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Chapter 6- Return


YOU LET OUT A SIGH AS FOLLOWED Tengen to his house so you can explain things to him. It was almost sunrise and since you have killed the demon Tengen was supposed to slay, he was now free to do what he wants until his next mission.

You just followed him quietly while Tengen was desperately trying to figure out what to say to break the silence. He noticed how your expressions were cold and blank, you weren't that shy girl anymore and you weren't afraid to be around him anymore. He also saw the ring in you hand that held the strap of your sword case, you never took it off.

"How's your life going, Uzui san?" Your question brought Tengen back to reality. It was the first time you spoke to him first and it felt kinda strange. He quickly composed himself and cleared his throat, "Ah, yes... It's going very good." He said and you let out a hum. The walk continued as you both stayed silent. For Tengen, the walk back to his house felt like a very long journey. He was glad that you agreed to come with him after a long time of insisting.

When you arrived to the Sound Hashira's estate, the sun had already raised up in the sky. Tengen was aware that his wives are probably awake by this time. Once you both stepped in, three rushed set of footsteps dashed toward you, "Tengen sama!" The three women exclaimed as they saw their husband entering the house. You were behind him, so they still didn't see you yet.

Suma threw herself at the white haired man while crying like a little baby, "Tengen sama! Why did you leave in the middle of the night?" She yelled as tears ran down her face. Makio growled under her breath and yanked Suma away, "Baka! He has a mission! Don't ask stupid questions!" She yelled in anger which made Suma cry more.

"Come on you both, stop making a fuss. I have a headache."

As you stood back there, you felt like you don't belong here. The four of them completed each perfectly. You lowered your head, but what you saw was a bit reassuring and shocking. You saw the face of a child Rika holding your hand, "You're not the same person, stop looked down at yourself." He told you, flashing you the smile you missed so much. You sighed and gave a small nod, "Alright, I will stop that." You thought, smiling as well. You then felt someone staring at you and you looked up, locking eyes with Hinatsuru.

"Tengen sama, who is your guest?" She asked which made her co-wives to look at you as well. You were surprised she didn't recognize you, but you couldn't blame her since you had changed a lot and she met you only once. Tengen smiled and moved to the side, revealing you to his wives.

"Girls, I have finally found Y/N."

"Huh? Y/N?"


You sat in the common room with the Uzui family as they kept on staring at you. You were mentally considering the thought of leaving because the stares you were receiving.

"Whoa! Y/N san, you became prettier than before!" Suma broke the silence as she exclaimed her opinion. You blinked a few time before letting out a small laugh while sweatdropping, "Thanks... You're also pretty." You said while scratching the back of your head, a slight blush appeared on your cheeks. Suma let out a gasp of amazement at your compliment, feeling her face becomes warmer.

Tengen was surprised when he saw how you didn't stutter or get nervous when Suma complimented you. Normally, you would be so anxious and find difficulty in replying to any flattering remarks. However, that wasn't the matter right now. He had to know why you suddenly disappeared without any trace.

The male faked a cough to get your attention to him, "So Y/N, are you going to tell me where did you go?" He asked and your expression turned cold which made the three wives get surprised when they saw this new expression on your face. You clenched your fists tightly and took a deep breath, "I went to a long trip for self-development. I had enough of my old personality and how I lived with no purpose. That day when we met in the cemetery was the same day I was going to leave. I have to change myself in order to become stronger, that's why I left the house and everything behind." You explained, letting out yet another sigh.

Uzui hummed as he crossed his arms, "I understand your circumstances, but you should have at least told me that day." He told you and then smiled at you.

"If you just saw him. He was going back and forth looking for you." Makio spoke up, smirking as she remembered how panicked Tengen was when he didn't find you. Hinatsuru giggled and nodded in agreement, "Yes, he was as if he is having a heart attack." Uzui blushed in embarrassment while his wives continued to tell you about what happened to him in your absence. When he found that it was enough, he decided to stop them, "Stop it girls! This is really unflamboyant at all!" He exclaimed, playfully frowning. However, his wives only looked at him for a moment then turned back to tell you more.

Suma then saw the ring around your finger and pointed at it, "Are you engaged, Y/N san?" She asked which made you subconsciously look down at your ring. You smiled sadly and shook your head, "No, it's a promise ring. He... died before we could fulfill our promise." You told her, which made the three look at you with sadness. Suma felt really guilty for asking, so she dashed at you and wrapped her arms around you, "I'm sorry Y/N san! I didn't know it was that sad!" She cried, squeezing you more in her tight hug.

"Suma, you will suffocate her if you hug more tightly." Hinatsuru warned which made Suma let go of you. You took deep breath after you got released from the hug, "It's okay, Suma san. I don't mind at all." You assured her, giving her a smile to confirm that you were really fine.

"Still, she shouldn't have asked!" Makio stated, glaring at Suma who hid behind you in fear, "Please protect me, Y/N san!" She cried, peeking over your shoulders to see Makio. Hinatsuru sighed and scoffed, "You two really need to stop fighting in front of our guests. I deeply apologize for this, Y/N san." She said as she gave you an apologetic smile. You shook your head as you smiled again, "Please don't apologize, Hinatsuru san. I'm alright." You confirmed, waving your hands around.

All the time, Tengen was watching you all interact with each other while smiling proudly, "You got along with them quickly... You fit right in this family, Y/N." He thought, observing silently as the four girls got along very well.

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