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Chapter 12- The Entertainment District


THE RED LIGHT SURROUNDED THE area as the five of you entered Yoshiwara, or better yet known as the Red Light District or the Entertainment District. It was strange for the three boys to see such a place like this that they found themselves gazing around with awe. You, on the other hand, were used to such places. Yes you didn't visit Yoshiwara before, but you were to places similar to it. You wouldn't lie, but you did the same reaction when you first visited one of those places. The district was swarming with people walking here and there, not to mention the bright lights and high buildings.

You were sitting beside Tengen on a carriage that went inside Yoshiwara. You sweatdropped at Uzui who sat beside you with his arms crossed over his chest while his eyes closed in arrogance, "Listen, you three." Tengen started, earning only your and Tanjiro's attention, "Don't do anything that'll make you stand out. Remember that we're only here to case the joint. Whatever you do, don't get out of the carriage." He said, not even looking at the three teens.

You glanced back and saw Zenitsu jump out of the carriage followed by Inosuke, "Hey! Don't do it, Zenitsu! Inosuke!" Tanjiro warned, but both of his friends didn't listen to him. Thus, he had to also jump to get them back. You smiled nervously and turned to Uzui, tapping his arm gently, "They are gone..." You trailed off, pointing at the empty carriage behind you.

Uzui looked back as his expression turned to one of rage, "Those stinking brats!" He exclaimed, getting off the carriage as he fumed in anger. You let a small huff then smiled, "Don't blame them, this is a whole new world for them." You said, trying to calm the white haired man beside you.

"I will kill them when find them!" He exclaimed, chasing after the boys. You let out a sigh, chuckled lightly under your breath, "And he didn't even listen to me." You mumbled while sweatdropping.

"I don't know why you're still hanging out with him." Rika spoke to you and all you did was just laugh and walk toward the four.

After a long chasing and explanation about this place and what it contains, you all went to the wisteria house where Tengen will explain more about the mission at hand.

You all sat in a room with Uzui sitting in front of you four, his hand placed on the side of his head as a support, "Now listen up. When you've infiltrated the Entertainment District, first look for my bride. I will be digging for information on the demon, as well." Uzui explained as you, Tanjiro, and Zenitsu looked at him speechless while Inosuke continued to stuff his mouth with food. However, you could see Zenitsu twitching in anger.



And the argue start between the two... You rubbed your temple as you felt a headache raise, "Here we go again..."

"I'll thank you not to mess with us! How dare you use your subordinates to find yourself a bride?!" Zenitsu exclaimed while banging his hand on the ground, an irk mark on head while tears ran down his face. Uzui's expression changed from confusion to frustration, "Huh?! How did you get that idea!" He retorted loudly with a dark shadow on his face.

"Nope! I'm going to have my say!"

Tanjiro tried to pull him away from Uzui, but Zenitsu ignored him, "I'M SURE A SCREWED-UP ODDBALL LIKE YOU HAVE NO LUCK WITH THE LADIES! HOWEVER! EVEN NO! JUST BECAUSE YOU WANT A WIFE, THAT'S NO REASON TO USE DEMON SLAYERS LIKE US!!!" Zenitsu yelled again, pointing at Uzui with river of tears running down his eyes.


You let out a sigh and decided to stop this fight in your own way. You stood up and approached the two of them with ominous aura around you, "Are you two going to stop fighting or should I let Rika deal with you?" You said, your eyes were cold as if death was looking directly at them.

 You stood up and approached the two of them with ominous aura around you, "Are you two going to stop fighting or should I let Rika deal with you?" You said, your eyes were cold as if death was looking directly at them

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Both of them went quiet as Zenitsu backed away from Uzui. It was the first time Tengen sees a very scary look on your face, he had learned a new thing about you today. Your frightening expression turned into a gentle smile, "Alright, let's discuss the matter calmly like grown ups." You stated, returning to sit back beside Tanjiro.

Tengen pulled out stacks of letters and gently threw them in front of you, "These are letters sent via the Kasugai crow." As he said that, you took one of the letters and started to skim through it.

"There's quite a lot of them. Has she been undercover for a long time?" Tanjiro asked, holding a few letters in his hands. You sweatdropped at his question, poor boy doesn't know Uzui has three wives. "Well, I do have three of them. Wives." What the man said seemed to trigger Zenitsu because his eyes suddenly went wide.

"Three of them... Wives? TH-THREE? WHY, YOU... WHY, YOU... WHY WOULD YOU HAVE THREE OF THEM?!"

Before Zenitsu could add anything, a fist made a contact with his stomach strongly that it made him pass out immediately. Uzui clenched his fist as a very dangerous glare was on his face, "You've got a problem with that?" Nobody spoke up as you and Tanjiro pretended to read a letter while Inosuke put his mask on.

The serious discussion started as Uzui told you that you will also go undercover to see where did his wives disappeared. The search was narrowed down to three specific houses where Suma, Hinatsuru, and Makio used to be. The three boys were to go to those houses to investigate the wives disappearance while you and Uzui would look for the demon from beyond the shadows.

Simple as that, right?

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