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Chapter 11- Serious Mission


THE NEXT MORNING, you left the Uzui household with waking the male up. You still couldn't believe that he actually confessed his feelings to you, but you can't risk it. Not with this curse sticking with you... the curse that turned Rika to a monster. It has been almost a week since last you saw him, but you knew he would be fine.

You spent most of your daytime doing your jujutsu missions while night time was for slaughtering demons. You didn't want to see him because you thought that your friendship would be awkward, but to when are you going to deny it? You tried to convince yourself that you only love Rika, only him! But is it really true? Do you not care about Tengen in any way? Your love for Rika is what made you live, you can't just push him away like that... You have to free him from his misery.

You have just finished killing a few demons that were lurking in a village and now you were making your way to your home. Today was a really rough day for you... You couldn't stop training with Maki and Toge for the upcoming Exchange Event that your school was going to be against Kyoto students next month. Apparently, you were going to Kyoto because the jujutsu school there is going to host the event.

You let out a sigh, seeing your house from the distance, "As they say, home sweet home." You thought, entering the main gate of the house. You entered the house and let out a depressed sigh, "We are home, Rika." You stated, walking to your room and throwing yourself at the futon. You covered your eyes with your arms, "I'm tired..." You mumbled.

"Y/N... You okay?"

You lifted your arm up and saw Rika looking down at you. Smiling at the curse, you sat up and shook your head, "Don't worry about, I'm going to be fine." You assured him with a soft smile, but the male curse was still not convinced. You were about to say something when you both felt someone approaching your house. Rika quickly rushed out in alert, "Rika wait!" You called, grabbing your sword and running after him, "If he is rushing outside, this means that whomever is coming is dangerous." You thought while frown.


You heard someone yell as you just reached the main door. You froze in place when you saw Tengen with three boys, two of them holding their swords out while one with yellow hair was hiding behind them.

You let out a sigh and approached them, "It's alright, Rika. They are not harmful." You stated while moving to stand in front of Rika, assuming that they are unharmful because they are with Uzui. Tengen looked at the two boys holding their swords out, "Low your weapons, he is on our side." He said and the two did as they were told. The Sound Hashira turned to face you, "I need your help, Y/N." Was the only thing he said.

And you knew from his tone that it's something serious.


"I'm sorry if Rika scared you, he tends to be in high alert through the nighttime."

You all were sitting in the common room, Rika had disappeared after you have calmed him down. The boy with burgundy hair shook his head, "It's alright, I actually sensed that he was good, but I couldn't just let my guards down." He stated and you smiled at him with your eyes closed.

"By the way, my name is Okkotsu Y/N."

"It's nice to meet you, Okkotsu san. I'm Kamado Tanjiro, these are Zenitsu and Inosuke."

The boy named Zenitsu pointed his finger at you shakingly, "Wh-Why was there a demon with you? A-Are you l-like Tanjiro here?" He stuttered while everyone looked at him with dotted eyes. You smiled nervously and shook your head, "Ah, Rika is not a demon, he is a curse... He used to be a human though and I'm trying to find a way to free him, that's why he is stuck with me." You explained with a sad expression, looking down at your clenched fists.

Tanjiro blinked a few time, trying to understand what you were saying, "So, Rika san is like my sister Nezuko."

"Your... sister?"

"Mhm! My sister was turned to a demon and I'm trying to find a cure to turn her back to a human."

A single 'oh' left your lips when you heard his story, but you didn't question him any further. You turned to Tengen who was quiet most of the time, "So why do you need my help?" You asked him.

Tengen let out a sigh and frowned, "I'm tracking a demon of a high rank after... they disappeared." He explained in short which made you give him a disappointed look, "I told you it's dangerous to send them, now look what this caused you." You scolded and he looked away, feeling guilty for sending his wives to a dangerous mission.

You nodded your head, "Okay, I will help you out." When he heard what you said, he felt relieved. He thought that you were going to refuse after that night, but you were kind enough to forget about it and help him to save his wives.

"Alright then! We are heading to the Red Light Distract where that demon resides!" Tengen said with his 'flashy' smile back again. You stood up, "Let me get my sword and we will head there." You stated, walking to grab your sword case from your room.

Zenitsu unconsciously found himself looking at you with sparkles and imaginary hearts around him, "She is so dreamy and beautiful, I wondere if she want to marry me..." He said with a blush on his face. Unbeknown to him that both Tengen and Rika were glaring daggers at him.

Tanjiro felt this and felt sorry for his friend that he will might get murdered by a curse and a Hashira.

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