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3rd P.O.V

        For a few days your family spent your days at the beach having a family bonding. "Do I have to?" You groaned. "Wake up, vacation moments is already over" Riku said. "I don't wanna go to school" you said. Riku sighed and takes off your blanket that is covering your body. "If you won't stand up, I'll have to drag you" Riku said. "Ugh fine" you groggily stood up and went to your bathroom. Riku left your room and went to the kitchen to continue eating his pancakes. "Did you wake her up?" Mitsuki asked. "Yeah" he said. "It was hard waking her up" Riku whines. "Can't do about it, she just relaxed when she's at the beach" Mitsuki said.

       "Morning" you groggily said. You walked to the table and sat on a chair waiting for the food. "Here" Mitsuki placing a plate of pancakes infront of you. "Thank you for the food" you said then you started eating. "You have 20 mins. left to go to school, want me drive you there?" Mitsuki asked. "No thank you" you finished eating and put your plate at the sink. You went back to your bathroom to brush your teeth after that, you went downstairs and put your school shoes on. "See ya later" you said then left the house. You walked to school not minding the time since you want a flamboyant entrance. You arrived at the university and entered not caring that you're late.

       You arrived at your classroom and entered like there was no teacher inside. "Miss Y/N, why are you late?" The teacher asked. "I woke up late and just walked to school" you plainly said. The teacher sighed and ushered you to sit down. He continued the lesson about genders and he started being a sexist. "Bet Y/N will comment to what the teacher said" Lumine said. "Bet she won't comment" Aether said. You raised your feet and placed it on the table, your classmates looked at you bewildered about your actions. "Put your feet down Young lady! That is not how girls sit" the teacher yelled. "And? Like I care anyways, girls are not just for doing household, we can fight too so don't go saying that we, girls are not a little puppet for boys" you smirked.

      "I win" Lumine whispered while Aether groaned. "Who said you can talk back?! You should shut that little mouth of yours and learn manners!" The teacher yelled. "Why would I shut it if it's meant to not disagree to what you said about females" you smirked. "One more and you'll go to the principal's office" the teacher warned. "Then send me there, you think I like your class, you think I like waht your teaching well, truth be told I don't so suck it up and leave this school if you're just a sexist" you taunted. That was the last straw so the teacher yelled at you and sent you to the principal's office while you smirked walking out of the class.

       You arrived at the principal's office and entered after knocking. You were questioned why you were there so you told her the while story, the principal was furious and she told you that you can go back to your classroom without a punishment. You entered the classroom with a smug smile while the teacher looked at you with a questioning gaze. "I sure hope you get punished" the teacher smirked. "What do you mean? The principal let me off to whatever you say 'punishment'" you mocked. The teacher gritted his teeth and was about to yell at you not until the principal called him. "When I get back, you will regret what you said" he said then left the class.
        You went back to your seat and chill yourself. Lumine went to your seat and you looked at her. "What did the principal told you?" She asked. "Oh you know why I was there and I just told her everything" you proudly said. Lumine was glad that you told the principal about the teacher. "What is she going to do with the teacher?" She asked. "I don't know" you said. After the long wait, the teacher came back in the classroom with tears in his eyes and took his stuff then left the classroom. The principal entered the classroom and announced that there will be a new teacher for the subject. I hope they won't be sexist. You thought


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