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Chapter 1- Okkotsu Y/N


ANOTHER MISSION WENT WITH EASE for a certain white haired demon slayer. Uzui Tengen was slowly but surely making his way to become a Hashira, the Sound Hashira. He was going to be a very flashy addition to the Hashiras certainly. The mission was pretty easy for him, he thought that demons are getting weaker and weaker. A smirk naturally tugged on his lips at the thought, "I will become a Hashira in no time, but for now I'm gonna get some rest!" He mumbled, a chuckle rumbled in his throat.

Now he had to return home to his three beloved wives to whine and greet him. His smirk turned into a gentle smile at the thought of his girls. It was a peaceful night, nothing to disturb it. Well, not until his ears picked up a sound of fighting not too far from him. He was hesitant whether to go or not, but decided to go there eventually. What if it was a demon attacking someone?

With his high speed, he sprinted there to save the day again. However, he froze when he saw a girl landing after she avoided the demon's attack. She was fighting a demon twice her size. He noticed her strange attire, it consists of a white jacket with the sleeves reaching her forearms along with black normal pants and white shoes. For him, it was rather a strange uniform for a female to wear. He saw the sword in her hand, it was normal with no color to resemble her breathing style. He knew that she wasn't a demon slayer and she can't survive this demon even if she tried.

Tengen was about to pull his swords out when he saw the girl move quickly until she suddenly appeared in front of the demon, cutting its head off. However, that wasn't the only thing he saw. He noticed the purplish/pink wave of energy covering her sword. Uzui gawked as he saw the demon slowly disappear, "Flamboyant! She killed a demon without a breathing style!" He thought as an idiotic grin crept up his face.

He jumped out as imaginary stars danced around him, "That was amazing!" When he screamed, the girl got startled and turned to him. He noticed that she was nervous, "Wh-Who are you?" She asked while eyeing his uniform. Obviously to Tengen, she seemed to be around 17 years old and the shy type too. Uzui grinned and placed his hands on his hips, "I'm Uzui Tengen, a flamboyant demon slayer and soon to be Hashira!" He exclaimed with pride which made the girl sweatdrop.

The girl scratched the back of her H/L black hair, "It nice to meet you, I'm Okkotsu Y/N." She introduced, averting her gaze away from him. Tengen smiled when he heard her name which to him was unique and beautiful, "Okkotsu? That's an unfamiliar name." He said and started to walk toward her.

Suddenly the girl's dark blue eyes widened as she took a step back, her face went pale for some reason, "I-I need to go... It's nice meeting you Uzui san!" With that, she bowed respectfully and disappeared from his eye sight. Tengen blinked a few time, but smiled a loving smile on his lips.

"Okkotsu Y/N, I will remember that."


"Home sweet home."

You closed the shoji door behind you, letting out a sigh. Today's events were so much, just how many demons you have killed tonight?

Probably four or five?

Rika made his appearance and you smiled at him, "I'm sorry if I made you worry about me." You said, placing your hand on his cheek.

You were feeling really guilty about what happened to Rika. When you grew older, you found the family documents and you studied through it. Apparently, your family had something special. In every five hundred years, a child born cursed. They earn something called cursed energy and they can curse any spirit and this what happened to Rika. You were the cursed child and you cursed Rika's spirit because you couldn't accept his death. Since Rika became a curse, he was a bit wild. Whenever you get bullied, he would make his presence and scare off the kids bullying you. For that, you had pulled yourself away from the society and stopped interacting or communicating with anyone in the village in fear that Rika might harm them.

Eventually, you decided to leave the village when you became fourteen. You build a house in the middle of the woods away from everyone. You talked with Rika and surprisingly he told that who killed him and his family was a demon. Two demons. Since then, you started to train to avenge your lover, but it wasn't enough.

That's when you met Obanai Iguro, a demon slayer who saved you from a demon. At first, Rika came out to attack him, but you managed to stop the curse. Since then, Obanai became kinda like a friend. He taught you how to wield your sword while you taught yourself how to use the curse energy with Rika's help. Once you started to master your sword skills, Obanai's visits became less frequent. Maybe he got a lot of missions that he couldn't visit you?

"Uzui Tengen..."

That man you met tonight was something else, he was arrogant and really confident unlike you all shy and introvert. When he was approaching you, you felt scared that Rika might attack him since he was holding himself for you to learn how to deal with demons by yourself.

Whatever, he was no special person to you. You only love and care for Rika.

You removed your sword case and placed it down, "I'm so exhausted. Come on Rika, let's get some rest. Tomorrow, we are visiting our families' graves." You said and went to your room to change to your sleeping yukata.

After your night routine, you went to sleep. However, those fuchsia eyes stuck in your mind. For some reason, you feel like this Tengen guy will have a strong effect on you and might change your life to the better or worse.

Only time can tell.

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