Luna still alive

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I was in a dark place where I was the only one there. I remembered I faded because my rib bleed badly. Could be I'm dead? How unfortunately to be happened on me. I wanted to spend more time in my life with my friends. I wanted to cheer them more,make their smiles widely, hearing they laugh and share our joy together. Moreover, I haven't spend enough time together with Tsunotaro. I know,we only spend time together whenever recess time with Lilia, Silver and Sebek everyday. Therefore, I don't want him to be alone neither feel alone again, like he used to before. Tsunotaro, I'm sorry for not able to live a long life to always beside you as friends. So as everyone. I'm sorry... I'm sorry!

Luna... Luna....

!? Lilia's voice? And he's calling me? Suddenly,I opened my eyes and witnessed myself on a bed. I saw Lilia, Silver and Sebek surrounded me, watching me with a relieved face.

" Luckily,you able to wake up, Luna." Lilia said at me. Silver sighed, relieved." Good fortune, you are alive." He smiled while looked at me." Young Master must be happy to see you alive again, Luna!" Sebek exclaimed, happily.

I felt very tired as my body felt weak. I turned my sight to the surroundings to seek where place am I. Judging by the vintage interior castle design, gothic and green lights from the chandelier,I could figured out that I was in the Diasomnia dorm. Also I saw myself in my Land of Red Dragon samfoo (traditional Chinese clothing sometimes paired with pants or skirt) I worn beneath my armor. But how could I be here? Didn't understand the situation,I asked Lilia.
" Senior Lilia...what happened to me?" I spoke slowly and softly.

" You were bleeding badly on your rib. So everyone decided to take you to the infirmary room. Unfortunately,the room was destroyed during the dark spirit that attacked the school exploded the meeting hall as the room was beneath it. Crowley asked us Diasomnia to heal you since most of us could do healing magic." Lilia explained.

" That is why you are here." Silver added. Suddenly,I remembered my friends and became worried about them." Everyone...what happened to them?" I asked again.

" They all are returning their members back into their dorms. They did a while ago while you were being heal." Lilia replied.

I sighed, relieved. Couldn't take a break without knowing they are fine or not. Now,I knew, there's no push myself too hard. While laid on the bed,I asked Lilia about Tsunotaro.

" He was taking a stroll around the school as usual." Lilia answered. Then,Silver added." But it seems he took his stroll a little longer than usual it takes for him to calm down." Sebek exclaimed him." Of course he is! He was so worried whether Luna could make herself alive or not!"

" That's so..." I said to them. Tsunotaro,sorry for burden you to worry about me, I thought in my mind.

Then, out of blue,I remembered my five elements spirits friends." Senior about the five elements spirits?"

" They repaired the sport field that was destroyed during you and the dark spirit battled. Also they helped the teachers to fixed the ruined rooms caused by the explosion from the dark spirit." Lilia explained to me while smiled.

I chuckled." They did a great job." I praised the five elements spirits. I smiled happily. So as Lilia, Silver and Sebek. I raised myself from the bed." I wanted to meet everyone now." I said to them.

" Sure. Besides,your rib is completely healed." Lilia agreed my request." But don't push yourself too hard. Your body is still regaining strength." Silver advised me." Make sure you meet Young Master first!" Sebek exclaimed,reminded me."Okay!" I nodded. Then, I walked exited from the Diasomnia dorm. Before I know, Tsunotaro was heading into it." Tsunotaro!" I called him. Tsunotaro lifted his sight on me, smiled while he watched me and approached me.

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