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Chapter 13- Undercover


YOU STOOD IN THE ROOM that was specially given to you to change your clothes. The workers in the wisteria house has brought some items Tengen needed to prepare you and the boys for the mission. However, you told him that you will be fine preparing yourself alone. You wore a black kimono with pick flowers around it.

You styled your hair in a neat way and applied a little bit of makeup for more girly appearance

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You styled your hair in a neat way and applied a little bit of makeup for more girly appearance. You didn't like the kimono since it was slightly burdening your movements, it has a lot of layers and was a little bit tight for your comfort.


You heard Rika say from behind which made you turn around to face him, your cheeks were slightly red from the complement. "Th-Thanks..." You stuttered nervously, but you cleared your throat to compose yourself, "Rika, I need you to keep my clothes and sword with you, can you do it?" You asked and the curse just nodded, taking your stuff in his big hand. Once Rika disappeared with your things, you made your way out to the boys who were waiting outside for you.

You were actually met with a horrific sign to see. Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu looked so weird with the amount of makeup and how their hair was styled. However, the same couldn't be said to Tengen. He was wearing a fuchsia yukata that matches his eyes perfectly and his hair was down, it was the first time you see him without those jewels. You couldn't help but blush when you saw him, he look... handsome.

Once the four saw you, they were completely stunned by your appearance. Even Tengen was unable to say anything, you were so pretty and flamboyant.

You blinked a few times as they all stared at you, "What? Do I have something on my face?" You asked as you eyed every single one of them. Tengen coughed lightly, "No no, you're fine. Let's head to our first destination." With that, the five of went to the first house.

-T I M E   S K I P-

"My, my... Now these three are certainly... quite homely girls, aren't they?"

The elderly couples stared with complete shock and confusion at Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. The man beside the woman couldn't just accept taking one of them because it was took much of an ugly sight to see, but Tengen wasn't going to let it go easily like this.

"Isn't there any way you can reconsider? Under your training, Madam, I'm sure they will turn into diamonds." Uzui said, using his charm and smile to lure the old woman to purchase any of the three boys. Eventually, the woman agreed to take one, but it wasn't one of the three.

"I will take this one in the black kimono then." She said, point directly at you wihch startled you. Uzui frowned and shook his head, "Unfortunately Madam, this girl is not for purchase. She is with me." You wanted to interfere, but Uzui flashed you a smile that told you he can handle this. In the end, the woman took Tanjiro in.

Now you have to make your way to the next house...

"You guys are beyond hopeless! I can barely give you away!"

"Easy on them, Uzui san. It's not like they can do anything."

You tried to assure Tengen who was fuming in anger, plus you could see that Zenitsu was very mad right now because of Tengen's egotistical behavior. Just then Inosuke pointed toward people who were gathering to see something. Once you all arrived there, you saw a beautiful woman walking gracefully with a few people around her. She looked rather gorgeous and eye-catching to be honest.

You couldn't help but admire her grace and beauty. However, this made you for some reason feel insecure about yourself that you looked down and frowned.

"You're beautiful too, Y/N... More than her..."

You heard Rika's voice in your head that you looked up, thinking that he appeared. A faint smile formed on your lips as you looked at your hand that has the ring in it, "Thank you, Rika. You're a really great supporter." You stated under your breath.

Suddenly, a hand was placed on your shoulder. You turned back and saw Tengen looking at you with worry, "Are you okay, Y/N?" He asked, looking directly at your blue eyes. You shook your head and smiled, "I'm alright, just thinking." You uttered calmly, but Uzui couldn't believe you yet he didn't question it any further, "I managed to give away Inosuke, let's get going." You nodded and followed after the white haired male.

You could see that Zenitsu was looking very concerned and was about to cry, "Are you alright, Zenitsu?" He looked at you with big fat tears and held into you, "No! I'm not okay! I'm the last one and nobody is going to take me in!" He cried, burying his face in your stomach. You panicked slightly and placed your hands on his shoulders, "Don't worry, I'm sure they will take you in. I will help you out." You assured which made him look up at you with hopeful eyes.

"Thank you so much, Y/N! You're a real angel!"

Once he calmed down, you all made it to the Kyogoku house where Zenitsu should stay for his mission. Once you entered, Uzui requested to see the Madam of the house. When she saw Zenitsu however, she immediately refused to even take him in for any job.

Uzui didn't stop and start to roughly tap Zenitsu's head, "You can have her clean the toilets or whatever! Please, just take her! Heck, I would give her away for free if I had to!" He exclaimed as Zenitsu was slowly getting ragous. The woman sighed and shook her head, "I'm not taking this girl, but I'm willing to take this one." She firmly stated, pointing directly at you.

"I'm sorry, but sh-..."

"I will go with you, but not without my little sister with me, Madam." You spoke up while placing your hands on Zenitsu's shoulders, offering a friendly smile to the woman. Tengen stood there shocked as he saw you trying to convince the woman to take you and Zenitsu together.

He quickly snapped from his thoughts, "Y/N, what are you doing?!" He questioned, looking at you with confusion. You smiled at him an eye-closed smile, "Don't worry about us, mister. I'm sure our family won't follow us here." You spoke up, making up a story for you and Zenitsu and pretending not knowing Tengen. In the end, the woman agreed to take you both in which relived you. However, Uzui was still displeased with your actions. He knew that Rika would be ten time on alert as well as pissed off on Tengen if anything inappropriate happened to you, but he knows that you're strong and smart to handle yourself and that moron with you.

Now the really mission has officially started.

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