Return Of Soldier Of Darkness

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This sense... Does she returns?

Impossible! After this thousand years!

Hmhmhm.... Hahaha!

So she reincarnated? While I'm being the dark spirit... It's not like I don't like it.

Eastern Princess... The soldier who took my victory to conquer the whole Eastern country!

Finally,she knows her previous life. Now, it's time to make her memorize the darkness I restored until this moment she reincarnated as another human from another world.

I'll make sure to terror her with my revenge that she'll never forget until she die again!


( A flacon chirped, flew on his shoulder and whispered to his ear)

What? So she had allies. The Previous Eastern Princess I know made men as her allies. She still had that same warrior habit even after she reincarnated.

Also she became the keeper of the five elements spirits from the Yang land. It will be impossible for me to take her down since I couldn't against them.

( Falcon continued whispered into his ear)

Night Raven College? So that's where her allies are. Humans are the weakest no matter how powerful they were trained in magic on the human world. I will take them all down as my revenge for her.

( Falcon continued whispered)

What? There is a wizard from the Valley of Thorns. You said he was the top five powerful in the human world,huh?


Fairies... I should say they are powerful than human. I love to fight the strongest. Also you said the reincarnated Eastern Princess are closed friends with him.


Maybe I should deal with him first than her rest weak allies.

( Falcon continued whispered)

Now her name is Luna Nisshoku. What a wonderful name. Not to mention her name was after the night she defeated me as she burnt me in the sparkle fireworks!

Luna Nisshoku... I should get used to hear that name. The name of a girl who will die tragically after witness her friend died upon her eyes and I'll burnt her on the sparks of fireworks like she did on me.

Hmhmhm! Hahaha!

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