Comb and A Hairpin

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I was walking through the forest to enjoy the view. As I walked,I couldn't feel to return back to Night Raven College. Was it because I'm still searching for the singing whisper? I felt that the voice came from this mystic island I stepped my feet on for the first time I've witnessed it's wonderous majestic.

While walking,I felt the comb in my pocket so I won't lose it. I still rustled something hard on my pocket so the comb still safe. I determined to keep it as the boy I saved sincerely gave it to me.

But I wonder why he gave me a comb? Could be he know I am a girl? Also how can he vanished in blink of eyes after he gave me that comb?

As my mind was focused on the questions so as my eyes on the track, suddenly,I heard someone crying.

Sob... Sob....

It sounds as like a woman. Curious what's the matter, I followed the sobbing voice till I passed through a forest of bamboo. On a clear field among the bamboo,I saw a beautiful woman with long silky black hair sat on the ground while cried. Pity for her,I approached and asked.

" Hello. Why are you crying?"

" I couldn't find my comb." The woman sniffled.

Remembered the comb the boy just lent me, I offered the comb to the woman."Here. I have a comb too. You can borrow if you want."

The woman stopped crying. She thanked me." Thank you,but I don't have hands to comb my hair." The woman showed me her handless arms under the sleeves of her dress.

Sympathized on her disability,I generously offered to comb her hair." Would you like me to comb your hair?" I asked her.

She smiley agreed. So I went behind her. I took the hair comb from my pocket and comb the woman's hair. Her hair is black and silky which made it stunful to gaze.

After I combed her hair,the woman then asked me to bun her hair used her hairpin.

" Where is your hairpin?" I asked.

" It was just beside you." The woman replied.

I looked on beside me. There really was a hairpin placed on the grass. I didn't notice it from before.

" You are as kind as the Eastern Princess." The woman suddenly said.

I didn't know what the woman said. I picked up the hairpin from the grass. When I was looking at it,I was amazed by the elegant decorations crafted on it. It was a golden hairpin with at the end shaped as a bird.

" Your time has begun for you to know who you really are from the inside

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" Your time has begun for you to know who you really are from the inside." The woman's voice started to whisper.

I blinked my eyes and saw the woman was gone. All that left from her sitting spot just then was the hair comb I used on her. Also it out of blue became windy for a moment. I looked around to seek for the woman's appearance. But as she was completely disappeared,I gazed at the hairpin on my palms.

" Your time has begun for you to know who you really are from the inside." I reflected what the woman's said recently before she vanished into thin air.

# Back In NRC (Night Raven College)

Grim,Ace and Deuce didn't find Luna in their classroom.

" She isn't here." Deuce said.

" What!? Where she could be?" Ace muttered.

" What is going on to her?" Grim murmured.

It was the History period. Mr Trein Monzus entered 1-A classroom while carried Lucius with him. After the whole class greeted him and sat on their seats, Trein realized when he was observing at the students.

" I found Luna wasn't here. Where is she?" He asked the whole students.

Deuce raised his hand to reply." We didn't saw her anywhere, Teacher Trein."

" What do you say?" Trein surprised.

" Yeah! She wasn't with Grim when we met him flying alone." Ace added.

" She also wasn't in the Ramshackle dorm from this morning." Grim continued.

Trein was snapped to hear one of his students gone missing. Lucius was rather soundless because the snapped it's familiar felt right that time.

" I will report this to the headmaster immediately. For right now, I'll be leaving Lucius here to watch over you all. Please remain silence until I'm back from reporting to the headmaster or until I won't appear till  period last." Trein announced to the freshmen. He then left the classroom and hurried to the headmaster office while Lucius took aware in the classroom. The rest students whispered as they talked about the missing Luna.

" Luna is missing?"

" Where could she been missing?"

" Is there a kidnapper still in this school?"

" Luna is magicless. That's why she easily to kidnap."

" But why kidnapped her if she only magicless? Beside,Luna only famous in this school as prefect of Ramshackle dorm."

" Who knows..."

Listening to the students whispered,Grim,Ace and Deuce became worried about Luna.

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