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Chapter 3- Rika


YOU DECIDED TO DO EXTRA TRAINING TODAY because you wanted to improve your swordsmanship skills in your frontyard. You made some dummies from hay and wood which took a very long time to prepare, three days to be exact. You held your katana tightly in your hands as you took a deep breath, "Let's do it..." You encouraged yourself and dashed at the dummies, decapitating each and everyone with an incredible speed.

You smiled when you saw the improvement you have achieved, "It went greater than expected, I should do more sword swings before starting the actual training." You told yourself, putting your sword in the sheath then placed it in the black bag. Rika appeared and you can feel that he was worried about you, "No more training... Y/N is tired..." He spoke up which made you laugh lightly. You placed your hand on his head and smiled softly, "It's alright, Rika. I'm going to be fine, it's not like training will kill me." You reassured, trying make him calm down.

Recently, Rika started to be concerned so much for some reason. It was as if he doesn't want you to leave this house and remain in your shell, but he didn't want to add pressure on you at the same time. He was sorry that you felt guilty for what happened to him, but he never blamed you for this at all. He didn't want you to hold responsibility for what happened in the past, he wants you to move on. But the real question is, is he ready to see you move on? He was unsure of it.

You noticed that Rika was suddenly quiet and you knew he was thinking something gloomy. Your hand moved from his head to his cheek, grabbing his attention, "Hey now, I'm alright, okay? It's going to be fine." You assured, still smiling at him. Suddenly...

"I finally found you!"

You flinched when you heard a voice of a man. You slowly turned around and saw it was Uzui again, but how did he find your house? Rika behind you was getting furious once he saw Uzui by the front gate, but Tengen can't see Rika yet since he was visible to you only. You looked in shock as Uzui smiled confidently, "H-How did you find my place?" You asked, feeling the rage Rika was holding. Uzui laughed with pride and then pointed at his ear, "My hearing sense doesn't fail me, I recognize your voice." He said as he started to move toward you.

That was the last straw!

Rika made himself visible to Uzui and shielded you with his big hands, "Go... away..." The curse threatened while both you and Uzui stood there in shock. The surprise on Uzui's face was replaced with a scoff and he pulled out his swords, "You have a demon with you? But how is it able to stand in the sun?" He asked, pointing one of his swords at you and Rika. Your fearful expression disappeared and a frown took its place, "Rika is not a demon! I will not let you harm him!" You exclaimed, extending your arms to protect Rika. Uzui seemed to not believe that, "Then what is this thing you're protecting? And how can you be sure he won't attack you?"

"He won't do this because he is with me ever since I was young! Rika is my curse and I will not allow you to insult him!"

You stood there with determination while Rika was boiling in fury. Uzui noticed how you both protected each other, he still couldn't believe you. Is something like curses exist? Yes there is demons, but curses? Pfft, that's just ridiculous!

You swiftly pulled your sword out and let curse energy engulf it, "If you're not going to retreat, then I have nothing else to do but to force you out of here!" You threatened, holding your sword tightly. The white hair man noticed the familiar energy around your sword and how Rika was holding himself from attacking him. He sighed and lowered his swords, "I'm not going to fight a person I'm interested in." He stated, returning his swords back behind his back.

You stared at him with confusion then lowered your katana as well, "R-Really? You aren't?" You asked and he nodded. Once you received your reply, you turned to Rika and placed both of your hands on his cheeks, "It's okay, Rika. Please calm down, he means no harm right now." You assured, but Rika was still angry that this man was going to harm you.

"No... You will... get hurt..." He managed those words out, placing his forehead against yours. You let out a breath and closed your eyes, "Please Rika, I don't want you to become savage like those demons." You pleaded, letting out a desperate sigh. All Uzui did was just staring at you both... Maybe he was mistaken...

-T I M E    S K I P-

"Here, please make yourself comfortable."

You politely said, putting a tea cup in front of Uzui. After the commission ended, you invited Uzui into your house. You didn't want him to leave without telling him at least who is Rika. You sat across from him, Rika was already gone since you didn't want to make this conversation more tense.

Tengen took a sip from the tea then looked at you, "So, are you going to tell me who is this Rika thing?" He asked, placing the cup down then crossed his arms. You sighed and nodded, "Yes... Rika is not a thing, he is a curse that used to be a human. Rika is... my childhood friend. We promised to marry each other and exchanged rings, but an accident happened in the past..." You trailed off, making Uzui look at you with puzzlement, "What happened to you and him? How did he become like that?" He asked, waiting in anticipation for the rest of the story.

You bit your lip and clasped your hands tightly, "I... really don't want to talk about it..." You honestly said, you didn't really want to tell him how Rika become like this. You weren't ready to recall what happened to you. Uzui chuckled and shook his head, "Alright, I understand. Anyway that's not why I'm here." He said as he started to pull something out of his pocket.

"This is for you."

He extended his hand out and you saw the hairpin you were eyeing in the stall. You were surprised at first, not knowing what to do. Tengen took your hand on his and placed the hairpin in your hand, "I bought it for you so you better cherish it." He pulled away and smiled proudly while you still didn't understanding why was he giving this to you.

"Why did you buy it for me?"

"I told you, I'm interested in you."


Author Note:-
Hello my dearies!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for the over 10K, this means so much to me! Anyway, for people who don't know how Rika looks like as a curse, here is a picture.

Until we meet again.

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