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Chapter 22- Lovers Meet


"WAKE UP, Y/N." A VOICE CALLED for you to wake up, the voice sounded familiar and distant. You felt yourself lying on something rather soft, a hand brushing your hair away from your face.Your eyes fluttered open slowly, seeing a bright light and a blurry face in front of you.

You blinked a few times to adjust your vision only to see a face you missed so much. Rika smiled down at you, "You finally woke up, I thought you will stay a sleep for the whole day." He said then giggled. You felt your eyes water and quickly sat up, pulling him into a hug, "Rika! You're back!" You cried, tightening your hug around him. The boy smiled and hugged you back, "I'm glad to see you too." He said and closed his eyes, leaning on your shoulder.

You two remained like this for a few minutes before pulling away. You saw that he was in the age he died at which you assumed this was nothing but a dream. Another thing, you noticed that you were in the same dandelion field you and Rika used to play in.

Wiping your tears away, you forced a smile on your lips, "I did it, Rika. I killed your murderers, you got your revenge." You told him, your voice cracking slightly. Rika smiled and held your hand in both of his, "And I can't be grateful more than I'm right now. However, I didn't bring you here for this." He said, his smile slowly disappeared and turned into a sore look. You didn't say anything and just nodded as a sign of paying attention.

"You need to move on, Y/N. You have been caged in the past for years, it's time to look forward."

"But I can't leave you, Rika. I love you so much to just forget about you."

He laughed and hugged you, "I love you too, silly. I will always stay by your side, I'm not leaving you. Aa long as I want you to be mine, I can't just let you waste your age in doing nothing. Can you move on for me?" You bit your lips lightly and hugged him back.

"I will... for you."

"Thank you, Y/N, for everything."

A blinding light engulfed you and Rika together, bringing you back to the real world.


You jolted awake, going quickly into a sitting position. You looked everywhere around, seeing the destruction of the place and the flames were already gone.

"Rika? Are you still here?" You called with concern, hoping that he would reply to you.

"Still here, Y/N."

A sigh left your lips when you heard his faint voice through your mind, he is resting at the moment. However, you remembered Uzui and the others. Without wasting more time, you stood up and ran to look for them. Eventually, you found them with a certain black haired Hashira.

You listened to the conversation, he was literally insulting and bullying Tengen. You had a deadpanned look as you continued to listen, "He is still really disrespectful." You thought while sweatdropping. You sighed and walked toward them, "I see you never change, huh? Obanai san." You spoke from behind him, having a him dangerous smile on your lips. The male turned to you, "Y/N? What are you doing here?" He asked with monotonous tone, totally unfazed by your scary smile.

"You could say I solved some past things."

"He is free."

"Not really."

Once you finished, you walked toward Uzui and his wives, kneeling beside them. You noticed that the poison marks were gone much to your relief, "It's good to see you all alive." You said with a sweet smile on your lips. However, you were taken off guard by the three wives hugging you together.

"Woah! I'm so happy to see you, Y/N san!" Suma dramatically cried, fat tears running down her cheeks.

"Thank you for saving us all!" Makio added, trying to hold her tears in.

"We are forever in your debt." Hinatsuru said too, crying silently.

You blinked a few times in confusion before it clicked, "H-Hey, it's my duty! Don't thank me, we all worked together!" You exclaimed with panic while the three wives continued to cry. All the time and Tengen was watching you with a big smile on his lips.

At the end of the day, you helped everyone by healing their injuries. Uzui however wanted to you to just heal the minor wounds only, his eyes and hand were the perfect excuse for him to retire from being a Hashira. Obanai has left to report for the mission to the HQ. You were glad that everything has ended and Rika can finally rest his head.

Although his cursed spirit will still stick with you, he was more at peace. Now all you can focus on is you job a sorcerer and how to move on with your life. Basically, you have to start from the top...

The start of a new life.

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