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A Brand New Life


AFTER ALL OF THE ENTERTAINMENT District incident ended, everyone was now at peace temporarily, knowing that Upper Moon six has fallen. Oyakata sama couldn't be more grateful to you for helping the demon slayer Corps to give a deep injury to Muzan. Everyone was grateful for the great achievement you give to those fighters.

You also informed your friends and teacher, Gojo Satoru, about avenging Rika and he said that it was great news. However, freeing Rika from this form might take a bit long for him. You didn't mind though, as long as he is now at peace, you didn't want anything. However, someone recently doesn't seem to give up on nagging on you to join his family. You couldn't just agree to this in fear he receives the same fate as Rika. This is the last thing you want... two cursed spirits stuck with you.

It's time for him to know why you push him away and this leads us to now.

You and Uzui were sitting on the porch in the backyard, enjoying a small chat between you both since you haven't seen him for weeks. He was telling you about how the fights between Suma and Makio were getting worse each and everyday which actually made you laugh. However, you still have something important to tell him...

"Tengen, I think I owe you an explanation of why I don't agree to your proposal."

He looked at you with puzzled look before shrugging his shoulders in dismissal, "Nah, it's fine. It's your decision after all and it's my job to change it." He said with confidence. You let out a low chuckle, "No, you deserve to know the reason." You declared as your smile disappeared, looking ahead of you. Uzui didn't say anything which you took a signal to start explaining, "After Rika was killed... I couldn't accept his death. Due to this, I cursed him and turn him into what he is now." You trailed off, remembering the first time you met Rika in his new form.

Uzui blinked a few times, still confused, "How did you curse him? If you don't mind me asking."

"Well, it's in my family. In every five hundred years, a cursed child is born and it happened to be me. I get a strong curse energy that can curse anyone, that's how Rika's soul turned into this special-grade cursed spirit. I was refusing your proposal in fear the same thing might happen to you if something happened to you, to get cursed as well."

There's was a sudden silence between you and him. You expected him to harshly judge you or just get weirded out, but what you got was very surprising. Tengen let out a loud laughter which made you look at him with wide eyes, "Well, I don't care!" He exclaimed, a look of determination in his remaining fuchsia eye.


"I don't care if I get cursed or not as long as I'm still going to be with you. I love you because of yourself and what you said wouldn't freak me out."

You were still surprised by what he said that you couldn't find what to respond back to him, "Let me tell you a secret... I love my wives equally; however, I didn't marry them because I love them, they were chosen to me. But you Y/N, you're the first one I chose because I truly love you. That's why I never gave up on going to you over and over because I want you by my side." He finished explaining, holding your hand gently.

You couldn't say anything since you were very shocked. Rika did say that you should move on in your life and start new, perhaps this is the beginning. A faint smile appeared on your lips as you looked up at the sky, "Maybe you're right... I did like you years ago and I still am. I was scared to start new... Love and get loved, I mean. However, Rika himself told me to move on and get a new life. What you said made me want to move on in my life... with you by my side." You looked at him, giving him an eye-closed smile while a small blush formed on your cheeks.

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