☆Why Transfer?☆

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3rd P

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3rd P.O.V

     Galaxia University, a prestigious school like Teyvat University. Many students are talented in the university, many joined contests. A (h/c) haired girl walked down the hallway to her classroom. Many students admired the girl, she was called the Queen of the University. "Hey Y/N!" Solar waved and the other three smiled at you. "You have many admirers" Gia chuckled. "Oh come on, it's pretty normal for her" Sakuya said. "I'm kinda used to it except that one time" you shivered thinking about it. "Oh you mean that boy that has an obsession on you" Solar states. You four walked to your classroom talking about different topics since you changed the topic before Solar continue about it.

    The boy that has an obsession on you was expelled and in prison since he murdered 10 male students just for you, to what he said. You can't believe that someone would kill others just for someone else's. The four of you entered the classroom and sat at your designated chairs. You pulled out your phone and looked at your messages if your manager messaged you. A blonde boy went straight up to you while his friends watched. "M-Miss L/N" the boy said. You looked up to see the blonde boy looking away and has a blush on his face. "What do you need?" You asked. "Miss L/N, ever since you helped me in the hallway, I thought that you were a nice person and-" he gulped.

   He looked into your eyes and see only kindness in it. "And?" You tilted your head letting him continue what he was saying. Your friends at the back watch the scene while holding back Frost. "I've liked you ever since then" he confessed. You were thinking a nice way of rejection at this point. "I'm really sorry but I can't reciprocate your feeling for me but we can be friends" you said and smiled. The boy looked sad but changed his expression to a happy one and smiled at you. "I'd be glad to be friends with you Miss L/N" he said. He left after that and you just sighed. "How many?" You asked Sakuya. "50. He's the 50th boy that confessed to you" she stated.

    After class, you were called to the principal's office so you went there. "What do you need mother?" You asked. "I was thinking of transferring you to Teyvat Univeristy" your mother, M/N stated. "Why is that?" You sat down on the chair. "I want you to make more friends" she states. "I can make more friends here" you point. "It's true that you can make more friends here but I'm thinking of your safety since there was an accident occured here and you have some friends there too right?" She explained. You nodded and just accepted the fact that you will transfer there. It was lunch time when you finished talking with your mother since she explained things to you.

    "What?!" Solar yelled. This got everyone's attention to you guys and you just told them it was nothing. "Lower your voice, dummy" Gia scolded. Solar sweatdropped and relaxed while Sakuya sighed at their antics. "If mother already decided about it then we have no choice but accept that she will tranfer" Sakuya shrugged and ate her lunch. A purple haired girl heard the conversation of the four and decided to post about it online. Mitsuki is in the 3rd year while Riku is in the 2nd year. After school, you were by the gate waiting for your three sibling when you were suddenly crowded by the other students and bombarded you with questions.

    Sakuya pulled you away and rode the car. "Thanks" you said. Sakuya nodded and the two of you stayed quiet. You pulled out your phone and saw a notification, you were added to a random group that kept notifying you. "What's that?" Sakuya asked. "A random group chat and got added" you said. "What's the convo?" She asked. "Oh some random schoolwork and their random things, they didn't notice that I was added in the groupchat" you stated. Sakuya snickered thinking their idiots to not notice that a stranger was added in their chat.


First chapter for this book ●v●

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