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Chapter 7- Two "Rivals"


DAYS WENT BY RATHER QUICKLY, Uzui and his wives would visit you from time to time. You weren't really bothered by them dropping by every now and then, but you have a job to do during daytime and they may not find you at home one day. One day, you were gone to exorcise a curse with your companions which took almost the whold daytime. When you returned home, you found the Uzui family waiting outside your house while having a small picnic. You apologized to them because you felt this was kinda rude to leave them wait for a long time.


For some reason, you felt really comfortable with them. At least they made your house a bit lively compared to how it was in the past few years. The girls even told you that Tengen would never stop talking about you and how flamboyant you were, but when they mentioned about him making you his fourth, all hell broke loose. Rika raged out which made the three wives to get scared. It took you so long to calm him down, you had to assure him that you weren't going to marry Uzui which calmed him down a bit. Eventually you told them about your curse and they seemed to accept him, well not Suma though because she was scared to even be in the same room as Rika. Little by little, she started to warm up to him like her co-wives after knowing that he is harmless toward people you know.

Recently though, Uzui started to come you alone without his wives which made you wonder why did they stopped visiting. You just hoped they weren't still scared of Rika.

You were sitting with Tengen right now, you both enjoyed the silence. However, you still had the urge to ask about his wives, "So Uzui san, why aren't your wives visiting anymore? I hope me and Rika didn't offend them." You spoke up, breaking the silence between you both. Uzui looked at you with puzzlement then a loud laughter emitted from his throat, "No no, they are just fine with you! They are considering you as family members to be honest. You don't need to worry about them because they are in an undercover mission to track down a demon." He told you which made you gasp when you heard what he said.

"What do you mean by an undercover mission? Aren't they in danger?"

"Nah, you don't need to worry about them. My wives aren't as they seem, they are strong."

You went quiet and looked down at your hands, getting bad feelings for some reason. You hoped they were alright and nothing bad happened to them. Just then...

"Oi Okkotsu! You aren't busy, aren't you? Because we have a mission."

You and Uzui turned to the source of the sound only to see a girl with dark green hair and wearing glasses [Let's imagine glasses exist in that time] accompanied with a boy with dirty blond hair and had his mouth covered by the collar of his uniform. You quickly stood up when you saw your classmates/friends approaching you, "Oh Maki san, Toge san, I didn't expect you to come here." You said while sweatdropping slightly.

Maki placed her hands on her hips as she side glanced at Tengen, "We are not interrupting anything, right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow while waiting for you to reply. You shook your head and smiled, "Not at all... Oh by the way, this is Uzui Tengen. He is from the Demon Slayer Corps." The white heard male felt unsatisfied with your way of introducing him, but he let it slide this time.

He smiled with pride as he stood up, "It's nice to meet you both, but if you will excuse me, I want to have a private chat with Y/N." Without giving you any chance to protest, Uzui grabbed your wrist and dragged you inside the house. Once inside, he let go of you, "Uzui san, what's the meaning of this?" You said, getting annoyed by his sudden rude behavior. He crossed his arms as he stared down at you, "Who are they? They seemed to know you." He asked which made you sigh deeply.

"They are my friends from the jujutsu school."

"Jujut- what?"

You rolled your eyes and started to explain, "The time I was far away, I applied into a jujutsu school that helped me control my powers. We exorcise curses exactly like how you slay demons." Uzui wasn't bothered to hide his annoyance as he huffed. He let out a tsk as he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't care, but I don't like them. Especially the girl." He honestly stated.

Your eyebrow twitched once you heard him, "It's rude to say that and Maki san is a nice person!" You exclaimed as an irk mark appeared on your head. Suddenly, the shoji door slammed open as an angry Maki walked in, "Hey, who do you think yourself taking Y/N and leave us alone like that?" She exclaimed as she glared daggers at Uzui. Tengen glared back as he bent his body slightly to be in her level, "I'm the god of festivities and flashiness AND I have the complete right to talk to Y/N!" He barked back as a smug smirk appeared on his lips.

"I don't care what god are you, it doesn't matter who are you actually!"

"You will regret saying this, girl! I will never let you go with insulting me like that!"

You could see an electric bolt coming from their eyes and collide in the middle while growling loudly. "Mustard leaf, tuna." You heard Toge speak from beside you which startled you a bit, "Oh Toge san..." You spoke up and he nodded toward the two. You sighed and shook your head, "They will never get along at all." You said as Toge petted your shoulder as a way to show sympathy.

Apparently, Tengen made rivals without even knowing what are they to you. Now you have to sort things out between them and force them to get along.

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