatsuru call you which made you turn to her, "... Please, make sure Tengen sama remains safe. He can do some reckless things when he is mad..." She said, making you smile. You approached her and kneeled down, "Don't worry, just rest for now. I will make sure everything is fine." She smiled faintly at you and closed her eyes.

You used this opportunity and used your Reverse Cursed Techniqu to heal her. Giving her one last smile, you left the building to look for the demon.

Now that she is out, you can end her life and get vengeance for Rika.

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