It's Good To Be Home

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I have already arrived at Ramshackle House. The antique wooden building appeared to be abandoned but was resident by me and Grim. Lots of memories were created there when the ghosts accompany us for days and nights. I miss that house so much as it was the first place I stayed in Twisted Wonderland.

In the burden of worrying Grim and the ghosts, I entered through the gate and headed straight to the door. I knocked at the door so the ghosts and Grim will hear my arrival.

* Meanwhile, at the lounge, Grim was crying while being persuaded by the ghosts." Sob... Luna."

"Aw... Don't cry, Grim. Luna is strong."

"Yeah, we are sure she'll be just fine."

"You only need to pray for her to wake up alive."

Knock! Knock!... Suddenly, the door was knocked." Hm? Someone is at the door." warned Skinny." How about we go see who's coming?" Fit suggested." Grim, don't you want to take a try if that's Luna?" Fatty tried to persuade the feline. Grim sniffled and agreed in sad." Okay...'

The ghosts and Grim flew to the door. When they opened the door, they were surprised to witness Luna standing at the door alive." Luna!!!" Grim shouted happily as he jumped into Luna's arms.

"Grim!!" I hugged the feline happily." I miss you so much." Grim said and looked at me with tears." I also miss you so much, Grim."

The ghosts also cried happily to see me again." My goodness, you're still alive." Skinny cried." We almost thought we wouldn't see you alive again." Fit said." You make us worry to death." Fatty sniffled." I'm sorry for making you guys worry about me." I apologized to them. I was crying happily as I finally had returned home and seen my friends whom I thought of as my family.

We gathered at the lounge after a moment of letting out our joyful tears for a conversation. I know I've been missing for 8 days only but despite the time in the spiritual world running fast, 8 months is been a while since I've last met and talked together with the Ramshackle residents. What a relieving and calm to my heart that I was finally back home." It's really you, Luna. I can't believe my eyes that you are here after a long  you've been missing." Fit said." Your hair is longer than it was before." Fatty giggled.

"Well, well, Luna. Now tell us about the adventurous journey you've been trailing around to get that amazing power." Grim incredulous at me while crossing his paws. I scratched my not itchy back head as I felt embarrassed to tell the fuzzy feline my story. Before I could explain, Fit interrupted." You have a strong aura of magic. That means you are not magic-less anymore like the old Luna we used to know." He impressed me. I chuckled." Well, ... I think Grim may have told you about the five spirits who saved the Night Raven College."

"Sure, he already told us. Who knows you are the owner of those powerful mythical creatures?" Skinny fluttered me." Yeah..." Then, I paused for a second as I was pondering on confessing my feelings." I was shocked actually that presently, I have magic. Formerly, I was this girl without magic. I know myself as nothing to this world because everyone in this world can use magic. But I never feel bad for myself for being different from them all. Instead, I was glad to enter this world as I met new friends, being the prefect and saved my rivals from being overblotted. Moreover, I get to know this world and its countries. It feels like I was home." I confessed to the three ghosts and the fuzzy feline. The ghosts and Grim were touched by my speech that they all snuggled onto me.

"Yes, you are home, Luna." Fatty said." Without you in this rusty- charming house, it all feels lonely and sad." Skinny added then continued to Fitty." That's right. You are the life of this house." " There's no way it could be lively without you around with me." Grim cuddled on my neck. Feel his fur brushing against my neck, I could feel the soft affection that said to me that the feline missed me very much. Though often he caused trouble, he is my first familiar and the first friend I met when I came to Twisted Wonderland.

After a hug, I suddenly felt sleepy and I yawned." You look like you are sleepy, Luna." Fit informed me." Yes, my body does need some rest after healing for some time." I replied." Then let's walk upstairs and jump into our beds!" Grim proposed excitedly. I giggled before we headed up to our room and slept peacefully on our comfy beds. When I laid down on the bed, it's been a while since I last slept on a bed as I've been sleeping on a futon for 8 months but it wasn't bad to sleep on a futon since I've last slept on it after I was returned to Twisted Wonderland. By the mean return, I meant myself as the reincarnation of the Eastern Princess. I can't wait for a good tomorrow. For right now, good night for me.

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