Eastern Princess

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I was strolling at the side of the lake as I gazed into it's wonderous. Water rippled as I touched it through my curiosity of it's clearness. The sky was as blue as this lake's color. Around the side lake,colorful cherry blossom trees bloomed surrounded it made it the most elegant scene I've ever watched. As I was lost by the astonishing lake, suddenly,I heard a girl crying.

I looked around me. Then, I saw a little girl not far away from my distance crouched on the side of the lake. Curious of what happened to her,I approached her." Hello. What's wrong?" I asked her.

The girl looked at me. Her face was fair as the snow. Her lips was as red as the red pomegranate. Her hair black and silky long. I was stunned by her beauties.

The girl sniffled as she was crying. I then asked her problem.

" I am ugly." She sniffled." Ugly? But her face is beautiful?" I thought myself. Then, I gazed at her dress. The dress looked old and it's color were faded. When I observed her dress,I finally understood that she thought herself ugly because the dress is old. As I finally understood, out of blue,I remembered Teacher Crewel said about old outfits can be new and good looking if we added the correct accessories.

That time, I remembered about the long silk shawl, the Chinese traditional fan, the hairpin and the hair comb that was left by the people who disappeared I met recently. A lightbulb flashed inside my mind,I asked the girl if I could make her pretty.

The girl was blinked at first. But then,she agreed. So I started to took out all the items I kept. First,I combed the girl's hair with the hair comb gave by the little boy I saved from the beach. Then, I pinned her hair with the hairpin left by the handless beautiful woman. Next,I put the long silk shawl around her neck. Lastly,as accessories for the little girl to carry as good fashionable appearance, I gave her the Chinese traditional fan on her hand while the hair comb I stacked on her hair bun to look even more pretty.

Now,she looked very stunningly beautiful than before. I brought her to the lake to see her reflection on the water. When the girl witnessed her different self from the reflection,she stunned and became happy." I look so pretty! I am no longer ugly anymore!" She enthusiastically cried.

I smiled as I felt happy she proud of herself. Then,the little girl looked at me. Suddenly,her reaction became a proud smile." To help those who insecure, those acts are indeed still in yourself, Eastern Princess." She said.

I was snapped when she similar me with the Eastern Princess. Who is the Eastern Princess anyway?

Suddenly,the little girl transformed herself into a white nine tailed fox. I was shocked to witness it. The white nine tailed fox then gazed at me." We have waited for you for so long, Eastern Princess." It said to me.

" We?" I asked in confuse. Suddenly,the little boy, the handless beautiful woman,the old man and the old woman who I helped appeared surrounded me. I was surprised they out of thin air appeared.

Then,the little turned into a water entity horse. The handless beautiful woman turned as a crane. The old man transformed himself into a monkey and finally,the old woman turned into a  tiger.

They all gazed at me as they watched me as if I'm a high rank ruler. Confused of what recently happened,I asked them." What is this? Who are you?"

The white nine tailed fox answered me."We are the five elements spirits of the protected land of Eastern mythical creatures. May I introduce myself. I am Kitsune,the ice spirit and the leader of five spirits." It bowed to me as it introduced itself.

Then,the water entity horse introduced itself to me." I am Nokk. The water spirit. Nice to see you again, Eastern Princess." It bowed it's head in front of me.

Reincarnation Eastern Princess (Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now