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Chapter 17- The Real Upper Moon


YOU BOTH RAN AS FAST as possible to stop Nezuko from probably harming anyone. Tanjiro had a look of fear and concern, you knew why he is very worried about his sister. It hurts to see the person you care about harm others, you faced this with Rika more than one time until you managed to control him.

Once you made it to where Nezuko was, you saw her about to launch at a woman. Thankfully, Tanjiro arrived in time just to stop her from from harming the woman. He put his sheathed sword in har mouth and pulled her back, "Nezuko! Stop it! Stop it!" He yelled while trying to hold her back as best as he can. She was aggressively fighting against her brother, trying to free herself from him. However, Tanjiro kept a tight hold on her.

You could see that he was having a hard time, so you decided to help him. However and when you were just a few feet away from them, Nezuko flipped on her hands and knees and jumped up, going a few floors up to the building.

"Dammit! I must follow them, the demon is still around."

You followed quickly and saw Tanjiro still struggling with his sister while there were people in the room you were in, "Please, leave this place! It's dangerous-..." You were cut off as you heard footsteps approached from behind you. Suddenly, obi belts broke the shoji door behind you.

You turned around and saw Daki approaching you slowly, there was burn marks on her face which made her look terrible.

"Really, such a nerve doing this to me."

You heard her say as you took a fighting stance, "So, you can use Blood Demon Art, too?..." She continued to talk, completely displeased by what happened to her face. She started to walk toward you slowly as she prepared her obi to strike.

You relaxed your composure and lowered your weapon, summoning purplish pink curse energy from your ring, "Rika... Do your job." Once you said that, Rika made his appearance as soon as Daki sent the belts toward you, Tanjiro, and Nezuko. Thankfully, the room was in good size to fit Rika.

He cut the belts in swift movements... not only the belts though. Daki stood there in shook as she saw Rika growling down at her.

"Wh-What is this? This is not a demon..." She said while pointing a shaky finger at your curse. Your expression turned cold as Rika dropped an arm around you protectively, "You're right, this is not a demon. This is one of your victims whose soul had become a curse." You told her, your eyes suddenly flashed bright blue for a second. Just then...

"Flamboyant! That was so great Y/N!"

You saw Tengen suddenly appear in front of you, giving you proud smirk. You didn't reply and just continued to look at Daki. He then looked behind you and saw Tanjiro who was still trying to control his sister, "Excuse me for a moment." He stated and walked to the two behind you.

It was quiet for a moment before you heard Uzui scream at Tanjiro for no specific reason.

"You're a Hashira, right? You came to me? You just made it easy for me." Daki spoke up with her eyes wide open. Uzui kept quiet for a moment, "Shut up. I'm not talking to you. Get lost. You're no Upper Rank demon... Since you're too weak." He said with mocking tone in his voice.

Daki was listening to him with frustration, "What kind of ridiculous drivel-..." She couldn't finish her sentence as her head fell off. The demon dropped down to her knees and held her head in her hands.


You lazily pointed at her, "You didn't feel Rika cutting your neck when he stopped your attack." You explained to her while she was still in shock state. Uzui continued to talk to Tanjiro while you turned to the people, "Leave this place, go to safety." You instructed and they all left the room. The last thing you know was hearing something crush as Nezuko pushed herself and Tanjiro outside the building.

The Sound Hashira stood up and placed his swords on his shoulder, "Come on, Y/N. Let us move." He told you, which made you and Daki look at him with puzzlement.

"Hey! Where are you going? I can't believe you just beheaded me like this! You are going to play for this, you hear me!" She yelled, her head almost jumping in her hands. Uzui let out a sigh of disappointment, "Are you still whining? Just die in an unflashy death." He taunted, giving her the cold shoulder.

You stood there, listening to them fighting back and forth like little kids, "I feel like I'm with kids not with a demon and a Hashira." You thought while sweatdropping. Suddenly, she started to cry and hit the ground like a little child having a temper tantrum. Her head was on the ground as she cried.

Just then, something clicked, "Normally, Rika's attacks can kill demons. However, she is still alive even with her hear decapitated. This is not normal... Something is wrong." You thought as you prepared yourself for whatever was coming next. Rika noticed this and pulled you closer to himself.

"That thing cut my head off! That thing cut my head off! Brother!"

Something or rather someone then emerged out of her back. You saw Tengen about to attack them, "Uzui san, wai-..." You couldn't finish your sentence as he moved quickly to strick, but he failed as the new demon avoided the attack and took Daki with him.

They both were in the corner beside you as the new demon was soothing Daki, "Come on, there's no use crying. Can't you even reattach your own head by yourself?" You heard him say as healed Daki's injuries while you and Uzui stood there in shock.

"He is not normal... Is he the reall Upper Moon? His aura is powerful." You thought, tightening your grip on your sword. Suddenly, you felt Rika shake in frustration and turned to him, "Rika? What's the matter?" You asked with concern, he seemed unsettled.

"Killer... He... Murder..."

His statement came in just mere words, but you understood that this demon was also involved Rika's family death. So now, you have to kill these two in order to free Rika from his vengeance.

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