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To declare somethings, the ending of Demon Slayer season two will be different. Uzui lost both his hand and eye in the same time, Tanjiro has already discovered his demon slayer mark, but still needs to control it, and the rest are passed out. Y/N will decapitate both Daki and Gyutaro with Rika's help. I hope you understood the changes now.

Enjoy the chapter!
-Vity 💫


Chapter 21- Decapitation of Revenge


THERE WAS A GENTLE TAP on your cheek with soft cooing ringing in your ears, someone was calling your name. The last thing you remember was the loud explosion and Rika covering you then everything went black.

"Y/N... Wake up... Please, love..."

You forced your eyes open to see Rika in front of you, but he was blurry. You blinked your eyes a few times to clear your vision before sitting up, placing a hand on your head. You could feel that Rika was pretty concerned, his curse energy wasn't stable. He cooed and put his hand on your cheek, "I'm glad... you're fine." He spoke up which made you smile at him, "Don't worry about me, I'm okay." You assured then looked around, seeing the destruction that happened to this once lively place.

You stood up and grabbed your sword, still looking around. Just then, your eyes landed on Uzui who was forcing himself to stand up. You ran to him with Rika right at your tail, "Uzui san!" Calling his name, you reached him and sat beside him on your knee. A painful smirk tugged on his lips, "Glad to see you alright." As he said that, a coughing fit came afterwards. You frowned upon seeing him unable to move. He didn't just lose his hand but his eye too, how didn't you notice that? The poison was spreading around his body as you could see purple spots around his body.

"Y/N..." He called your name, snapping you out of your thoughts, "I found a way to win, I created his musical score." He said with both excitement and hope mixed in his single fuchsia eye. You shook your head in disapproval, "No, you're injured enough. I will take it from here. It's time for us to finish this." You stated, referring to yourself and Rika.


"No buts. Once the coast is clear, take the others and escape."

Tengen knew he wouldn't beat your stubbornness, so he just sighed and nodded, "Fine, but let me at least tell you how to defeat them." He suggests and then started to explain everything to you.

-T I M E   S K I P-

After Uzui told you everything, you went to look for the two demons. It didn't take you long as you saw Gyutaro about to attack Tanjiro who was struggling to breath. Before he could strike your friend with his sickle, you appeared right before his eyes and punched him away with your Black Flash.

"That's enough! It's time to end this!" You said, forcing your pinkish curse energy to surround your sword. Gyutaro growled while clenching his fists, "You're right, it's time to end this by killing you all." He said, preparing to get into the fight with you.

You noticed Daki on a rooftop with her obi ready as well then your eyes returned to Gyutaro, "Rika, deal with her... with everything you have." Saying this, you triggered Rika to use his full power. A big red eye appeared on his face while his mouth opened to reveal sharp teeth, he was ready to kill.

His red eye was plastered on Daki who shrunk in fear, "Y/N!!! Y/N!! I love you so much!!! Love love love love love love love!!!" Rika exclaimed, feeling excited that he is finally allowed to use his power.

Daki quickly composed herself and smirked, but it was a shaky one, "You think this will scare me?! This nonsense of pure love power is useless!" She exclaimed; however, she got surprised when Rika was creating an orb in his mouth. He sent his Cursed Energy Beam to her, sending her away and following after her.

You took this opportunity to also dash at Gyutaro who quickly unleashed blood slashes. However, you remembered Uzui's technique and started to follow it, "Ichi! San! Shichi! Go! I! Kin!" Using this rhyme managed to make you either avoid or block the slashes with ease, it was really useful as Uzui said. You appeared out of the dust and slammed your sword down, creating a crater. Gyutaro jumped away and used a wall of a building to stay on, "Don't give me this crap!" He angrily yelled, pushing himself forward and getting himself into a clashing battle with you. During the fight, Gyutaro managed to injure your abdomen, but it wasn't that unbearable.

Rika was also holding him, dealing with Daki was nothing to him. He was only buying you more time to get them both together so you can decapitate them in the same time.


Uzui managed to gather the three young demon slayers as you requested. He was mesmerized by how you managed to handle upper moon six with ease, "She is close... very close. Come on, Y/N, I know you can do it." He mumbled to himself, feeling the hope raise in his heart. He knew it's going to be over soon, it was just a matter of time.

Back with you, you were now in a middle of an intense fight with Gyutaro, both of you were using the best of your abilities to win. However, he didn't knew you have something up your sleeves. You took glimpses of Rika nearing you, this was your signal. The cursed speech marks appeared on your face, "Stop!" You demanded to immobilize him just in time as Rika placed Daki behind her brother, trapping them both together with his big hands.

You slammed your sword at their necks togather, slowly moving forward to behead them both. Daki started to cry in fear, "Brother! Do something, will you?" She exclaimed, fright written on her face. You didn't stop and continued to move your sword until their heads flew away, fully decapitated.

You did it.

Rika let go of their bodies and rushed to you, "Y/N! You okay?" He asked, gesturing to your stomach. You smiled at his adorable concern, "I'm fine, it's just a scratch." You assured, placing your hand on his cheek. However, you heard Uzui scream...


Your eyes went to Gyutaro's body that shook with the blood slashes about to explode. Rika quickly picked you up and started to move away before you get caught into the crossfire.

A loud explosion occurred, destroying everything in its way.

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