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Chapter 10- Vent and Rejection


YOU STOOD IN THE KITCHEN awkwardly with Uzui who was struggling to make some tea for you both. After he dragged you along with him to his house, he handed you one of his wives' kimono and said that he will prepare some tea so you both can get some relaxing time.

Thankfully you suggested to eat in one of the food shops; otherwise, you would be suffering with him making dinner. He was slowly getting frustrated and that's when you decided to interfere, "Um... Uzui san, let me prepare the tea." You said while sweatdropping. Uzui looked at you as if you have just saved his life, "That would be so flamboyant of you!" He exclaimed loudly, making you flinch slightly.

You went toward him and started to prepare the tea, "You go and rest, I will bring it with me once I'm done." You stated, offering him a kind smile. Uzui blushed slightly and nodded, leaving you alone in the kitchen. He sat in the common room as his brain wandered deep in thoughts...

What he saw today was something incredible, how you fought a monster ten times your size without any difficulties. He himself would find it hard to kill such a large creature like that worm. It made his admiration to you increase higher, now he really respects you a lot. The amount of jealousy he felt today was strange though, he wouldn't normally get jealous so quickly. However, he felt that those two you call friends were taking you away from him and stealing your attention that was supposed to be directed to him. Nevertheless, this jealousy gave him the courage to confront you with his feelings.

He has to.

He snapped out of his thoughts once he heard your footsteps approaching him. Once you arrived, his lips subconsciously formed a smile, "Well, doesn't this smell nice." He complimented which made you laugh lightly and shake your head while sitting down, "Well, I'm not that expert in making tea." You declared as you poured the tea in the cups and handed one to Uzui.

"There you go, Uzui san."

"Thanks and just call me Tengen."

You looked at him with puzzlement as to why he suddenly told you this, but eventually nodded your head, "Alright, Tengen..." You said, feeling a bit strange calling him by his first name. The male chuckled and felt satisfied, "I just saw it was fair that you call me by my first name like how I call you by your name as well." He confronted, taking a sip from your tea.

"So... um... I was wondering, how did you meet your wives?" You spoke up, breaking the silence between you both.

Uzui blinked a few times since he was surprised that you asked such a question, "Well, it was an arranged marriage. My father had brought them to me when I was... maybe fifteen? I don't really recall, but it's my clan's tradition." He explained, taking another sip after that. You looked at him with awe, "Wow, that's kinda weird... you know, marrying according to family tradition." You said while trying not to offend him, but he seemed to be fine since he laughed it off.

"What about you? How did you meet Rika?" It was his turn to ask you.

You looked down sadly as a depressed aura surrounded you, "I met Rika after my father passed away due to illness. Our first meeting was in the dandelions field that my village was famous of. We promised to get married when we get older, but he was murdered by demons." You told him, having a small sad smile on your lips. Uzui kept on staring at you with shock while trying to process the information you gave him, "But how did he become like that?" He asked again and you went quiet for a moment.

"I... still can't tell you this yet."

"Why? Is it something sensitive or do you not trust me?"

You looked at him with surprise then shook your head, "No no, it's not a matter of trust!... It's just... you will avoid me and properly hate me once you know." You stated, not looking up at him. Uzui frowned at your reply, "What nonsense is this?! I would never hate you! In fact, I do care about you more than just a friend... Y'know what I mean!" You were at loss of words when you heard what he said while Rika was fuming in anger and was about to make his appearance, but stopped when he heard you speaking up.

"I know what you mean, Tengen... but I'm not ready to be with any man other than Rika... I love him more than anything in this world and I can never replace him, this is the least I can do for him."

Now he can't believe what you just said, was this... rejection? Well, it really hurts to be rejected, but Tengen wasn't the type to give up easily. He had to work hard to win your heart so you will be his long awaited fourth wife. He scoffed lightly since he felt unsatisfied with your rejection, "I understand, but you should know that I will never give up like this! I care about you and I'm willing to do anything to prove myself to you because I love you, Y/N!" He exclaimed with a confident smile.

I love you, Y/N!

Those words ring in your head, but they were in Rika's voice. He used to tell you this a lot, that's why you didn't feel strange when Uzui said it. You smiled sadly at him, "You can't change my mind, Tengen... My heart belongs to Rika alone." Saying this, you stood up to go to sleep.

"It's getting late, goodnight."

With that, you took your leave to your room. Uzui sat alone in the room, staring at the tea cup in his hand. A smirk tugged in his lips and there was a determination glow in his fuchsia eyes, "Say whatever you want... Eventually, you will end up with me." He thought as he sipped his tea. Now his mind has been set on a certain goal and it is to make you love him or to stop denying your feelings toward him.

For him, your rejection was unaccepted.

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