Luna Return!

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In Diasomnia, Malleus suddenly sensed powerful dark magic outside at the field from his room." A powerful dark magic? Is the school being attacked?"

Thud! Thud! " Malleus,are you in there!?" Lilia knocked the door.

" Young Master! Please tell us you are in there!" Sebek begged.

Malleus narrowed his eyes on the door." What is it, Lilia?"

" It's a good thing you are inside your room." Lilia relieved." We must leave from here at once. Night Raven College is under attack!"

" !? What?" Malleus asked.

Silver then explained at the door." There is a guy named Shan Yu suddenly appeared and attacked us. He said he wanted to meet you since you are Luna's best friend."

Malleus snapped when Silver mentioned Shan Yu said Luna's name." He knows about Luna?"

At the door, Lilia, Silver and Sebek were sweat dropped as Silver explained Shan Yu mentioned Luna's name.

" Malleus! Don't think about going near at him!" Lilia warned Malleus.

Unfortunately,anger had blocked Malleus from listened to Lilia. He used his magic to teleport himself nearby Shan Yu.

Heard he had already gone, Lilia muttered." Crap! He's already gone."

" It's all your fault for explaining that Shan Yu guy mentioned Luna's name!" Sebek blamed Silver.

" I didn't expect that he will react like this..." Silver mumbled.

" Now,now. There's no time for fighting. Let's evacuate all the Diasomnia members from here!" Lilia said to them.

" Alright!" Silver and Sebek replied. They quickly got all the Diasomnia students evacuate from the dorm.

At the other dorms,dorm leaders, vice leaders with their closed juniors were working hard evacuating everyone from the school and dorms.

" Head to the mountain nearby!" Riddle ordered. Students in Heartslabyul were rushing evacuated from their rooms.

" Be careful of your steps!" Trey advised them.

" Hey! Hey! Don't push on others!" Cater warned them.

Meanwhile,Grim,Ace and Deuce busy evacuated students in classrooms and everywhere in school.

" Everyone! Evacuate to the mountain!" Ace announced at them as they were running.

" Hurry! Hurry!" Deuce ordered them.

" If any of you dare to leave behind, I'll gonna burn you off with my flames!" Grim warned at them.

At Savanaclaw, Jack was trying to evacuate his seniors and same grade as him." Everyone! Let's evacuate to the nearby mountain!"

Ruggie was carried Leona by his shoulder as Leona injured his foot." Listen to him, everyone!"

Then,some savanaclaws approached Ruggie." Vice dorm leader Ruggie! This is so cowardliness!"

" Yeah! We must revenge the guy who did Dorm Leader Leona like this!"

" Grr! Now, it's not the time! We all don't stand a chance against him!" Ruggie said at them.

" Vice Dorm Leader! Are you being a coward after what happened to Senior Leona!?"

Suddenly,Leona stared at them while Ruggie carried him on his shoulder." You guys... You better listen to what he said!"

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