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Chapter 19- Midnight Chaos


HE COULDN'T DESCRIBE THE FIGHT between you and Gyutaro, it was way too fast for him to see. Tengen was watching from the rooftop of the opposite building, mesmerized by how you handled the two Upper Moons with a little bit of help from Rika.

He saw how you kicked Daki away from her brother swiftly. The two went to attack you again, but Rika managed to cut Daki's head with his sharp nails while you were pretty close to decapitate Gyutaro who managed to block it just in time, "She can handle them both with ease. She didn't even get injured, this is frighteningly impressive!" Uzui thought as his eyes followed your movement, but you three stopped the fight and jumped away from each other while Daki kept on screaming and complaining about why she was the only one to be decapitated.

Suddenly, Tengen could hear footsteps approaching him only to see the Kamaboko squad running toward him.

"Uzui san! Are you alright? You're badly injured!"

Tanjiro was the first one to speak as he stood beside the Sound Hashira. Uzui nodded and turned his gaze to you, "I'm fine, but Y/N is fighting the demons alone." He said which made the three look at the destroyed house. Tanjiro gasped when he saw you against them, "She can match them, there's a chance for us to win!" He thought with his eyes wide with utter shock, a spark of hope illuminated his heart.


You stood face to face with Gyutaro while Daki was beside you a few feet away. Your expressions were cold as you kept your gaze at the male demon, "Hold on. You're onto us, aren't you?" Gyutaro spoke up while looking annoyed. You tilted your head slightly, keeping your emotionless face, "About what?" You questioned with a monotonous voice.

"Not that finding out about is will do you any good! Since you're going to die eventually! Even as we speaking now, we're creeping to victory!"

"I don't know about that! Better not forget me, Inosuke sama!"

You heard a new voice say followed by thuds. You averted your gaze to see both Inosuke and Zenitsu standing by an opening in the wall while Uzui was beside you and Tanjiro in front of you, "Hey Y/N... Talk about flashy fights! That's what I like to see!" Uzui spoke up, taking a fighting stance along with the others. You looked at him as saw blood covering his face as well as poison marks, "No good, I need to heal him fast or he will die." You thought and turned to look ahead to Gyutaro.

He let out a tsk, "You can summon all your underlings... but there will be no future waiting for you! You're all going to die, anyway..." He taunted while scratching his hair. You noticed that Tanjiro was shaking and that he was severely injured unlike the others. Since the fight is still going, you decide to heal him even for a bit.

You focused on your curse energy and placed your hand on his shoulder which startled him and made him look at you, "Y/N san?..."

"We're going to win, so don't worry."

His beautiful red eyes widened when he felt a weird sensation wash over him, "The pain! I-it's... gone!" The thought of this made him look at you with disbelief. After a few seconds, you pulled your hand away, "Now here's the plan... Uzui, you help me with him. Tanjiro, you deal with her along with your friends. Let's not waste more time." You explained then glanced at Rika.

"You can rest now, I will take it from here." Once you said that, you give a firm nod and your curse got the signal, disappearing almost immediately. Daki took this chance to attack you with her obi, but Zenitsu moved im a lightning speed and pushed her out of the building, Tanjiro and Inosuke following him.

Gyutaro then closed one eye for some reason, "He have killed so many of you! We're going to slash your windpipes just like how we did to the others!" He said, not ashamed of showing his bloodlust.

"I well strike first and you cover my back."

When you said that, Uzui looked at you with shock, "You have been fighting him for a while, let me take the lead this time." He suggested while tightening his grasp on his swords. You shook your head, "No, this will only increase the spreading process of the poison plus this is my own fight. I have been yearning to avenge Rika." You declared which made Tengen at loss of words.

Suddenly, Gyutaro appeared in front of you, aiming his sickle right under your chin. With a swift movement, you gripped the sickle tight with your hand and kicked him to move him away. You dashed after him, getting into another clashing game; however, this time you received minor injuries around your body. It's not something serious since you can use your curse technique to heal.

Obi sashes shot from the ceiling to disturb the fight, but Uzui quickly cut them before they can harm you more. Gyutaro chuckled evilly, "You're not a demon slayer, but you sure have a lot of nerve to fight us with using their techniques." He said, continuing to chuckle confidently after that.

"I maybe not, but I'm a jujutsu sorcerer and I fight what's worse than demons!" You confirmed while blocking an obi. After pushing the belts away, you continued your fight with Gyutaro. Both of you swung your weapons in an incredible speed, blocking and sending attacks to each other while Uzui kept on dealing with the sashes from Daki. However, you didn't notice the blood slashes dashing at you and it was too late to block them.

Just as in cue, Uzui came right behind you and held them away from you. Your blue eyes flashed for a second before you start to use more curse energy to gain upper hand. Eventually, you two made it out side to resume the fight with Uzui blocking the belts away from you, "With his injuries and poison, he is still fighting. This will only increase the process, I need to cover up most of the fight or he might die in a matter of few hours or maybe less!" You thought while your sword was still colliding with Gyutaro's sickles.

However, none of you noticed Hinatsuru was slowly making her up the rooftop of the building and this was going to be a big disadvantage to everyone... Especially you and Tengen.

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