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Chapter 18- Intense Fight


YOU STILL STOOD IN YOUR place, watching the new demon known as Gyutaro talk to his assumed sister. Rika was still in rage behind you, but you couldn't let him be involved in this fight while he is angry since he might hurt the people in this place. For now all you need him to do was to keep the man and woman behind you both safe and unharmed.

You saw that Uzui moved again to strike the new demon, but like the previous time the demon moved quickly while giving Tengen a huge scare on his forehead, "His speed is very fast compared to Daki... He will be difficult to deal with." You thought, now standing face to face with the demon alongside Tengen.

"...Good for you. Lucky you, man..." Gyutaro started to compliment Tengen, " That face of yours... Nice. I like your skin, too. Not a blemish, birthmark or scar to be seen, huh? And you have some meat on your bones, too. You're too tall, too! I'm sure you're the ladies man, right? I envy you!" He continued to ramble nonsense about how couldn't he be like Tengen while scratching his face and arms. Daki quickly wiped her tears, "Brother! It's not just him! There's more! They all ganged on me and bullied me, especially her! She called me old hag!" She whined, pointing a finger at you.

Gyutaro turned to you with a glare, "I see! I see! That's unforgivable for sure! My sweet little sister was doing her best with what little brains she had. So I will massacre everyone who had the nerve to bully her or call her names. I will kill you both!" He exclaimed, throwing both his sickles toward you specifically.

Without wasting anytime, Rika deflected the sickles away from you to the rooftop to fly out. You didn't say anything as Rika placed his big hand in front of you, "Uzui san, please take them to safety. I will deal with these two." You stated while keeping a cold gaze at Gyutaro. Uzui's fuchsia eyes widened, "What are you saying? I can't just leave you!" He yelled with utter shock at your request.

You side glanced at him, "You left me no choice..." As you mumbled this, Uzui noticed marks appearing near your mouth. You turned to him, "Take them and run away." You spoke up, using the cursed speech in him. Uzui found himself unwillingly taking both the man and woman and escape through the hole in the wall.

"You're going to fight me alone? You will definitely die with that thing behind you." Gyutaro taunted, getting a hold of his flying sickles. You didn't say anything as you took a fighting stance, "Blast away!" You exclaimed, sending a great force toward both Gyutaro and Daki and making them fly to the next room. You dashed toward them to continue your attack...

"How dare you attack me?!" You heard the male demon yell in frustration, "That's unforgivable! Blood Demon Art: Flying Blood Sickles!" He used his technique, sending a sharp blood slashes toward you, "Explode!" You demanded, making the blood slashes explode into tiny pieces. You continued to run to him to strike him with your sword.

However, Gyutaro moved quickly and blocked your sword with both of his sickles. Daki sent her obi to you, but Rika quickly cut them before the could reach you. You and Gyutaro kept on exchange clashes for a moment before you jumped back.

"I can't continue using the cursed speech for long, I need to keep my energy." You thought while readying yourself to use the cursed speech one last time, "Get crushed!" You said, forcing Gyutaro and Daki to fly away from you and crushing down to the first floor of the building.

You jumped down after them while removing the speech marks from your face, but you were surprised to see a giant ball of obi covering both of them, "So what I felt before was right, it won't be easy disposing of you both." Once you said that, the obi started to move away to show you Daki on her brothers shoulders. Gyutaro smirked evilly at you, "The thing about us... is that we're two people in one! But this still pisses me off how you attacked us like this. You're not a normal demon slayer or a Hashira, there's something emitting from you that is way too ominous." He said, giving you a frown in the end of his talk.

You let out a sigh, "I'm not going to lie, but yes, I have something ominous within me. A thing that only my family has, I'm a cursed child that was born after decades." You told them with a monotonous voice. Daki let out a growl of annoyance, "Tsk! Cursed child?! There's no such thing for you humans to have! Don't give us that crap!" She yelled, completely not convinced by your explanation.

"That's no lie. Every five hundred years, a child is born with curse energy that can manipulate their lives. This child can curse anything if they pleased... This curse behind me was once a human until I cursed him to be like this. It's only in the Okkotsu clan, only us can create this. But this wasn't going to happen if you did not kill him in the first place."

"Huh?" Both siblings said in unison.

Rika growled as he held you closer, "Demons... I will kill you." He rasped out, still growling deeply.

Now the fight was between you and those demons. You have vowed to avenge Rika no matter what and it's the time to do so. You're not going to give up and will win this fight. Yes you're a cursed child, but you still can use this power to your advantage. You held your sword in front of you as a signal that you're ready to fight till the end and opened your mouth to say...

"Prepare to die."

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