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" I know why."

Suddenly, Malleus appeared among them. Everyone were shocked to realize him out of blue appeared. Lilia, Silver and Sebek were flinched because they forgot about him.

" Oh my! Malleus. We forgot about you." Lilia said to Malleus.

" Forgive me, Young Master!" Sebek begged.

Silver mumbled as same surprised as well."How did we forget him? Where did he go before?"

" It's fine,you three. Beside,I was just found what had happened upon Child of Man." Malleus replied to them.

" You already know!?" Riddle exclaimed.

Malleus nodded." Child of Man...was being abducted by the Nokk." He put his hands on his waist. Everyone snapped.

" What!?" Cater exclaimed.

" This is so shocking to even bare." Rook rustled his chin.

" What do you mean by that, Senior Malleus?"Jamil glared at Malleus.

Malleus then told them what he had discovered when finding for Luna." As same as Lilia,I went to the forest behind the botanical garden as I felt a powerful magic left as traces there. I followed the trace and spot a waterfall inside the forest. Then...."

#Back flash

Malleus was discovered the waterfall inside the forest behind the botanical garden. As he sensed a powerful water magic,he used his magic to create an illusion of past that occurred there.

" The past is in the past, The future is in the future. Show me the past occured here. Time Mirror !"

Then,an image reflected on the water of the waterfall. Malleus crouched on the riverside as he seek on the past that happened last night.  He saw Luna was standing on the riverside. He witnessed her as she looked at a water entity horse. Not long after then,Luna fainted to the water. Malleus was surprised to watch. At the water reflection,the water entity horse put Luna on it's back and took her far away in a dash.

# Present time

After Malleus told his story,the students and teachers silenced as they were snapped. They believed in Malleus's tell as he never spoke the lie. The teachers felt unease to hear.

Trein sighed and began to talk." Judging by your story,there is no way you are telling the lie because you are fond to tell the truth. But..."

" To listen Little fem got abducted by Nokk,it is half hard for me to observe." Crewel said.

" I always on my ears about mythical creatures. But to hear a Nokk abducted little devil girl..." Sam said, unhappy.

Vargas then added." There's no way the Nokk will abducted her without a reason."

" The teacher's right. There must be some reason it will abducted Luna without something it interested to do on her." Crowley agreed with the teachers.

" Unfortunately, I don't get the reason even from the Time Mirror reflection." Malleus said.

" Then...why!? Why Luna? She hasn't any magic with her." Epel murmured.

" Epel! Please calm yourself down a bit." Vil ordered him.

Grim then muttered." Aww! Luna! Please return to us already!" He grumbled while stomped his feet.

" Calm down,Grim. You won't able to do anything if you are muttering like this." Trey advised Grim.

" Trey's right. It's easy to panic when someone we know missing. Therefore,we must remain silence and calm." Riddle agreed with Trey.

Grim sighed sadly. The atmosphere of the headmaster office became silent. Ace and Deuce were lowered their sight to the floor while they clenched their fist as they terrified and shivered to what will happened to Luna.

Reincarnation Eastern Princess (Twisted Wonderland Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now