Am I being tested?

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After ate enough,I stood up while carried the Pibo ,the old man gave me which I wrapped peaches inside it. I walked to pass through the orchard. When I stepped at the end of the orchard, suddenly,a flash of sunlight blinked my eyes. I covered them with my arm.

As I opened my eyes, suddenly,I was in a dried field filled of crawled plants and less bushes. The field was felt hot that I flapped my vest. I looked behind and witnessed the orchard behind me disappeared. It was a strange phenomenon.

Since I couldn't return back,I determined myself to walk across the dried land. I ventured on dried ground till some rare plants I've never seen before. While I was stepping my feet forward, suddenly,I saw someone was lying on the ground not far from my distance.

I rushed my steps to the person laid on the ground. When I reached,I saw an old woman fainted because of the hot weather. Quickly, I rotated my sight at everywhere to find a shelter for the woman to cool down.

Out of blue,I found a palm tree just nearby. I carried the old woman and brought her under the tree. When the woman was finally cool down,she opened her eyes.

"" She spoke to me softly. I was glad she finally got to cool down from the heat. I took down the Pibo on my shoulder on the ground,opened and lent a peach to the old woman." Here. Eat this. You must be hungry after handling all those heat." I offered her.

She thanked me and happily received the peach." You are so thoughtful, my dear."

I smiled at her to reply her praise. Suddenly,it became hotter that I sweat a lot." Phew... It's pretty hot." I wiped my sweat on my forehead.

" Would you like to cool yourself with a fan?" The old woman said.

I looked at her and saw her showed a Chinese traditional fan to offer to me." No. You should use it to cool yourself down. I'm okay without it." I refused the fan.

" That's right." The old woman smiled. Suddenly,her reaction turned into proud."To always firstly the elderly than yourself...You are indeed the reincarnation of Eastern Princess." She out of blue said.

I was snapped when she similar me with the Eastern Princess." Who is the Eastern Princess anyway?" I thought myself.

Then,out of blue,a strong wind blew between me and the old woman. I blinked my eyes as the wind caught into them. But when I opened my eyes,I suddenly witnessed myself upon a lake. I found the old woman's fan on the grass in front of me where she vanished.

To all of this to happen to me... Such as when after I helped the people I met,they suddenly disappeared into thin air even left me some Chinese accessories. Then, everytime I was passing on a place,it kept changed to a different place with different climate and weather.

What is exactly happening to me? I feel as I was being tested. But what for? It confused me a lot this recently.

# Meanwhile in Night Raven College

The dorm leaders returned to the headmaster office while accompanied by their vice dorm leaders and freshmen.

" Have any of you found Luna yet?" Crowley asked them. All of them shook their heads.

" We couldn't find her anywhere." Riddle replied.

Crowley was disappointed." I see..."

Grim grumbled as none of them all found Luna." Awww! Where is that girl!?" He stomped his feet.

" I think that Luna was being abducted or even worse kidnapped as she wasn't at any places in this school." Azul said.

Leona folded his arms and sucked his teeth." Tch! That herbivore...who would want to kidnap her anyway?"

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