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Chapter 8- Jealousy


THE TENSION WAS SO MUCH between Maki and Tengen. Both of them were glaring daggers at each other even after their fight ended. The four of you were heading to your mission and Uzui insisted on joining for some reason, he said something about making sure that you're safe.

You heard Maki let out a deep sigh, "You really have a strange taste in men, Y/N. You should stick to Rika." She said, making you wave your hand in denial. She really misunderstood the situation, Uzui is just a friend to you... Nothing more and nothing less... right?

Maki raised an eyebrow at your reaction, "No no, you got it wrong Maki san. Me and Uzui san are just friends." When you said that, a smirk tugged on Maki's lips, making you feel scared of what she has in mind.

"We will see."

"Oh dear, I'm screwed!"

Unbeknown to you and Maki that Uzui was listening to everything and was very angry, but he had to hold himself so he won't cause problems to you. However, he couldn't deny the fact that he was so jealous that you were between Maki and Toge while he walked behind you three, "I understand why Rika doesn't want anyone near her, it's so frustrating!" He thought, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists. Just then, the three of you stopped in front an entrance of a small abandoned village, "Alright, let's get separated around the village so we can locate where's that curse object and bring it back." Maki spoke up while you and Toge nodded in agreement.

"I will go with Toge and you Y/N go with that moron."

"Hey! Don't insult me! I won't tolerate your behavior anymore you plain woman!"

Uzui screamed as a few irk marks appeared on his head. You sighed and nodded your head, "Okay then, let's go Uzui san." You said as you grabbed his arm and dragged him with you. Maki smirked mischievously and looked at Toge, "I've got a plan, I want to make that guy explode in jealousy." She said which made Toge sweatdrop.

"Mustard leaf... Salmon."

With you and Tengen...

You both walked around the village while Maki and Toge will look around the area surrounding it. Uzui let out a huff as he felt bored of searching around, "What are we looking for exactly?" He spoke up, scratching the back of his head. You glanced at him, "A cursed object, it's very important and curses will be swarming around it." You explained, trying to locate the cursed object's energy.

Tengen rolled his fuchsia eyes in annoyance, "Well, that's so boring! Isn't there a way to look for it more flamboyantly?" He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"If you're really that bored, you shouldn't have came with us."

"And leave you with them, not happening."

You really couldn't understand his change of mind so suddenly. Sometimes he disagrees with you, but then he would change his decision and agree rather quickly if you could convince him with a good reason. It was one of his special features, but not a good one though. Your train of thoughts stopped when you felt an ominous energy near you.

It was coming from one of the houses, "Found it!" You exclaimed and followed the energy. Tengen blinked a few times then followed after you, "Oi! Wait for me!" He yelled, running to the same direction you were going to. Once you entered the house, you felt the heavy negative energy coming from it. When Uzui arrived, he could feel how ominous the place was, "This place is kinda strange." He spoke up, walking up to you.

You hummed and moved inside the house, "The object is here... right under those planks." You stated as you were about to break the wooden planks, but Uzui stopped you, "Let me do this." He said, placing his hand on your shoulder. You were hesitant for a moment, but nodded in agreement. Tengen moved forward and pulled his swords out, "Sound Breathing: First Form: Roar!" He exclaimed, slamming his swords on the wooden floor while creating an explosion.

You covered your face with your arms since the explosion was so strong. After everything calmed down, you went to stand beside Uzui. In the hole he had created, you could see a small wooden box there. You smiled and picked it up, "That it! We found it!" You said, returning to be with the Sound Hashira. He got curious when he saw the small box in your hand, "What's inside?" He asked as he pointed at it, tilting his head to the side. You slid open the lid to see the cursed object covered with talismans, "This is the finger of the king of curses, Ryoumen Sukuna. It's a very powerful and dangerous cursed object that every curse want to have to get more powerful." You explained, your dark blue eyes never leaving the covered finger.

Uzui blinked in confusion, "King of curses? Is he like the lord of demons, Kibutsuji Muzan?" He asked as he found the topic rather interesting. You nodded your head, "Yes, like him. However, Sukuna is sealed and not active since 1000 years ago." You replied, closing the box and placing it in your pocket. Uzui smiled because he was amused by what you told him, "So both of our organizations are a lot similar, do you also have ranks?" He asked again with excitement.

You sweatdropped at his excitement to know more about your new occupation, "Yes we have. We are known as sorcerers and we are divided according to our grades. It starts from grade four which is the lowest and ends with the special grade which is the highest." You answered while Uzui was nodding everytime you speak up.

"What grade are you?"

"Um... I'm a special grade sorcerer."

As you said that, sparkles appeared around the white haired male, "Flamboyant! You're amazing and powerful! I knew you were someone special!" He exclaimed, making you blush a deep shade of red because of the compliments. You were about to reply to him when suddenly the ground started to shake violently, "What's going on?" Tengen asked as he tried to keep his balance.

Your eyes widen as you felt the curse energy heading toward you, "It's a curse coming to us!" Just as you said, a huge worm-like curse emerged from the ground. Uzui gasped loudly in amazement as he saw the creature in front of him, "Whoa! That's bigger than any demon I fought!" He exclaimed, grabbing his swords tightly while you pulled out your sword as well.

This curse was here for the object and you're aware of that, but what you didn't understand was how Uzui was able to see it because he has no curse energy. You have to leave that for later and focus on the task at hand.

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