Shan Yu,the Dark Spirit

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Six months later.... I was sitting in the middle of an open field as I was surrounded by ice soldiers created by Kitsune. She and the rest element spirits watched over me as they are going to witness my training results.

I blinked my eyes while my ears focused hearing the ice soldiers surrounded me. My body is standing stiff, waited for them to attack.

Clank... They started to raise their swords and approached me. I still calmed while sensing them coming to me. As one of them going to wave it's sword on me,I blocked it's sword with my fans. Then, I swung my sharp fans on it as I sliced it to chunk of ices.

The other soldiers started to run at me after defeated their kind. I tossed my fans at them. The fans flew as they sliced all of the ice warriors in a single blow. The fans turned around to my position and I captured them with both of hands by their handle.

Not a moment after,more ice soldiers came to me in group. I used my whip and slashed all in the single group into chunks.

But again, more came to me. This time I used the machete gave by Sun Wukong to fight them. Dodged from all their swords,I swung my machete while I flowed my body as I hit them into ice chunks.

That was not the end. Even more ice soldiers running to me. I took out my sword and charged at them in full speed. Before, I could ran faster than anyone could reach if they aren't used to run. Now, I ran the fastest in just a blink of eyes. Thanks to Laohu for training me on how to run in just a blink of eyes. She is firmly sometimes during training,but her skills in battle and coaching are the best I experienced as a trainee to become an Eastern wizard.

Finally,to see the results of my training,I was tested to fight a huge army of ice soldiers. But I wasn't afraid as I concentrate on their amount. I carried my bow from my back,took three arrows into the string and aimed them onto the huge army of ice soldiers. As they almost approached me,I shot the arrows onto the sky. Then, I cast a multiplying magic, taught by Kitsune during discovering my hidden magic to spark.

The three arrows became multiple in amount until there are the same amounts as the huge army of ice soldiers. The arrows caught on all of them and all them were defeated in just a single hit of the thousand arrows.

Now, I realized myself getting stronger. I couldn't wait to return to my friends and told them about my amazing journey.

Kitsune who was watching me while sitting on the rocks behind me congratulated me as I mastered my weapons also my spark magic." Luna Nisshoku,I am proudly announced you have succeed all your trainings." She announced.

" Congratulations,Luna!" Wuhan proud of me.

" Well done,Luna." Nokk praised at me.

" There you go,our worthy keeper!" Sun Wukong happily cheered.

" Great battle,Luna." Laohu smiled at me.

I smiled at them as all the training they did on me finally payback their blood and sweats. After all those battle,I felt very sweat and tired that I jumped into the river as I bathed myself." Woohoo!" I hopped into the lake.

I swung my wet long to shoulder hair as I felt refreshed while washing myself at the lake. I dipped myself into the water to feel my hair up inside the water. It's been a while I don't cut my hair. I wanted to cut so Grim,Ace and Deuce could still recognize me. But since I am busy with my training, I decided to cut it after I succeed sparked my magic from my body.

While in my training,my magic suddenly began to spark by itself after I mastered handling my weapons. So the five elements spirits guided me to benefit my magic as the source of my power. I slowly develop my magic as I meditated and trained to use them in my daily training.

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