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Chapter 16- Upper Moon Six


YOU AND TENGEN KEPT ON running on the rooftops in search for the others to help. As you were sprinting, Uzui suddenly stopped and turned to you.

You gave him a puzzled look, "Why did you stop?" You asked with confusion. His eyes squinted, "There is a battle nearby, we must go." He didn't give you any chance and proceeded to go to the opposite direction. You followed behind, not fully aware by what he was saying. You two came to an abrupt stop after jumping down, "It's here. Underground!" He proclaimed.

You nodded your head, "Alright then, you deal with this and I will look for the demon." You told Uzui and turned around to go.

"Be careful, Y/N. Do not fight if the demon is too powerful."

You gave him a smile, "Don't worry, I can handle it." After saying that, you went to look for the demon. While running, you noticed that this place was completely destroyed, "She must be around here somewhere." You mumbled to yourself, continuing to jump up on the rooftops.

You quickly pulled your sword out from the case as you ran, throwing the case away. You could see a white haired not to far away from you and Tanjiro down on his knees, "Is he... coughing?" You thought, increasing your speed.

She was about to strike him, but thankfully you managed to cut the belt that was about to harm Tanjiro. You landed on the rooftop with a low thud, "You finally showed your true self, Warabihime." You said while giving her a cold look, shielding Tanjiro. The boy continued to caugh until he passed out from what you assumed was blood loss.

You noticed the writing in her eyes, "Upper Six... I knew she wasn't s random demon." You thought, tightening your grip on your sword.

The woman frowned, "You? I knew you weren't normal." She spat with venom in her tone then she smirked, "Since you're eventually going to die, I will let you know that my name is actually Daki." She added, her smirk becoming more evil.

You narrowed your blue eyes and held your sword out, a purplish/ pink glow could be seen going through it, "I didn't ask." You said and dashed toward her. She didn't waste time to attack you and sent bunch of obi belts toward you. They were coming from every direction, so you moved your sword in swift circular movement to cut all of them.

Daki was surprised when she saw that you cut them with ease and kept on moving forward. She thought that you were going to straight decapitate her, so she sent more obi belts to you. You quickly cut them and took Daki off gaurd by cutting both of her legs. Taking this opportunity, you striked her neck to decapitate her.

However, you were surprised when her neck turned into an obi as well, "Huh? I can't cut her neck! It's so tough to cut!" You thought, trying your hardest to cut her head. However, your sword seemed to fail you. You were just one step away from vengeance, you can't just fail now.

Suddenly, you felt your self get yanked by your leg. Daki managed to sneak one of her belts and wrapped it around your ankle, "Humans are so stupid!" She exclaimed, her legs regenerating quickly. She threw you down on the roof harshly, but thankfully it didn't not break. Still, the pain shot through your body.

"I will just kill you both and then get that Hashira!"

"Hashira? She knows about Uzui?"

She was about to attack you, but you won't let her take you down that easily and were about to attack her. Suddenly, Daki got a very powerful kick that sent her away from you.

You looked up as saw Tanjiro's sister standing right in front of you and she was very pissed off. Daki who was holding the missing half of her head glared, "You have a lot of nerve doing that to me! You! Right, it's you! It's you, isn't it? The one he was talking about was you, huh?" Daki exclaimed with frustration.

Nezuko didn't waste time and launched herself to attack the upper moon. You witness as Nezuko couldn't stand a chance against Daki since she lost an arm and leg and was thrown away. Daki completely ignored you and chased after Nezuko.

You took this opportunity to go to Tanjiro and check on him, he has lost a lot of blood and he can't fight in this condition. You took a deep breath to calm down, "I have to heal him." Thinking of this, you raised your hand above his figure and let the curse energy flow from your hand to his body. It didn't take long for it to heal all of his wounds, but he still needs some rest.

Your head snapped up when you heard the bangings and houses getting destroyed. You pick Tanjiro up and placed him on your back, moving forward to see what was happening and put the boy in a safe place. You were surprised when you saw Nezuko jump high up skillfully and kicked the hell out of Daki.

"She lost control."

You quickly moved to a more safe place and placed Tanjiro down, "Tanjiro kun, wake up! Your sister needs you, she is losing control!" You called, shaking him a bit roughly. His eyes snapped open and quickly jolted up, "Wh-What happened?" He said, looking around until his eyes landed on you. You were surprised when you saw the blood inside his eyes.

Shaking your head, you looked at him with worry, "Your sister probably has lost control, you need to stop her before she harms someone." You stated and you could see a look of concern and shock on his face.

He stood up with your help and nodded, "Thank you, Y/N san. Let's go and stop that demon." He told you with determination. You nodded and both of you rushed toward the location of the fight, hopefully to stop Nezuko before she devour some innocent human.

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