Let's Go To Scarabia and Octavinelle

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I took Sun Wukong and entered the mirror to Scarabia dorm. When we arrived in front of the majestic Land of Hot Sands castle-shaped dorm surrounded by sand, Sun Wukong who sat on my shoulder, was immediately amazed." Woah! This place is sand everywhere."

I giggled." Where would you like to garden?" I asked him." Let me see..." Sun Wukong watched the surroundings of the dorm. Suddenly...
HEY! Who's there!?

Sun Wukong and I were snapped as we were shouted at by the Sarabia members. Out of blue, a group of Scarabia members surrounded us. As they looked at us, they immediately recognized us.

"Wait! You are Luna..."

" And that monkey on her shoulder is...."

" The animal who summoned those rock giants to help us before..."

They were mumbling as they saw us. Sun Wukong looked at me and whispered in my ear." Luna, they seem to be mumbling and praising about us."
I smiled." Yes, we did save the school." I whispered to him." Sure, we did." He is incredulous.

"What's all this ruckus here?"

Out of blue, Jamil appeared while accompanied by Kalim beside him. Then, Kalim spotted me." Wait! Luna!?" He exclaimed, surprised to see me. I replied to him with a smile." Kalim."

Jamil was also surprised." You... You able to survive?!" Kalim hurried his steps to me and hugged me.

" Good fortune! You've alive." He exclaimed, crying happily." Hey! Kalim, don't jump on to her!" Jamil scolded him. "Jamil, it's fine," I said to Jamil while patting Kalim's back. Jamil sighed as he put his hands on his waist. Then, he smiled at me." You are finally alive. Good fortune!" He was incredulous. I happily smiled.

" Wow! Wow! You got great friends here, Luna." Sun Wukong said while sitting on my head. Kalim released me and looked at him then recognized." Hey! I know you! You were the monkey who saved my members. Thank you for the help." He thanked Sun Wukong.

" You're welcome, Land of the Hot Sands youngster." Sun Wukong replied to him. Jamil also recognized and was shocked to see him." Wait! Why is it here?" He asked.

I then explained to them." He's here because I wanted to ask you Scarabia if you could let him stay here for a long time."

" You wanted that monkey to stay here!?" Jamil exclaimed." Woah! That's cool. Alright, it can stay here." Kalim agreed with my request." Kalim! Please get my agreement first before you decide." Jamil scolded him." Aww! But doesn't it help us back then?" Kalim muttered. "Yes, it did. But think about the surroundings in our dorm, does it fit for a magical monkey to live?" Jamil said.

Then, I interrupted them." Yes, it's true the climate in Scarabia is hot. But Sun Wukong can plant a lot of trees to cool the dorm down."

" Wait! That monkey knows to plant trees?!" Jamil shocked. I nodded. "Yes! In the spiritual world, Sun Wukong is the best gardener there. He not only plants any ordinary trees, but he planted the tastiest fruits and they all bloomed every month."

" Woah! That's amazing!" Kalim amazed. Then, Sun Wukong interferes." Your place has a lot of sand. But I sensed they are black soil and planting fruits at the desert would bloom out the best quality fruits."

" That's... correct. You know a lot like a magical monkey." Jamil mumbled." Well, rather than call me monkey, I prefer you better call me Wukong or Sun as my full name is Sun Wukong."

" Sun Wukong? It's long but I would like to call you Sun because it's simple." Kalim said, optimistically." It's better!" Sun Wukong agreed. Jamil sighed to watch Kalim interact with Sun Wukong while I watched them, happy to watch them treat each other as friends. Then, I suddenly remembered to send the rest of the elemental spirits to the other dorms. I excused myself to Jamil." Go ahead, Luna. I will be watching Sun for you after this." He answered. While Kalim and Sun Wukong was distracted by each other, I already sprinted myself out of the mirror.

