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Your P.O.V

       At home, just lying down and using my phone. I was scrolling and saw that there is an auction. A scythe. I thought my eyes sparkling. I changed my clothes to a formal one and get my keys. "Where are you going?" Mitsuki asked. "And you're wearing a formal one" Riku said. "Auction" I simply said. I arrived at the destination and got in, I searched for a sit and I saw a familiar blonde. "Ningguang?" I said. The lady turned and smiled at me while I just walked up to her. "I never knew you like this stuff" Ningguang smirked. "Only if they have something good to show" I said. "You can sit beside me if you want" she said then patted a vacant sit beside her.

     I sat beside her and we chatted for a while then the auction started. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to this day" the host said. "For today's item, will be-" the host stopped. "Will be having this beautiful scythe that was given to us" he said. I felt the scythe is a bit familiar to me even though I just saw it today. (The scythe that used for this auction is your scythe in the first book). "We'll start the auction and tell your price" the host announced. "500,000 mora" a lady beside me(not Ningguang) said. "700,000" a man yelled. The host just assisted on this things.

      "1M" I spoke. On my side view, I saw Ningguang's shocked face. "20M, now back off little brat" the lady on my right said. "Wow Miss, that's a lot money" I said and I saw her smiling. "For someone like you" I smirked at her and saw her frown. "50M Mora" I spoke loudly. "Sold to Miss L/N!" The host said. The audience clapped while I just kept smirking. I looked at Ningguang with curious gaze. "You seem competitive so I didn't state my price" she said. "You're a child!! How can you pay a large sum?!" The lady on the right pointed at me. The people looked at us even the host, the people on stage were ready to pack the weapon.

     "Your gonna use your father's card won't you? You shameful brat" the lady gritted. I looked at her with a bored expression and sighed. You just can't accept the fact that someone like me can offer like that. I thought. "Why would I use my father's card if I already have my own" I smirked and pulled out my black card. I looked towards to see her eyes wide and mouth open, she composed herself and glared at me. "You stole it didn't you?!" She yelled. "Why would I steal such thing?" I said. I stood up and getting ready to leave with the scythe but I was pulled by the arm.
      "You're not leaving this you rat!" She yelled. I heard Ningguang stood up and detached the hand of the lady that gripped on my arm. "Please refrain on hurting my friend" Ningguang said. "Don't touch me!" She yelled. She stomped away furious while I snickered. Are you alright Miss L/N?" The host asked. "I'm alright, no need to worry" I reassured them with a smile. "We already packed your scythe Miss" they said. I nodded and said my farewell to Ningguang then left with my scythe. I arrived at home and picked up the scythe which is strangely light. I brought the scythe to our weaponry room and placed it on my own shelf of weaponry.

     "So that's what you were after earlier" I heard Sakuya's voice then turned around. Sakuya went up to me and tried lifting the scythe but she failed. "It's heavy" she said. "What do you mean? It's surprisingly light to me" I said and tilting my head. "Weird" she said then left. I went to my room and showered. That lady earlier looked a bit familiar, forget it I want to relax. When I finished I wore my clothes then went downstairs but before I reached the living room I heard a noise inside the weaponry room. I peeked inside and saw Mitsuki and Riku trying to lift the scythe. "It's heavy!" Riku gave up.

     "But Y/N said that's light" Sakuya said. They talked about the scythe while I smirked. I heard the door open and saw them leave but shocked that I was just outside. "You didn't see anything" Riku quickly said. "I heard and saw everything" I smirked. "No you didn't" Riku retorted. "Weak" I said to them and left.


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