Singing Whisper

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I was sleeping in my bedroom. Beside me, Grim was snoring as he dozed. While I slept, suddenly,I heard a singing whisper.


I woke up by the whisper. My eyes rolled over the room to find who is making that whisper. What's that no one was in my room. I confused. Could be I am dreaming or hallucinated? Because Grim doesn't seem to wake up by the singing whisper.

Before I laid on my pillow, suddenly,the singing whisper flinched me.


That moment,I thought if I couldn't find the culprit behind the singing whisper,it would not let me go to sleep. So I climbed down from my bed,went out from my bedroom and ventured the whole dorm while following the whisper.


It sounded like calling me to a place. But where? My feet stepped along on the wooden floor. I climbed down the staircase and head at the foyer. Still,I couldn't see a person who singing the whisper.

I continued to venture outside of Ramshackle dorm.


The singing whisper echoed at every track I went. From the Ramshackle gate, through the Maint Point until the forest behind the botanical garden.

Most boys in the Night Raven College suggested not to go to the forest at night. But because I'm curious about the singing whisper,I intrude into the forest. Seeing my surroundings were bright because of the full moon that night,I crossed against leaves on the ground and branches in the path.


The singing whisper became louder than before. I rushy followed until I realized myself at a clear waterfall. It was dead gorgeous as the moonlight reflected on the river. I stepped to the river and I saw my reflection upon the water.

Then, suddenly, I saw myself wore different clothes. I wore some outfits,the similar as Tsunotaro's Eastern Halloween costume. But it was more different as it made me felt majestic. I was stunned to witness my different self from my reflection on the river.

Then,I heard the singing whisper again.


I lifted my sight on a huge rock under the waterfall. Unexpectedly,I stunned myself to witness a beautiful water shaped as a horse. The water on the horse's body kept flowing down and up. It gazed at me.

" It's time to reveal yourself...."

I heard it whispered at me though our distance were far. I was stunned as stone as I didn't get what it mean. Soon, Out of blue, everything became blackout.

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