chapter thirtytwo

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"You are literally steaming." Rory laughed, pulling him up and leaning him against her. Gwen walked out of the building and towards them.

"I think you can make your flight." Peter pointed to the blonde.

Rory was going to laugh, but an eerie, almost thriller movie, laugh grew closer and closer. Peter and Rory broke apart, looking around for the creepy laughter.

"Gwen, stay there." Rory held her hand out for the blonde to stay.

A man who stood on a hover pad landed in the space between the two parties.

"Harry?" Rory muttered. The man, who looked as if he had been turning green, glanced between the parties. He recognized Gwen, turning to the spider vigilante and laughed.

"Peter." He seethed. "When you said Spider-man said no, you meant you said no!"

"Harry, what did you do?" Peter stepped forward, nonchalantly pushing Rory behind him.

"What you made me do." Harry shook his head. "You were my friend, and you betrayed me!"

"No," Peter shook his head. "I was trying to protect you."

"Oh." Harry chuckled humorlessly. "Look at me!"

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. We can fix this." Rory stepped forward slightly.

"Hmm, you must be Rory, then. I should have known. Dad always said Gina took pride in her daughter." Harry seethed before turning back to Peter. "You don't give people hope. You take it away."

"No, Harry." Peter stepped forward.

"Now, I'm gonna take away what you desire most!" Harry swooped around, grabbing her.

. . .

            PETER WASN'T THINKING STRAIGHT. He had her, Harry had her.

He swung after them, climbing to the top of the tower. He shot webs left and right, trying to get a hold on the hover pad, but the Osborn villain was too quick.

"Harry, stop this right now! This isn't you, Harry!" Peter tried to calm him down, all the while freaking out. "This is...This is not you! Harry, put her down!"

"Harry is dead!" The Goblin yelled to the vigilante.

"Harry! This is between you and me. You want to fight? Fight me! Let her go." Peter yelled up, eyes continuously glancing to the girl in the monsters arms.

"Okay." Harry mumbled before dropping his arms to his side. The girl he held gasped as she fell.

"No!" Peter jumped, catching the girl and falling into the tower. They landed harshly on one of the landings.

"You okay?" Peter asked her, glancing her over for any injuries.

"Mm-mm." The girl he loved shook her head. Harry dropped a bomb, and when it exploded, the girl fell again. Peter grabbed her hand quickly.

"I got you. I got you-" He cut himself off. "I'm gonna put you down right here." He let go, shooting a web and carefully placed the young woman down on a lower landing. Peter began sending webs and blows at his old friend.

The young woman tried her hardest to get away from the fight.

Harry lost his hover pad, it fell right onto the wheels she jumped across.

She began falling again, Peter was quick to shoot a web to her hand.

He began to pull her up, but Harry jumped on his back. Peter fell, the falling woman yelped. Harry kicked the Parker man's wrist, the web falling into the crook of a gear.

Peter head butted Harry then punched him, shooting a web to stick his hand to another gear. He then shot another, wrapping it around the Osborn's neck. The gear moved and Harry was jerked back harshly. Peter glanced over his shoulder.

The gear was about to move again, meaning it would cut the web, but Peter stuck his foot between it to stop it.

"Peter?" She called, however, the gear turned despite Peter's attempts to stop it. The web snapped and she yelled before falling again.

All the gears burst, Harry was tossed away. Peter looked over, she was falling and there was nothing to stop her but the rough ground.

He dove through the debris, his sights on her alone. He couldn't let her die. Not now, not ever. He loved her to much to see her gone. Tears burned in her eyes.

Peter shot a web, it too reaching out for her. He saw as she closed her eyes, she knew he couldn't save her. She knew it was too late.

The web attached to her abdomen and Peter caught a pole. It wasn't enough.

Her head hit the ground harshly, and she stopped moving.

Peter stuck the web to the pole, jumping down and landing gracefully. He ripped his mask off, lifting her body before falling to the ground with her in his arms.

"Hey, hey." He shook her slightly, his breathing becoming scarce. When she didn't answer him, not even opening her eyes, he began to cry.
"Hey, no. Hey, come on. Wake up, please." He brushed the hair out of her face. "Stay with me. Stay with me. You stay with me." Blood trickled from her nose.


. . .

𝙄𝙉 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙎𝙋𝙄𝘿𝙀𝙍𝙎 𝙒𝙀𝘽 • p. parkerWhere stories live. Discover now