Savanaclaw and Lastly Heartslabyul

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To get into Savanaclaw, I decided to Laohu that we sneaked into the wild dorm just to not wake up any predators and made their outrage. Meanwhile, in Leona's room, Leona didn't sleep. Instead, he just sat down on his bed while accompanied by Ruggie and Jack. Leona sighed as he seems to be frustrated." Senior Leona, all the members of our dorm had gone to sleep. You should be in bed right now."

Leona sucked his teeth and grumbled." Don't lecture me. I know that!" Jack silenced as Leona mad at him. Laohu and I listened to them from the rooftop.  "Hey, Leona. If you wanna keep frustrating like that, it ain't gonna solve anything about Luna's life." Ruggie said to Leona. My life? Is Leona worried about me?

I heard Leona sigh right before he talked to Ruggie and Jack." You know that it's disrespectful to let a woman die in front of us men since it had become a taboo in our country's law. Thinking about that sassy herbivore is between life and death, I couldn't imagine what I should do next."

Leona cares about me!? Hmmm, I think I should give him my surprise to let him get piss, and I really wanna see if he's gonna admit that he is concerned about me or not. I whispered at Laohu so we get into Leona's balcony and without they realizing, we sat on the balcony.

"You sure care about her, aren't you?" Ruggie asked." Of course! But just because that sassy herbivore is so caring about everyone here especially me."  Leona muttered.

"I didn't know you do care about me, Leona," I spoke in surprise to him. Leona, Ruggie, and Jack flinched when they witnessed my appearance sitting on Leona's room balcony." You do care about my life so much, do you?" I smiled at him. Ruggie and Jack have dropped their jaws as they were too surprised to see me alive. I giggled to see they were reacting like that.

"You...When did you get here? Leona asked me in surprise. I jumped from the balcony and walked to approach him." From the beginning, you start to talk about me." I replied to him. Just attention to piss him off. Leona became to frown as he was mad at me." You, sassy herbivore, really do like eavesdropping on everyone's conversation, aren't you?"

I rolled my eyes while incredulous." Just you, Leona." I teased him. Ruggie watched us from aside and became laughing." Pfft... Leona got pissed by her." He mumbled. Then, Jack asked me." Luna, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine," I replied to him. Meanwhile, Leona folded his arms and stared at me." You start to have more powerful magic inside you than I sniffed before. You making me irritated." He rustled his forehead.

Suddenly, Laohu roared at him for speaking rudely at me." Don't say Luna like that!" She shouted at Leona. Leona was snapped not just because Laohu scolded him but instead because he recognized her. Same as Ruggie and Jack." You..." Leona deadpanned in surprise.

When Laohu shouted at Leona, Ruggie, and Jack, I immediately advised her." Laohu, it's okay. It's not like he's harming me." "I am sorry, Luna. I was so mad when he spoke to you in a disrespectful tune instead of grateful for your sacrifice in saving them." Laohu explained to me. I approached her and stroked her head to calm her down. My eyes looked at her while I gave her my smile so that she trusted me." It's fine, Laohu. It's how Leona talks to me. He's just can't honest with his feeling, that's why he spoke to me like that."

"By the way, he was just thanking me back then," I mumbled while I took the chance to joke around about Leona." Hey! I can hear you." Leona exclaimed as he overheard us. I chuckled because he got irritated. Then I asked Jack and Ruggie how they are doing when I was missing." We're both fine. And we did try to find you with our best." Jack replied." Jack got so worried about you that he almost ran out of his unique magic." Ruggie laughed at him.

"Senior Ruggie! Don't tell her about that!" Jack exclaimed at his second-year senior as he was embarrassed. I also laughed." Everyone in this school had so cared about me." I joked." I am not that much worried about you. But Ace and Deuce were. The two had been working hard on finding you everywhere around the island." Jack sulked while he told me about Ace and Deuce.

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