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◦•●◉✿Dandelions ✿◉●•◦

Chapter 4- Fateful Decision


THOSE DAYS WERE SLIGHTLY EVENTFUL as a certain white haired male kept on visiting you every now and then. He and Rika weren't in each other's good sides since Tengen tends to be a bit teasing and playful which resulted in him almost getting killed by Rika.

Obviously, Tengen had developed feelings toward you and tried to show you that he likes you a lot. However, you were oblivious to his intentions and and tries. You didn't want to get involved with him a lot because he might end up like Rika, so the best option was to keep him friend zoned for his safety.

Today, surprisingly Tengen didn't visit you which was both good and depressing. Truth to be told, you started to enjoy his company as a friend of course. However, you shook the thought of loneliness because you had Rika by your side.

You had just finished training and decided to take some rest before heading inside your house. You let out a sigh of satisfaction as Rika made his appearance, you knew what he was going to say. Thus, you decided to speak before he utter a word, "Rika, we have discussed this. I'm doing good, no need to worry okay?" You softly said, giving him a bright smile.

"You still didn't change, huh?"

You turned around when you heard the voice you were familiar with, "Oh, it has been a while Obanai san." You stood up and bowed in greeting. The black haired male nodded and walked toward you, "Sure it has been a long while." He said with his usual scary voice, but you weren't scared... surely.

You invited him inside and made him a cup of tea, "You have improved a lot since our last encounter." Obanai spoke up, breaking the silence. You smiled nervously and nodded, "Yeah, I train everyday." You blushed in shyness at his semi compliment.

"How is Rika doing? Still didn't find who killed him?"

His question took you off guard and you looked down in sadness, "No, I'm still looking, but he is doing good." You said, giving a forced small smile. Obanai let out a hum as he took a sip from hus tea, you knew what happened to his mouth and you weren't bothered with it since he is your friend, "I see, better luck next time." You both then went quiet, the atmosphere were kinda awkward.

You were wondering what brought him here, so you decided to ask, "I know this is rude to ask, but why did you suddenly decide to visit me after this long time?" Obanai stared at you for a few moments then sighed, "I have a mission in the nearby village and decided to drop by." He replied and you just nodded your head without questioning it because it was a lie, there's no demons in the nearby villages because you killed them all.

"I'm going to be honest with you this time..." He spoke up again, making you look at him with anticipation, "Y/N, you need to change this shy and moody personality of yours. You lived long enough without any goals, it's time to change this. You get shy and embarrassed so fast and this is not suitable for you, think about my words." He finished while you looked down in shame.

To be honest, he was right. You need to change yourself and move forward, you need to become a new person. However, this won't happen if you remained in your place.

You let out a sigh and nodded, "You're right, I'm must work on this."


After three days of thinking, you have finally made your decision. You were going to leave your house for a year to develop yourself more, physically and mentally. You had to take a big step forward to become stronger and today was the day you will leave your house, but not before visiting your family's grave.

You quietly walked through the cemetery where yours and Rika's family grave was. They both were beside each other which was easy to find. What was so calming was the sakura trees around the cemetery. You stood in front the Orimoto grave and prayed, Rika appeared behind you and just bowed his head as a sad whine could be heard from him. You turned to him and smiled, "It's alright, Rika." You assured then moved to your family's grave. You put your hands in prayer position and closed your eyes, "Mother, Father, I'm now moving on. I hope you're watching me and supporting me with my decisions. I know I'm your cursed child, but I will make you both proud. I hope you're both are in peace." You thought as you stood there with no thoughts in your mind.

After finishing your pray, you turned to Rika and nodded, "Let's go." With that, Rika disappeared and you started to walk. As you were making your way to the entrance of the cemetery, you could hear chatting ahead of you. However, you didn't bother yourself to see who was chatting with who and kept your gaze on the road.

"Huh? Y/N is that you?"

You froze in place as you kept your gaze on the ground, "Wh-What?" You thought as shock written all over your face. You looked up and saw the last person you expected to see, Uzui Tengen. Along with him were three women you didn't recognize at all. You gulped the lump in your throat and waved at him, "H-Hey..." You trailed off as Tengen walked toward you, followed by the three women.

Tengen had a big smile once he saw you, "I was going to visit you, but it seems it won't be needed anymore." He told you, being happy that he finally met you here coincidently. You held into the strap of your sword case tightly, "Y-Yeah, me too." Your dark blue gaze averted to the three women, they looked so pretty and beautiful... unlike you. Tengen noticed you looking at them and grinned, "Oh, Y/N meet Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma, my wives. Girls, this is Okkotsu Y/N." He introduced with pride.

You forced a small smile and nodded, "It's nice to meet you." You greeted politely.

This man is married and yet he kept on visiting you behind his wives? Just how could he?

The three of them dashed at you, "Woah! You're pretty!" Suma exclaimed with stars around her.

"Tengen sama doesn't stop talking about you all day and I can see why!" The one known as Makio said while tapping your shoulders roughly with a smirk on her face.

"Oi! Just don't go around tell her this!" Tengen exclaimed with embarrassment.

Hinatsuru smiled gently as you could feel a very calm aura around her, "It's very nice to meet you, Y/N san. I hope to be friends with you." She said and all you did was just nodding your head. You were very overwhelmed by them, you expected them to hate you because you were meeting their husband without their acknowledgement. For a moment there, you felt really bad and hated yourself more for this. However, you seemed to be mistaken.

Tengen noticed your nervousness and decided to take an action, "Come on now girls, you're making Y/N stressed." He said as he approached you all. Tengen could feel the glare coming from Rika, but decided to ignore him in the meantime, "So Y/N, would you like to join us?" He asked as he and the women looked at you with hope.

You blinked a few time and laughed nervously, "I really apologize, but I can't go with you. I have to go somewhere." You politely declined, hoping they wouldn't nag at you. The women dropped their shoulders in disappointment while Uzui sighed, but smiled, "It's alright, I understand." As he said that, you released a sigh of relief. You bowed respectfully and grinned, "It's nice to meet you all, until we meet again someday." They nodded and bid you their goodbyes.

You started to walk away from them, but for some reason you felt an ache in your heart. However, you never know the reason because you kept on denying it.

For once, you wish you will never meet Uzui ever again.

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