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Author Note:-
So I wanted to clear somethings, apparently it's confirmed that Yuta has other abilities and one of them is using the Shikigami, so I will add this to the story and update the Character's profile chapter. For more information about Yuta, check the Jujutsu Kaisen Wiki.

Hope you enjoy!


Chapter 20- Almost the End


AS YOU ALL WERE BUSY FIGHTING, Hinatsuru made her way up the rooftop. She saw you fight against Gyutaro while Uzui covered your back. With determination, she pulled what looked like wooden box that's filled with poisonous kunai.

She shot them at the demon who noticed them and smirked, "Blood Demon Art... Rampant Arc Rampage!" He used his power to push all of the kunai away from him. You used this opportunity to dash at him, getting slightly injured by the kunai in various places. He was about to attack you near the head, but you ducked down and sliced off his legs.

Meanwhile, Uzui grabbed a kunai quickly and threw it at Gyutaro's neck to weaken him more, "What the...?" The demon exclaimed, realizing that he had made a mistake looking down on these weapons. You returned back up and aimed your sword at his neck, ready to decapitate him. However, you saw him smirk and knew he was up to something. He managed to remove the kunai and regenerate his legs back.

You squinted your eyes in realization, "He managed to neutralize the poison, very clever." You thought, mentally preparing for what's coming next. Gyutaro smirked evilly at you, "Man, that sure packed a punch! This poison I mean! Blood Demon Art... Rotating Circular Slashes... Flying Blood Scythes!" He exclaimed, creating red waves around his arms with his blood demon art. He moved his arms down at you, but thankfully you jumped away before it's too late.

There was dirt and dust everywhere around you that you can barely see through. After a few minutes, the atmosphere cleared, Gyutaro was nowhere to be seen. You moved your eyes around, trying to find him, "He can't keep hiding. If anything, he will strike a weak point which is..." Your eyes widened in shock as you discovered who he is going to. "Y/N behind you!" Hinatsuru warned you, knocking you out of your thoughts.

"Hinatsuru?... He will go to Hinatsuru!"

"Hinatsu-..." Tengen exclaimed with worry. She threw a kunai at an obi that was about to attack you, "I will draw the belts toward myself! Tengen sama, Y/N san, don't mind me! Go look for the dem-..." She was cut off so suddenly because Gyutaro had covered her mouth. Your blue eyes widen in utter shock, "I knew it! I need to move, the others are busy with Daki!" You thought, sneaking away so nobody can see you.

"Hinatsuru!" You heard Uzui scream loudly. You jumped on the rooftop where they both were. You let the curse energy emit from your ring and surrounded your sword, using your full speed to cut Gyutaro's hands and pull Hinatsuru away from him. Gyutaro turned around to face you, seeing you shielding Hinatsuru.

"That was uncalled for, you shouldn't involve others in our fight."

He frowned at you, tightening his grip at his sickles, "I have had enough of you, I'm going to kill you!" He suddenly appeared in front of you, his weapon ready to go down. You blocked him and held the sickle in place with your sword. However, he still have another one and was about to attack you with it. Just then, Uzui rushed from behind him and was going for Gyutaro's neck, "Y/N! You have my gratitude!" He exclaimed, almost close to decapitate him.

You quickly joined Uzui and went to help beheading the demon, but he managed to stop your swords with his sickles, "The likes of you, cut off my head? Never going to happen!" Gyutaro chuckled, using something like a flesh from hos scythes to pin both of your and Uzui's swords in place. You tried to pull your sword out, but I didn't budge, "It's stuck, I have to force it out then." You thought, tightening your grip at the sword.

Uzui didn't give up and used his other sword yet it didn't go unnoticed by Gyutaro. He turned his head 180⁰ and held the sword with his mouth before it can make contact with his neck. Before he could use his demon blood art, you forcefully pulled your sword away and freed Uzui quickly, "This won't work on me!" You exclaimed, kicking him off the rooftop and jumped after him to continue the fight.

Uzui stared down for a moment then turned to Hinatsuru, "Go and hide, don't stay here!" He said before jumping after you. Hinatsuru stood there, looking down with shock, "Please be careful." She mumbled and forced herself to stand up.

With you...

You and Gyutaro kept on exchanging clashes so fast that it was almost blurry. After a few seconds, Uzui joined you which increased your chances of winning. You jumped away to prepare for another attack, but Uzui carelessly dashed toward him to continue the fight. However and during their fight, Tengen had lost his hand and was kicked away, crushing into a building.

The demon turned to you and smirked, "Only you left now, my sister must have dealt with those brats already." He said then chuckled evilly. You were unfazed by his intimidating attitude, "I still have a lot up my sleeves, so it's not the end yet." You replied back, focusing on your cursed energy. Suddenly, small creatures that has heads like Rika's and bat wings appeared, using your hair as an intermediary. You sent them toward Gyutaro to distract him while you plan an attack, you will take him off guard while aiming for his neck.

"What are these? How can this human summon creatures like this?" He thought, using his demon art to slash them. Suddenly, you appeared right in front of them and both of your returned to exchange clashes in an incredible speed. However, Gyutaro seemed to be looking somewhere else. He turned back to you and carried on with the fight like nothing happened. One of his attacks hit the ground, creating a wave of dirt to raise up. Once it cleared, you didn't find him.

You looked around, trying to see if he was near you, but he wasn't, "Where did he go? He just vanished." You thought, keeping your guards up just in case he does a sudden appearance. Suddenly, there was a wave of destruction followed by a loud explosion.



Before you know it, Rika forced himself out and pulled your toward him to cover you from the impact with his body. That was the last thing you know before Rika blocked your vision, you just hoped everyone was okay.

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