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◦•●◉✿Dandelions ✿◉●•◦

Chapter 5- Different Person


"SHE IS NOT HERE TODAY TOO." TENGEN thought as he stared at your empty house. Recently, he had visited you a lot, but unfortunately couldn't find you anywhere. He listened closely in hopes of finding you inside, but nothing came out. The house was as if it was abandoned for ages. This is the third time he visits this you this week...

Five weeks... Five weeks since last he saw you.

You just left without telling him where you were going or for how long you were going to be gone. For a moment, he thought that he might got way too comfortable which might displeased you. He knew you were a shy girl, but he can also sense fear emitting from you. What made you scared like this? Was it because you weren't used to men around you that much? But Rika is considered a male curse which should be enough for you to get used to males in your life. Uzui had to know why are you scared whenever he visits you. He even thought that it might be Rika who pushed you to move away from here since he was not fond of Uzui ever since he came to your life.

He let out a sigh and turned around, "Maybe I should stop coming here." He mumbled as he started to leave your house. It didn't take him long to return to his house to see his three beautiful wives waiting for him to greet him. However, they noticed the gloomy aura around him and they knew he couldn't see you today too. Once they all get inside, they started to discuss the matter at hand.

"She is still gone, Tengen sama?" Makio spoke while frowning, making Uzui sigh again and nod his head, "Yes, she is nowhere to be found." He spoke up, gulping down the sake in the small cup. The three women exchanged worried glances, "Maybe she went to visit a family member or something like that." Hinatsuru said, trying to assure her husband while Suma nodded in agreement, "Yes yes! She must have missed her family and went to stay with them for some time!" She said, but Uzui wasn't convinced and shook his head.

"I don't think so... I found her family's grave not to far away from mine. Apparently her whole family is dead... the Okkotsu family."

As the white haired male said that, the three wives went quiet as they couldn't find anything to say to persuade him that you were going to return soon. All of them sat quietly, unable to say anything to break the silence.


The Sound Hashira ran throughout the forest as he received a sudden mission about a demon devouring humans and destroying villages. It came so suddenly when he was still asleep, so he abruptly left the comfort of his futon and prepared himself for the mission. The village where the demon was found was a bit far, so it would take Tengen a little bit longer to reach there.

"Damn it! Sending me in mission and interrupting my sleep, so unflamboyant!" He thought, continuing to gracefully sprint in between the trees. From this distance, Uzui could hear people speaking with obvious concern. Once he arrived there, he could see the villagers standing by the entrance of the village. He heard some of them talking...

"Did you know who is fighting this monster?"

"I heard it was a young girl."

"Whomever is fighting this beast, I hope they kill it."

"Thanks to that person that all of us are here safely."

Without wasting anymore time, Tengen ran past the villagers in an incredible speed, "Who is fighting this demon? Did they send a demon slayer?" He thought as he decreased his speed so he can detect the demon. The male came to a halt as a very fat demon landed in front of him, "They sent another one?" The demon exclaimed as it was about to attack Tengen.

Uzui pulled out his cleavers and prepared to slay the demon, "Sound breathing: First Form-..." However, Tengen got cut off as a silhouette landed on the demon's back. As a result to this, the demon fell on its stomach while creating few cracks on ground. The person pulled out the sword as they kept their head down.

Tengen stared with shock as the demon was unable to move, as if this person had paralyzed it somehow, "The demon can't move anymore

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Tengen stared with shock as the demon was unable to move, as if this person had paralyzed it somehow, "The demon can't move anymore... How? Who is that person?" He thought, watching the person jump down with ease.

Fuchsia eyes suddenly widened as he recognized who was this person, "Y/N?..." He trailed off as you stood there with cold dark blue eyes. It had been a year since the last time he saw you. Your aura was different and so cold, he could feel it. Your cold expression was replaced with a surprised one when you saw the familiar man standing in front of you, "Uzui san? What are you doing here?" You asked with a puzzled look on your face.

The male shock his head to snap out of his shock, "I was sent here to kill that demon, but that's not what matters! Where have you been? I was worried about you!" He asked as he took a step forward. You let out a small sigh as your eyes became cold again, "About that..." You trailed off as you clenched your fists tightly. The demon behind you managed to collect enough energy to dash at you in full speed.

"Y/N, watch out!"

Uzui exclaimed as he tried to warn you, but you were completely unfazed by it. As the demon neared you, you raised your free hand and gave a powerful punch to the demon with moving or even turning around.

 As the demon neared you, you raised your free hand and gave a powerful punch to the demon with moving or even turning around

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The demon went flying back from the impact as blood seeped from the injury your powerful punch had created, "Finish it off... Rika." You called out and Rika appeared behind you, not wasting any time to finish the demon with a single blow of his curse energy. You kept your cold eyes on Tengen who stood there with awe as he watched you standing before him with Rika hovering over you, "It seems I owe you an explanation, Uzui san." You stated with a blank voice.

All Tengen could do was just nod his head as he composed him, "What happened to you, Y/N?"

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