☆Crossed the line☆

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3rd P.O.V

        You and Sucrose were casually talking about chemistry since Albedo wants you to join them on some experiment. You thought that would be fun so you agreed. "Y/N, I think I forgot something in my locker, be right back" Sucrose stated turning her heels to go back where her locker is. You watch her walk away and go to her locker. You waited for her for a while now thinking that something might happened to Sucrose. You went to where Sucrose's locker is located and you didn't even see her. Did she ditch me? No, she wouldn't do that. You thought. You heard some yelling inside an empty classroom so you lean a bit on the door.

        "I told you to do my chemistry homework you nerd!" R/N yelled while her minions smirked. "I-I'm sorry, I've been busy so I didn't get to do it" Sucrose stuttered. "I don't care about your lame excuses but you're gonna get a beating" R/N smirked while Sucrose walked backwards cowering in fear. R/N and her minions were about to start beating Sucrose up when you suddenly kicked the door that it slam through the wall. "Whoever you are to interrupt me in my business, you'll be next" R/N said not even looking to the one who intruded. R/N's minions came rushing to you with their fist up.

       You dodged and kicked them while punching some others. R/N turned around to see you while her minions were groaning from the pain that you inflicted on them. R/N raised her fist and tried punching you but you just held R/N fists. R/N was about to use her other hand that you didn't get a hold of but she was suddenly pinned to the ground. "Y-Y/N!" Sucrose yelled. "Just because you can't use your dumbass brain to do your homework, you're making Sucrose do it" you stated. Sucrose saw how mad you were and she just stayed silent for a while. "You're targeting Sucrose because you can't hurt me, am I wrong?" You asked.

        R/N saw how intense your glare was but she still held and angry expression. "Of course, if I can't even bully you then why not your pathetic friends" she smirked while saying it. You pull up your fist and the look you were giving her was the same look that you held that time when she tried framing you. "Y/N don't!" Sucrose tried prying you off of R/N. Sucrose didn't get to strengthen her hold so you knocked R/N out. "I wouldn't accidentally kill a person or beat someone but if they ever bully you or my friends they will get it no matter what, R/N is just lucky that you're here to stop me" you stated while letting go of R/N's wrist and stood up.

        "Please don't do that you may get suspended or expelled" Sucrose worriedly said. You hummed and you pulled Sucrose out of the classroom. Sucrose looked at your back while you were pulling her, the image of you getting mad at R/N for bullying her made her relieve that you cared but she knew that you always cared. "What happened anyways? When your getting your stuff in your locker?" You asked. Sucrose puts a finger under chin with her free hand. "Please tell me, I got worried when you took so long and I kinda got us late sorry" you chuckled. "It's alright" Sucrose reassured. "I'll explain to your teacher why you were late" you softly smiled at her.

        Sucrose really admired you and liked you on how you're protective yet caring for them. The two of you arrived at Sucrose's classroom and you knocked on the door while hearing a faint come in. You opened the door and lightly pushed Sucrose in her classroom. "Why are you late Miss Sucrose?" The teacher asked. Sucrose was trying to form words since the teacher was intensely staring at her like the teacher was piercing through Sucrose's soul. "R/N held us back when we were going to our class and R/N was  making Sucrose do her homework by the way" you bluntly said. Sucrose was trying to make it more reasonable but the teacher much accepted your statement.

        He excused Sucrose's tardiness and sent you off to your classroom. "Why are you late Miss Y/N?" Your teacher asked trying to scare you. You explained again to your teacher what you explained to Sucrose's teacher. The teacher just sighed and let you off while you smirked on the inside. Meanwhile with R/N, she was woke up by her teacher and getting scolded with her little minions.


Hi, I'm sorry for not updating but here's a chapter for you guys.

Q: Who's your very first 5 star character? The traveller and Alloy are an exception.

Mine is Jean, my main till now


Book 1 extras
•Y/N once snuck a gun into Klee's backpack without Jean's knowing

•Aether fear that Y/N will bump her head everytime she's on a high place like Barbatos's statue in the middle of the plaza

•Y/N once restrained Hu tao so Hu tao won't burry Qiqi

•The Fatui was scared of Y/N because they heard some noises in the meeting room of the Harbingers

•The Harbingers saw how the Tsaritsa's expression turned into fear once

•Childe remembered to himself to never anger you to any circumstances


For Ayaka wanters will be Ayaka havers

Trying to get Ayaka too so good luck to everyone that are trying to get Ayaka.

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