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Chapter 14- Warabihime Oiran


YOU WALKED AROUND THE house in hopes of finding something that could lead to Hinatsuru, but unfortunately nothing happened. The only unusual thing that happened was the death of the house's Madam, Omitsu. She was found in front of the house with a blood pool underneath her corpse. What was weird was that there was no injuries or bruises, you assumed that she was pushed from a high place.

However, that wasn't what concerned you. Since you entered this house, Rika has been acting strange. Whenever you ask him if he was okay or not, he would just tell you that he feels ominous for some reason. You took his words seriously and decided to be very cautious about your surroundings. If he says that he feels like that, then this means there's some inhuman thing lurking within this house... aside from the small curses you see here and there.

You tried your best to befriend some of the girls to get information, you managed once to hear them saying that Hinatsuru was sick and was taken somewhere yet they don't know where exactly. You wanted to tell Uzui about this, but you have to make sure that those rumors are true.

You continued to walk, getting a few 'Hellos' and 'Hi' from the rushing girls. All you did was just smiling at them, feeling sorry that they were rather in rush. Today, you will start to look for any information that will actually lead you to Hinatsuru.

"I have to find any clues around this house quickly... I don't want to remain here any longer."

As you were in thoughts, your ears picked up a noise not to far away from you. Without wasting anytime, you rushed toward that place quickly.

Meanwhile with Zenitsu...

He sat there in a dark room with a little injured girl crying beside him. He was frozen in place as a woman glared at his back, he got the feeling that this woman is not a human at all. He was scared and paralyzed to even turn around and face this woman.

"Hey! Are you hard of hearing or something?" The woman known as Warabihime Oiran spoke up with an irritated look. Two other little girls tried to reason with her about the other girl, but she wasn't convinced. Zenitsu knew that she might snap at them, so he decided to speak up, "Forgive me for entering without permission! The room's in such a disarray, and this girl was crying, so-..."

"Could you be any uglier? You really make me ill."

This seemed to strike Zenitsu right in his damaged ego, but Warabihime didn't care about this. She moved toward the girl and harshly pulled her ear that she drew blood out of it. Zenitsu quickly move and grabbed the Oiran's wrist, "Please... take your hands off her!" He stated with a determined look. The woman looked really pissed off as she glared at Zenitsu, "What did you say? Let's hear you say this again." She spoke up with a dangerously calm tone.

Zenitsu knew this wasn't going to end up well, so better yet face the consequences now, "Please, take your hands off her." He repeated nervously, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"How dare you touch me!"

She pulled her hand away and was about to punch Zenitsu, but something stopped her attack. Her yellow-greenish eyes were met with the emotionless dark blue eyes of yours.

 Her yellow-greenish eyes were met with the emotionless dark blue eyes of yours

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"What do you think yourself doing?"

You coldly said, holding her wrist tightly while everyone looked at you with awe. Just how did you get here without anyone noticing? Warabihime looked at you with shock, she could feel something off coming from you. It was very intimidating.

You can feel Rika getting ragous as you tried your best to hold him back, he felt something toward this woman too.

The Oiran composed herself and glared at you, "Let go of my hand you peasant!" She demanded only to wince when you tightened your grip at her wrist, "It looks like you're in need of some discipline! Some severe discipline!" She added as she got more irritated by your behavior. You were unfazed by her words, "I do not care about who you are you or what you want... You're just some disposable old hag that will die eventually." You stated with carelessness that made everyone gasp.

You were aware that this woman wasn't a human... She is a demon of a high rank. However, she wasn't alone... there's another demon with her.

"How dare you insu-..."

"Keep quiet for a moment... you're annoying me."

Warabihime was now way beyond irritated, she was enraged which was what you wanted to happen. She started to show her true colors.

Just then, a man appeared at the door and kneeled down, "Warabihime Oiran... I beg of you. Please forgive them. It's almost time to open. Our customers will be arriving. I will be sure to reprimand her harshly. So please, for now... Please help me save the face." As he said that, you let go of her hand while still having an empty stare. Suddenly, her angry look changed into a friendly smile, "I suppose I have lashed out at the newcomers mercilessly. Master, please raise your head. I'm the one who should be apologizing..." She continued to talk, acting all innocent out of blue.

"Leave the room." You whispered to Zenitsu before going out, ignoring the calls of the house owner. You still could feel the Oiran glaring at your back, but you didn't care. You have important things to tend to...

You sneaked out of the house, going as far away from the people as possible. You were worried about Rika, he was very mad for some reason. You summoned him and once he let out a loud roar, "R-Rika, calm down! What's the matter?!" You exclaimed, placing your hands on his face to calm him down. He was breathing heavily as his curse energy spiked up crazily... He was furious and enraged. You looked at him with concern, "Tell me Rika, what's happening to you?" You asked, trying to get him to look at you.

"Demon... Murderer! She killed me..."

Once he said that, you froze in place. That woman is the one who killed Rika and his family... That's why he was mad... The one who killed Rika was right in front of you.

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