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The students and teachers laid on the sport field after they were blown away by the explosive dark magic from Shan Yu.

" Everyone okay?" Crowley asked the students.

" We- we're okay." Deuce tried to stand.

" What the hail is that guy!?" Ace exclaimed.

" His magic is so strong!" Grim muttered.

" Grr...!" Riddle tried to raise himself.

" Riddle! Don't force yourself." Trey stopped him.

" What in the world is happening?" Cater was dizzy after all the blown away.

Meanwhile,Ortho shook Idia who was unconscious on the ground." Brother! Brother!"

" Geh...!" Idia opened his eyes and sat." Brother!" Ortho relieved to witness his elder brother still alive." Ortho? Are you okay? Is your circumstances still working?" Idia concerned his younger brother. Ortho nodded." Mm! My circumstances still working, though the fact the magic impact that blew us all almost broke it."

Meanwhile,Azul crouched as he already conscioused." Jade... Floyd... Are you guys alright?" He looked at Jade and Floyd who were not far away from him." We.. We're alright." Jade rustled his neck as it ached." Me too~ that Rockfish totally blown us away to this field." Floyd muttered while rustled his ached shoulder.

" Epel! Rook! You two fine?" Vil asked Rook who was helping Epel to walk." We are fine,Roi du Poison." Rook replied. Epel sighed." My foot hurts because it hit by the broken brick when we are blown away."

" It's fine,Epel. Here,I apply some aid cream on you." Vil took out an aid cream he brought as for emergency and applied the cream on Epel's bruised foot.

" Kalim! Kalim!" Jamil tried to wake Kalim who fainted." Hahhh! Jamil?" Kalim deadpanned as he opened his eyes. Jamil relieved that he finally gained consciousness." You finally awake."

" Leona- san! Leona- san!" Ruggie shook Leona to wake him up." Senior Leona!" Jack called him. Luckily,Leona opened his eyes." Why are you two yapping at me!? It's annoying." Leona grumbled.

Ruggie and Jack smiled as Leona still on his breath. Leona sat himself while rustled his ached head." Senior Leona! Are you alright?" Jack concerned." Do you think I am fine after being knocked my head onto the wall?" Leona mad. Jack snapped as his senior stared at him." Good grief! That beard guy was too strong for me to handle." Leona muttered.

" His strength are 70% stronger than Jack Howl- san. His magic percentage... Wahhh! 0.01% stronger than Malleus Draconia- san!" Ortho scanned.

" WHAT!?" Everyone shocked.

" That couldn't be possible..." Jamil deadpanned.

" Even it's a small percentage,his power are outstanding against Malleus!" Lilia exclaimed.

" Oh no! The Young Master is in his room!" Sebek exclaimed.

" We must get to him before that guy does!" Silver said.

That won't do...

" Huh!"  Everyone shocked by the familiar voice that their faces turned on Shan Yu who appeared walking, approaching them.

" He's here!?" Epel exclaimed.

" Everyone! Run away now and evacuate everyone inside the school! " Trein ordered the students. The teachers stood and defended them.

" But how about you guys!?" Riddle shouted.

" Good puppies don't bark against their master's order! Just go!" Crewel prepared his magic pen.

" We'll handle him for you!" Vargas punched his fists.

" This is the teachers' way to protect you all!" Crowley lifted his staff.

" Just run away,you little devils!" Sam volunteered himself to protect the students.

Riddle snapped and yet he nodded." Understood! Everyone! Let's head to our school and evacuate everyone from there to a safe place!" He ordered the students around him.

" Alright!" The students rushed away from the field and headed into the school while the teachers fought against Shan Yu.

Shan Yu smirked as he witnessed the teachers were against him." This is going to be fun..."

~~~~~ In the Spiritual World~~~~~~

" Huh!?" Suddenly,I deadpanned as I felt my heart unease. Then,the five elements spirits rushed to me at the lake where I was gazing at it's scene.

" Luna!" Wuhan called me as she flew to me.

Nokk stopped running and said to me in a worry tune." Luna! Something bad is happening at your school in the human world."

" What?" I deadpanned.

Kitsune then showed reflection on the river on what  happened at Night Raven College. I watched as my teachers were fighting against Shan Yu! My enemy during my previous life as a disguised warrior.

" Shan Yu?!" I exclaimed.All of my friends in the reflection were evacuating all the students from our school. And they were all injured!?

" Yes! It is Shan Yu, the enemy who you killed during saving the Eastern country." Laohu replied to me.

Suddenly,I sensed a powerful dark magic came from Shan Yu." This magic... Don't say he..." My words were disconnected as I was too surprised.

" He became the Dark Spirit from the Ying Land." Kitsune replied to me.

" He's now is harming your friends to avenge on you,Luna!" Sun Wukong exclaimed at me.

This cannot be continued! " I must return to my friends, everyone!"

" We'll follow you,Luna." Kitsune said to me. I nodded as agreed with her.

Nokk ordered me to sit on his back as he will running to get me to Night Raven College. Nokk is the most fastest spirit in the spiritual world. In the human world,he may run faster as a jet plane. I sat on Nokk's back so as Sun Wukong behind me. Laohu and Kitsune were prepared on their feets while Wuhan could flew faster.

" Let's go, everyone!" I said to them.

" Alright!" They replied.

We set off as fast as lighting through the exit gate of the spiritual world and into the sea in the human world.
Nokk ran on the sea as a horse running fast on the land. Wuhan flew at the sky while Laohu and Kitsune ran on the ice created by Kitsune as she was running on the water. Sun Wukong was sitting on my shoulder while he carried his small machete.

Everyone... Wait for me!

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