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◦•●◉✿Dandelions ✿◉●•◦

Chapter 2- Meeting Again


YOU SAT OUT ON THE ENGAWA, cleaning your sword like usual. You were pretty bored since you have nothing to do, but the weather was pretty nice. You couldn't just waste such a day like this, right?

As you placed the cloth down, you saw the ring in your finger. A sad smile tugged on your lips as you remembered those old happy days with Rika.


Speak of the devil...

You smiled at Rika who appeared right in front of you. He must have sensed your sudden sadness to appear, "Don't worry Rika, I'm fine." You reassured with a soft smile on your lips. Rika seemed to be unconvinced at all as he let out a low growl, showing that he didn't believe you, "Come on, don't give me this look. I promise I'm fine." You laughed nervously, scratching the back of your head. An idea then popped in your mind, "The weather is very nice today, let's go to the market place. I want to get some stuff." You suggested, half lying about buying things because you wanted to change the subject.

Rika seemed pleased with your suggestion because he nodded his head. You giggled and stood up, "Alright, I will just change to my uniform and then we leave." With that, you went inside your house to replace your yukata with the uniform.

-T I M E   S K I P-

You walked through the crowded marketplace. Stalls and shops selling their products as their owners called out to get people to buy from them. The smell of food overwhelming the air which made your mouth water at the delicious smell. You can hear kids running around and playing while adults walking as they chatted among themselves.

You walked calmly as you stared at some stalls hear and there. You stood by a stall that sells hairpins, "So pretty..." You thought, looking at a beautiful hairpin that caught your attention.

" You thought, looking at a beautiful hairpin that caught your attention

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"Hey! It's you again!"

You flinched as you heard the familiar voice from yesterday. You turned around and saw Tengen walking toward you with excitement, but you can feel Rika about to rage out, "Calm down, Rika. There's many people here." You whispered, trying to control Rika before he does something both of you will regret. Tengen stood right in front of you, smiling happily at you, "Y/N right? I'm glad I met you here!" He said and you blushed lightly. You hesitantly nodded, "Y-Yeah, nice to see you too."

Not at all...

Tengen noticed that you're very embarrassed which made him laugh, "Don't be shy! You don't need to be this embarrassed." He said, tapping your shoulder. Rika by now was desperately trying to not jump at the white haired man and you can feel it, "Please Rika, don't do it. He is harmless for now, just please stay still. I'm going to be fine." You thought, hoping that he would just understand your face expression and body language.

Tengen nothing your silence waved a hand in front of your face, "Hey Y/N, are you alright? You look scared." He asked as he looked at you suspiciously. You snapped back to reality when you heard his voice, "Oh sorry, I was just thinking about something." You lied while sweatdropping. Uzui shrugged it off and didn't press it any further, "Anyway, wanna take a walk with me?" He asked and you noticed the blush on his cheek.

Since you're a very shy girl, you couldn't decline his offer. Thus, you found yourself nodding without realizing it. You and Tengen walked around the marketplace in an awkward silence. That continued until Uzui spoke up, "Say Y/N chan, are you engaged?" He suddenly asked, taking you off guard.

You struggled to find a good answer to him, just what can you say to him? How did he see your ring?

"Um... I... Well, kinda?" You said, not sure about your answer. Uzui raised an eyebrow, "Huh? What do you mean 'kinda'?" He asked again. You lifted your hand up to see the ring, "It's a promise ring... He promised to marry one day..." You trailed off, smiling sadly. Uzui felt the depression emitting from you and the sad look you had when you eyed the ring, "Promised? Just who is this man?! She is too flamboyant to be with a man like him?!" He thought as an imaginary irk mark appeared on his head.

"So Y/N, how old are you?"

"Uh, 17, about to turn 18... What about you?"

"I'm 21!"

You both kept on asking and answering questions to know each. You didn't ask much, but Uzui seemed really interested in you. He even insisted on knowing more about Rika, but you always avoided the questions since you felt uncomfortable. Uzui honestly replied to all of your questions with pride, but he never mentioned that he had three wives. He felt that you might hate him or think of him as a womanizer who follows women and girls.

He then remembered how you fought the demon yesterday and how that purplish pink energy engulfed your sword, "What kind of breathing style did you use when you fought that demon yesterday, Y/N?" Uzui asked as his fuchsia eyes sparkled with curiosity. You tilted your head in confusion, "Breathing style? I don't use any of this." You replied, still puzzled by what he said. Obanai once mentioned something about breathing styles, but you never asked him about it since you were more focused on your sword training.

"Is it by any chance related to the demon slayers?" You asked which made Tengen surprised that you knew that breathing styles are related to demon slayers. He nodded his head, "Yes, it is. But how did you know about that?"

"My friend is a demon slayer."

Uzui hummed and crossed his arms, "I see. Well, your uniform says that you're not a demon slayer. Thus, I'm curious about the way you killed that demon." You gripped the strap of your sword holder, "It's rather complicated to explain... As for my uniform, I made it myself." You spoke up, signaling to him that you don't really feel like explaining about your curse energy.

Just when he was about to speak again, you beat him in doing so, "I apologize Uzui san, but I have to leave. It's really nice to see you again." You bowed respectfully and sprinted away before he can say anything to you.

Uzui stood there dumbfounded as he absentmindedly placed his hand on his chest, "Y/N... Such a beautiful little flower." He thought as he turned around, going to the stall he found you standing by. He had to buy you that hairpin you have been staring at as a gift. Maybe then you can accept him at least as a friend.

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