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The palace where the empress resided was a very beautiful and quiet place after what happened to him. He was accused of poisoning the Imperial Concubine who was 4 months pregnant. The concubine had always wanted to be rid of the empress but didn't always get her desired result.

The empress was to be released today from the cold palace, he hasn't seen his quadruplets for a year. When he was sent to the cold palace he didn't even fight for the truth because he knew very well who had actually poisoned the concubine. It was herself, she was wicked enough to poison herself just to get rid of the empress and it worked for a year only and things are about to change with the return of the empress.

"The Empress returns to the Golden palace." the empress's eunuch announced as the empress arrived with her entourage from the cold palace. The four twins who heard what the eunuch said were beyond happy that their mother was back home and rushed towards the gate of the Golden palace in anticipation of seeing their mother. The servants who were left to care for the palace we're happy to hear that their master was home, they knew he was framed, but because they were mere servants they can't help their master when he was accused.

"Your majesty." the servants called out while bowing their heads.

"Mother!!!" the qaud called as they came running towards their mother. It's not that they were not with manners but the empress had told them not to be formal with him. The kids almost trampled their mother as they fell on top of him.

"My babies, I've missed you so much. I'm sorry I couldn't celebrate your birthday, but don't worry this empress will hold a grand party for you and invite grandma and grandpa alright." Aria said while smiling.

"Yes mother!" the replied in unison.

"We missed you very much mother. Imperial Father is a bad guy for taking you away from us." Anna said while wiping away her tears with her hand.

The five people just sat on the ground catching up with each other not minding the fact that they were on the floor.

The empress gave birth to his four babies five years ago, they were a product of the wedding night between the newly wed couple. The sex was very bad for the recipient as he kept getting slapped on the ass cheeks, suffocated and all that sadistic shit. The emperor was a kinky bitch and he wanted to punish his empress for stealing the throne he kept for his concubine, a lowly commoner concubine.

The first born, a boy was named Aaron, he had dark hair like the emperor, blue eyes like the empress and had the nose of his maternal grandfather. Pointy. He's build was similar to that of the emperor when he was still but a young boy and he had he's father's temperament, arrogance and vileness.

The second born, a girl, Anna, had her mother's golden blonde hair, blue eyes and the nose of her partenal grandmother and lips of her maternal grandmother. She was more like her mother, calm, collected and beautiful.

The third born, a boy, Alex, had his maternal mother's gray eyes, the former emperor's brunette hair, nose of the former empress and lips of his maternal grandmother.

Last but not least, Ariel. The second princess of the empire. She was a splitting image of her mother Aria. Pouty pink lips, beautiful blue foxy eyes, pointy nose, beautifully chubby, dimple cheeks and long eyelashes.

With these kids the empress was untouchable, not only had Aria birthed the crown prince, he also gave life to the first prince and princess and the second all at the same time. His throne was very secure but those hags in the harem will not backdown thus why he needed to call those hoes in and announce his return before things got out of hand.

"Your Majesty. Please get up from the ground." one of the maids said she had seen enough of this shit that the empress did. It was as if the man was another man, not the naive fool who was foolishly in love with that bastard emperor. Of course the maid only voiced these in her head, she loved her life and she wasn't ready to loose her head.

"The arrival of the queen empress." the eunuch announced and in came the glorious mother of the emperor walking very elegantly with her followers.

"Aria. Why are you on the filthy ground. Get up that's not lady like." Kathy said.

"I'm not a lady to begin with Empress mother." he said getting up and pulling his kids up, one by one.

"I'll go get changed. Mia get the tea and some snacks ready in my pavilion. If you don't mind Mother I'll just have a quick change of clothes and be with you." Aria said before walking towards his bedroom.

10 minutes later he came with a new set of clothes and was ready to entertain Kathy.

"Mother in-law, what brings you here today?"Aria said acting oblivious to the fact that he just got out of the cold palace.

"Very funny. Are you well though?" she asked him.

"I've never been better mother." Aria said with a very smirky smile.

"Just don't get hurt ok. You're the mother of the nation." Kathy stated.

The queen empress knew that smile very well, it was a smile that delivered violence everywhere it went and whoever received the violence either got to tell the tale in a very injured state or they don't tell at all.

"This old lady must head back to her palace I need some rest." she said standing up. Aria walked her out and stood by the gates thinking. The maids and guards who were in the area couldn't help but shudder at the thought of whomever is getting punished.

"Tell the Imperial harem to meet in my hall in 10 minutes, anyone who is late shall be punished." Aria said.

"Yes your majesty." the eunuch replied before running off to deliver the message.

Empress Aria went to get ready in his room and afterwards played with his four babies.

All the consorts, noble ladies and concubines made their way towards the empress's hall. There were a total of ten wives of the emperor, two consorts, three noble ladies and five concubines and of course each rank had two levels, except the concubines, they had many ranks. An Imperial consort held the highest position in her rank, the same for the other ranks and a royal consort is the lowest position in the rank.

The empress showed up half and hour late to the meeting on purpose he needed to see who would complain so as to punish them and of course there was no one who complained.

"The arrival of her majesty the empress." Aria's eunuch announced. All the wives stood up to greet the empress.

"All hail the empress." everyone said, bowing their heads kneeling, from Imperial consort to the lowest of guards present.

"You may rise." Aria said once he sat on his throne in his hall. All those present stood up and sat in their respective chairs, only the maids and guards stood on their feet.

"I see my sisters are as beautiful as ever, did anyone miss me?" Aria questioned innocently.

"Thank you your majesty. And we did miss you dearly." Imperial consort Mary said. The empress snickered.

"Oh really, why is Imperial Concubine Rose looking like she could kill me?" Aria sneered. He knew the woman never liked her. Heck he wouldn't like himself as he got in between two lovers. But to frame another person, now that's just bullshit and the empress was full on vengeance mode.

"Anyway how have all of you been?" Aria asked, all the wives began to tell their well beings. The Imperial Concubine gave birth to a girl. The Royal Consort was five months pregnant and all the other wives were still how he left them a year ago.

"Congratulations Royal Consort Lee. I must advice you be ware of the snakes around the palace. They move quietly and look innocent but are very poisonous." Aria stated with an emotionless face.

"Thank you for the advice your majesty. I'll look after myself." The consort replied.

Edited to my best capability

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