Battle Against Shan Yu

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I was in my Kung Fu stand, facing myself against my previous enemy,Shan Yu who I fought and killed in my previous life. From the sport field,I could sensed my elements spirits friends were helping my friends in Night Raven College, evacuated students to the nearby mountain as that place is a common spot for evacuation. Grim.. Ace... Deuce... Tsunotaro! And everyone I care as friends, please stay save for me while I handle my enemy.

Shan Yu smirked at me as our eyes squinted at each other." You seems like you're still thinking about your allies."

I smirked." Of course. They are the people who make me this stronger so I could finish you once and for all, Shan Yu!"

" Heh! Bring it on... Eastern Princess!" Shan Yu unleashed his speed as he jumped to me. I quickly dodged. While I bounced away,I made my chance by kicked his neck." Geh!" He flinched. Without waste a moment,I punched, kicked and strike him with all my might as someone who had mastered martial art under the guide of the ice spirit.

" Grr!" Shan Yu grumbled when he received my attacks. He shielded himself with his arms when I was aiming at his head. As he busy defended himself,I punched his waist as chance for that. He was simply blown away while his feet scratched the grass.

Shan Yu took out his serrated sword. I glanced the sword as I remembered the name of it. The Sword of Shan Yu,the sword who feeds on blood of innocent peoples especially children. He still kept for all these years. I never forgot the night he burnt out a village when I and Shang's army went to the snow mountain peek. I was so desperate that time when I took an abandoned doll that supposed belong to a killed innocent girl. Shan Yu,you are the cruelest man out of all no matter what dynasty you are live. I will not let my friends witness the same suffer that you put among those passed peoples and children you have murdered!

Shan Yu ran high speed and waved his sword on me. Luckily, I took out my fan,let his sword poked through the fan paper, closed the fan and flipped his sword then snatched it from him, just as the same technique I used when I fought him on top of the Emperor castle's roof on the night he abducted the emperor.

" Huh! You remembered your technique from the night you killed me!" Shan Yu smirked.

I increduloused." I've just remember by my reflection."

" Yes,but don't you think you're too naive?" Shan Yu asked me.

" What!?" Suddenly, gooey black slime stuck my hand as it flowed from Shan Yu's ring sword. It shoot a long string slime and sticked both my hands. I couldn't released my hands from it." Ugh!"
I struggled.

Shan Yu laughed to witness me got my hands stuck by the gooey black slime." Hahaha! You are far behind naive, Eastern Princess." He took his sword from the ground that I dropped when the black slime chained my hands.

" It looks like you had became an amateur soldier after you've reincarnated." He lifted his sword on me.

Hm! He still didn't recognize " it".

" Hmhmhm!" I laughed. Shan Yu confused when I suddenly laughed." Why are you laughing?" He asked.

I glared at him." You know,women carries two fans instead of one." I smirked.

Realized my word,Shan Yu turned his face behind and accidentally got his cheek cut by the other fan I threw before his slime stuck my hands. The fan spinned around me, sliced the slime that stuck on me. I grabbed both of my sharp fans and stood in my Kung Fu stand.

" You are more amateur than me,Shan Yu." I humiliated him.

Shan Yu covered his bleed cheek with his hand. That's what he deserves after all.
" You are going to pay for this!" He charged to me while waved his sword. I dodged his sword and waved my sharp fans on him. Every time I swing my fans, they always scratched Shan Yu on his arms, thighs and cheeks. His sword I pushed till it slipped from his grip and dropped far way from him.

Shan Yu avoided my fans when I aimed at his face again, punched me. Luckily, I shielded myself with my fans. Both his fists were scratched and bleed because of the sharp paper on the fans. He still didn't realized my fans are made to be the same feature as swords does.

" Arghhhh!" He screamed as he tasted pain on his fists. I quickly pushed his fist from my fans, swing them, created a strong wind that blew him away. Shan Yu tried to stand himself on the ground. Unfortunately,the wind from my sharp fans gave by Wuhan were too strong for him to handle that at last,he was carried away by the wind. That's what I called my magic weapon signature " Tornado on the Sunny day".

Shan Yu was blew away by the tornado I created. He was spinned around it in that he screamed loudly." Arghhhh!"

This is the moment I showed Nokk what he had made me during training. Lifted my whip on the air,I jumped into the tornado, attacked Shan Yu with my whip. Shan Yu was beaten so many times by the whip I whiped at him. Then,when the tornado was gone,Shan Yu unconsciously fell to the ground. He tried to stand up on the ground while muttered.
" Grr! Your weapons are disgustingly were of women accessories!"

" Then how about this?" I took out the machete gave by Sun Wukong and waved it on Shan Yu. I knocked his face as I swing my machete and hit him." Ugh!" He grumbled. I hit my machete on every parts of his body. I knocked him so many times as I didn't want to give him a chance to fight back.

Shan Yu started became pissed so he punched his healed fist on me. Luckily, I dodged and bounced from it. I bend my body like a tiger going to strike it's prey as I stretched my feet on the grass to store up my speed. Then,I charged to Shan Yu in fast as lighting and hit my machete at him so hard. He got knocked so hard that he got blown away. He stumbled on the ground as he received my attack.

When he wasn't paid attention on me,I took out my ice bow gifted by Kitsune. I pulled three arrows in the string. My sight aimed on Shan Yu who stood up from stumbled on the grass. Without waste a moment,I released the arrows. The three arrows caught on Shan Yu then ice spread on him,froze his body till he couldn't move.

" Grr! Argh! I will free myself and burnt you into sparkle fireworks!" Shan Yu struggled to free himself from the ice.

Unfortunately, I already took a step ahead as I revealed Laohu's sword that she gave me." No... I am the one who'll burn you to dust." I said to him.

Charged my Chi energy on my sword,I unleashed my unique magic.
" From my friends,From my father,From my guardians. Laohu, please lend me your blazing firm... In charge your power to me! { Ancestors' Unite}!"

ROAR!!!! Laohu connected into my soul, given me her blazing power. Her silhouette was roaring behind me, whispered to my ears." My power will bring honor to the Eastern Princess!" She exclaimed.

Shan Yu was shocked to witness I gained the power of the fire spirit.

Glared him tensely,I charged my sword to him in blaze of flame." Blazing firmness, Tiger's Flame!" I released Laohu's power.

" Arghhhh!" Shan Yu screamed in pain as he was burnt by the flame of Laohu.

Finally,his soul had turned into dust of black mist showed he had completely gone from the human world and the spiritual world.

Shan Yu... No matter how many times I reincarnated,if you still exist,I will forever defeat you.

I finally avenged him again after what he did upon my friends. Speaking about my friends,I glazed for a moment.

... Everyone, I'm sorry for making you worry about me. I am much appreciated you are saved though you wouldn't forgive me.

" Luna!"

Suddenly,a familiar voice called my name.

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