Train In the Spiritual World

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Kitsune told me that the time flowed more faster in the spiritual world than the human world. She said a month here is a day in the human world. Missing for days wouldn't be troublesome enough for my friends to search for me. Though, I kinda felt bad and worried...if they sad about my missing.

Kitsune continued explained to me about since the day I entered Twisted Wonderland,they five elements spirits sensed my soul which I am the reincarnation Eastern Princess. They watched over me as I overcome the dorm leader's overblot and helped several boys there that now became my allies. She also said the reason I came here was because I'm belonged here,at Twisted Wonderland. Which meant I am only returned to where I'm belonged.

I was shocked because I didn't expect that I am reincarnation of the Eastern Princess. Also the fact that I just returned to where I supposed to belong. For the real scene,I always said I wanted to return back to my home. But at the back scene,I don't felt belong in Japan as the voice in my heart told the opposite. Now, I had the answers to that,and I felt happy for myself.

Speaking about training, Kitsune, Nokk, Wuhan, Sun Wukong and Laohu let me stayed with them as easily for them to train me to spark my hidden magic. I stayed at a waterfall where Kitsune and the element spirits stayed together. They fed me delicious and satisfying Eastern fruits. They also explain to me about the Eastern history started from the Tang dynasty when I used to live my previous life as a disguised warrior. They offered me a bath at a hot spring nearby the mountain. My body felt relaxed after dipped in the warm hot water. For an exchange clothes,Wuhan gave me an Eastern shirt and loose pants for me to wear. It was comfortable and easy to walk with. I slept in a wooden gazebo where was placed beside the waterfall. With the sound of nature and pouring waterfall,I felt very peaceful that I slept well while covered myself with the blanket made by Wuhan.

I was wondering how Wuhan could sew such a comfy blanket also clothing though the fact she is a crane. She must be very skillful,I thought.

The next morning days,I started my training. My training was divided into five as the five elements spirits would train me. On the first day,I was under trained by Nokk. He teaches me Taichi at a river not far from the waterfall which was an Eastern relaxable but strong exercise. While doing Taichi,I must slowly move my entire body parts as I flow my hands,arms and feet through the action of water.

" Same as water. You must flow your mind and body calmly in every action you'll perceive." Nokk said to me.

It was hard for me at the first but Nokk taught me,made it simple for me to observe and remember. He may be a horse but he coaches me easily for me to understand.

The second day was Wuhan's turn to train me. She taught me to sharpen my senses so I am most cautious and aware of my surroundings. She firstly used her wind power to waved the bamboo in the forest.

" Close your eyes. Let your ears hear the waving of the bamboo while your mind focus on aware." Wuhan said to me.

I sat among the bamboo trees on an open field while I blinked as I enjoyed hearing the whispering wind sound and the clacking bamboos song. After that, Wuhan explained to me this training was a meditation for me to lighten down my mind and to enjoy nature as part of my soul such as the wind.

Wednesday is the third day. It's Wukong who trained me that day. He took me to an orchard where he planted his fruits there. While folded his arms as the same time looked at me,he lectured me to always fulfill my duty to the ground as they made the wealthiest plant for humans, animals also spirits to eat and more. He ordered me to plant a tastiest peach tree even if it bloomed a single round piece. So he gave me seeds for me to plant. I started to search a spot where soil is perfect for my peach tree to grow. Sun Wukong taught me that the darker the soil color is,the better quality the tree and fruits will grow. So I searched for soil with darker color. I grabbed some soil from a ground I've found beside a river in the center of the orchard. I heard that the soil nearby the river is darker than the soils far from it.

So I made a hole on the ground, put the seeds into it and covered them with ground. I watered my peach tree once in everyday.

On the fourth day, Laohu,the fire spirit tiger trained me in a deserted land. She told me if I was lost in a dry place as this,I must think a way to survive. I must be patient in any situation even during the hot climate that will easily made me outrage and thoughtless. She taught me how to get water source from my surroundings even from a cactus. I know cactus contained water inside their stem but with prickly spikey thorns on everywhere on the cactus,I couldn't deny it was tricky.

But Laohu taught me how to get water from the cactus without getting pricked by the thorns. She told me to wrap the cactus meat in a bandana, squish it and wring out to extract the water from the cactus. I did what she told me and it really worked. I never thought I could drink water from a cactus. It tastes refreshing though.

Finally,on the fifth day,it was Kitsune's turn to train me. She educated me on how to concentrate in every action in battle when fighting an enemy. We did my training at a snowy field far from the waterfall we lived. Though was far,we could easily go home by Kitsune's magic. She trained me Kung Fu which was the Eastern martial art. It consist flexible strength and concentrate able mind to master the martial art.

Though was hard,with Kitsune's coaching, everything that impossible became possible for me because of her soft and simple speech.

During the weekend,the five elements spirits educated me on Eastern history,culture and civilization. They also taught me on how to speak Eastern. Me with my Eastern brush as pencil and a paper scroll to write gave by Sun Wukong and Wuhan,I wrote every subjects that contained about Eastern country. Not to mention that my previous life born in the historical majestic country.

At night,the element spirits brought me to the lake to see my past reflection. I watched every moment of my previous life of when I started to become a disguised warrior and saved the Eastern country with my trusted red dragon, Mushu and my cricket also my previous father's horse and the help of the trio I met during the soldier candidate. Also with the help of my previous true love,Shang. When I seek my previous life that I have a fiance, suddenly,I thought if I could find my true life in my reincarnated life right now. But that doesn't matter because I still had training to master so my magic inside me spark from my body.

Kitsune said that my body are created on absorbing Chi, which is a powerful energy that only can consist in the Spiritual World and the Eastern country. The other part of the world also had Chi but with the less amount than at the Eastern country and the Spiritual World. Ghost also consume Chi but most of them don't realize it.

Ever since I was at Night Raven College,my body secretly collecting Chi from every ghosts I met without hurting their core. Since I lived there for a longer time,my body had stored enough Chi for me to spark my magic. Also my body could neutralize blot energy from the overblotted students I met, change them into as Chi to restore inside my body.

I was surprised to hear my body could do anything amazing as Kitsune told me because I never thought it would. So then I continued my training everyday until a month after.

The day after a month,I started to train fighting with Eastern weapon. During Nokk's training,I was taught to fight with a whip where I need to flexible myself like the flow of water to fight using it.

At Wuhan's training,she trained me on how to throw two sharp fans which is a weapon that required speed and sharp eyes on my target when I was aiming my fans and throw them in a single toss.

While Sun Wukong's coaching,he guided me on using a machete. He said I need to flexible,at the same time hard on my action when fighting with the machete. I firstly followed him as he demonstrated on how to flow and fight with the machete.

Laohu's training is easy for me to master as she taught me battle with a sword which I mastered it by Kendo during my time at Japan.

Lastly,it was Kitsune's time to coach me. She coached me on shooting arrows with bow as I once mastered on my previous life during I was a soldier candidate at the Tang dynasty.

As times passed,I started to handle every weapons I've been taught to use for battle.

Now, it's been two months I stayed in the spiritual world. That means two days I've been missing from the Night Raven College. Though, I feel I'm missing for a quiet long time. I wonder how Grim,Ace and Deuce are doing. Are they worrying about me?

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