Everyone,I Am Home

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" Luna!!!"

Familiar voices I heard calling me from behind. I turned my sight to behind and I saw Grim, Ace, Deuce followed by the rest boys I know." You guys!" I called them. Out of blue, Grim hugged me tightly so as Ace and Deuce." You still alive!" Grim cried." Just what in the world you were missing without us knowing where you are?" Ace hugged me." We miss you so much!" Deuce cried.

Not a second ago, Epel and Jack came." Luna!" Epel hugged me as he seems to miss me so much." HEY! Epel, you three, don't hug Luna too tightly!" Jack advised Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Epel who were busy hugging me." What's wrong!? We all miss Luna so much, that's it." Grim muttered at Jack." That's right! We all miss her." Ace agreed." Yes, I know about that!" Jack exclaimed. I giggled." It's fine, Jack." I said to him. Jack narrowed his sight on me while asked my condition." How are you, Luna?"

I smiled at him." I'm fine."

Then, Riddle, Cater, and Trey came along with the rest." Good grief, you guys. Luna is a girl, so give her a bit of private space, would you?" Riddle nagged at his juniors. Trey chuckled." Just let them be. They just miss Luna that much."

" I know. But think about others who miss her too." Riddle mumbled while folding his arms. Cater giggled." Riddle is jealous of his juniors." He teased." Who says I'm jealous!?" Riddle exclaimed.

Suddenly, Leona interrupted their conversation." Hey! Hey! Don't get too noisy just because that sassy herbivore return to her habitat." He muttered.

" Now, now, Leona. Wouldn't you be happy your prey just came home?" Ruggie asked him.

" Tch! Like I want to celebrate her." Leona replied.

Then, Azul, Jade, and Floyd walked approached me. Floyd who saw Grim and my other same years except Jack and Sebek hugged me, he became interested." Wow~ A group hug~" Floyd approached and hugged our group. Everyone and I was squished on our waits that we couldn't breathe." Gehh... Senior F- Floyd! You're strangling us all!" Ace begged." So tight!" Grim muttered."Ah! Sorry." Floyd said, releasing us all. Grim, Ace, Deuce, and Epel inhaled and exhaled so many times as they were almost out of breath. I am the same. But I smiled because I got to finally gasp at the faces of my friends who I haven't met for months in the spiritual world.

" Floyd! It's good to meet you again." I said to Floyd. Floyd was happy as he always is when I talk to him." Welcome home, Little Shrimp~"

Then, Jade talked to his twin brother." Oh my, Floyd. You almost strangle everyone there."

" Really? You should learn to control your mood." Azul muttered.

" Well~ I am so happy to see Little Shrimp finally back home," Floyd replied.

" Us too!"

An excited optimistic voice replied. Listen to it, I could recognized who it was.

" You finally back,Luna! What a wonderful day is today!" Kalim grinned widely as he was excited to get the chance to see me again. Jamil as always beside him,also welcomed me back in Night Raven College." Welcome back,Luna."

I became excited to see them." Thank you."

Not then,Vil came to meet me, accompanied by Rook beside him." How lucky it is for you to appear on the other day? You know how much I sacrifice my beautiful nights searching for you." Vil nagged at me." Now, now,my dear Roi du Poison. I understand your frustrations there,but I must admit that I am glad you finally return,my dear Roi du Luna." Rook said to me with his gladly smile.

" I am glad to see you all again." I cried.

Then..." Luna Nisshoku- san!" Ortho rushed to me and hugged me." Ortho!" I hugged him back. Then, Idia came, advised his younger robotic brother." Ortho! Don't suddenly hug Luna- shi like that."

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