Next, it was Nokk's turn. I immediately brought him to Octavinelle. As soon as we arrived, Nokk was impressed by the underwater surroundings of the dorm. " This place is underwater." He amazed. " I know. That's why I put you here. Come on, Nokk." I replied him. Then, we walked into Moustro Lounge. The restaurant was empty and closed. I am not surprised since Shan Yu made a disaster upon the school. Azul and the Leech twins must be tired after evacuating and returning their members. So I told Nokk that we should leave since there wasn't anybody around the Moustro Lounge. Nokk agreed.

Before we could step out from Octavinelle, suddenly, we bumped onto the Leech twins at the entrance." Luna?" Jade was surprised to see me." Little Shrimp!" Floyd exclaimed, excitedly meeting me alive." Jade! Floyd!" I called them. "It's so nice to meet you, twins."

" It appears you can be alive. What a pleasure luck!" Jade said, gladly. "Azul will be out from stuck in his VIP room when he sees Little Shrimp.", Floyd said.

Azul? Stuck in his VIP room? Curious, I asked the twins." What happened to Azul?"

Jade replied to me with a hollowed smile. " Right after you are being taken by the Diasomnia, Azul has been searching for various efficient surgeries and treatment from available hospitals for you."

" He said, it is just a preparation if you don't make it in time," Floyd added.

Oh my! Azul has been preparing treatments for me! I never did know he will do something like that for me. Not as he was very worried about me. But I better appeared myself at him before he could lend his money to any expensive hospital.

The Leech twins and I also Nokk walked ourselves to the VIP room. At the door, I knocked." Do not come in! I'm busy now!" Azul shouted as he was doing some research for a professional hospital. I immediately called him by the door." Azul! It's me! Luna!"

Azul who heard my voice rushed to the door and immediately opened it." Luna?" He was surprised to witness me in front his sight. I smiley replied to him." Yes, it's me."

Azul sighed relieved." Good fortune, you are survived. I almost thought you wouldn't make it." He slapped his forehead. Poor Azul, he must be so worried about me." Well, I am here now, so don't need to think about that again." I said to him." Little Shrimp is right. You are such a worrywart back then." Floyd complained at Azul." Of course, I am worried! It's because the life of my close customer is in danger!" Azul exclaimed to Floyd. Jade chuckled." You are very quiet dishonest when it comes to expressing your true feelings." He commented. I was giggling at Jade revealing Azul's true feelings.

Azul was blushed and pouted so turned his face from me when I giggled at him. "Welcome back, Luna."

I was snapped but then I smiled at him showing how much I appreciate his concern. Nokk who was watching the scene of our meeting from behind smiled and praised our friendship." You got some good friends, Luna." He said to me.

"Wait, it's that Nokk!?" Azul exclaimed in surprise when he witnessed Nokk behind me. I replied to him with a smile. After that, we went to Moustro Lounge for a cup of tea. I discussed with Azul that I wanted him to allow Nokk to stay in Octavinelle. Azul was hesitant at first, but after considering it, he allowed Nokk to stay at his dorm.

"Thank you, Azul." I thanked him." You're welcome, Luna." Azul replied to me. Jade chuckled as usual after we agreed on each other." This is such a pleasant conventional we've ever met." He said." We'll take care of Nokk for Ya, Little Shrimp." Floyd said.

"Thank you so much for your help, everyone." I thanked them. Then I suddenly thought to give them some special present.

"Azul, can I make a deal with you?" I asked Azul. Azul was snapped so were the Leech twins." What is it?" He questioned. I smiled at him. Then, I unleashed my Chi energy while casting a spell." My power is yours. Let's together share a harmonious world, ( Infinite Flow )" Soon, my power flowed into Azul, Jade, and Floyd. The three felt like my power was absorbed inside them." Luna, this is..." Azul was surprised.

I happily replied to him." I gave you half of my magic." Azul, Jade, and Floyd were surprised when I told them I gave them half of my power." Is it okay for you to give half of your power?" Jade asked." It's fine. Besides, my power is too much for me to gain. Anyway, the Pomefiore and Scarabia also I gave my power to." I replied." What!?"

Back then, I secretly flowed my power to Vil, Rook, Epel, Kalim, and Jamil without them realizing it. After confirming that Nokk will stay in Octavinelle, I said goodbye to him and left to get Laohu to Savanaclaw.

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